TRUTH AND LIES Season 2 Episodes 1 – 3

I kept looking around and finally, my eyes ran into Mico.
But…He was talking with Samantha.


And she was smiling.

I was about standing up to go to him, but Suzy held me back.

It seems she had also seen them.

“Don’t worry, let’s make him come to you” she said and I wondered what she meant.

Then, she stood up and went to ivy in the crowd and they talked for a short while.

After some time, she returned to where I was and sat on the floor next to me.

Then, Ivy went to where the music was coming from and turned it off.


“Hello, everyone!” She spoke audibly and everyone turned to her.

‘Don’t you think the dancing is enough already? Why don’t we all play a game?” She said and the students started cheering.

At first, they started with an easy truth or dare.
But after some time, Ivy called me out and I wondered what she was up to.

“This is our pretty miss Alyssa, the representative of Manilla city.
Anyone who gets the highest bid on her will have the privilege of spending the night with her”.

Everybody gasped and I was also left gobsmacked.
What does Ivy think she’s doing?

“ivy?” I called and turned to her in shock.

“Chillax darling” she whispered and I scoffed.

“But, all the contestants are expected to sleep in the girls dorm, ivy” somebody said from the crowd.

“Well, I guess that should be left for me and my dad” she replied with a smirk.

“1000 pesos” Mico said and stepped out and everybody started clapping and cheering.

I smiled and awaited him to get to where I was and when he did, I embraced him.

I was almost scarred.

“You can thank me later” ivy whispered as I still held him and I laughed.

“1500 pesos” I suddenly heard a voice and everyone gasped.

Who’s that?

I unlocked from the hug and turned around and…Holy Christ!
I saw Jeremy walking in with a group of boys.

1500 pesos” he repeated as he got to where we were and stopped.

God, no!
I don’t think I’m breathing anymore.
This cannot happen.


Click 5 below to read episode 3