By Melody.

Chapter 14.

Xan came out from the bathroom looking wet and smoky while rubbing his hair with a big towel.

He stopped at the mirror and halted to a stop staring at his reflection in the mirror.

He realised he was also dmn good-looking too but yet no one realises it.

He leaned down to pick up a brush from the cabinet when he noticed something on the desk.

He stooped up, grabbing the paper that was hiding behind his mirror.

Opening up the paper, he found it was a letter and it resembled vixen’s writing.

He was suprised that he was just seeing the letter for the very first time.

He found his way to sit on the bed, running his eyes on the words he wrote.

And the words all spoke to him like it was vixen, speaking directly into his head.

” Xan. I hope you are having a good time with amy now. I hope she’s done insulting me. I also hope she’s awake now after the breakdown.

You wanted to know where i was going, right?. I left, brother. I left because i couldn’t bare all amy said to me. I was very pained.

You win xan, thumbs to you. But I’ll advice you not to sit down and think all is well for you cus I’m still coming back for ya. This time around, it’s going to be another form of revenge that you wouldn’t expect.

Some time ago, you asked me the reason for my revenge and i never told you right?. Fine, I’ll tell you in this letter.

Guess you don’t remember back then in highschool anymore. Of course you would have forgotten, ha!.

Don’t you remember, Alicia. The girl whom you called the dumb student. Yes, Alicia, my girlfriend.”

Xan slowly urged his head from the paper, trying to take his mind towards his time at highschool.

Well, that was so many years ago. He wondered how come vixen was bothered about what happened years ago.




Under the rain..

16 year old young Vixen quickly took off his school jacket and placed it over Alicia’s body.

” Are you still cold?” He asked, rubbing her brittle hair gently.

She shaked her head in disapproval then looked away towards the roadside.

It was rainy heavily and few student were going home.

She stretched out her palm towards the rain and let the drops fall on it.

She picked vixen’s palm and also stretched it out in the rain.

” You like the rain?. We should go under it?” He asked, smiling widely.

She nodded her head in haste determination and He picked her and they ran into the rain like happy free kids.

He swirled her and danced under it, not minding whoever was watching them.

He threw his jacket off her shoulder and hugged her wet body.

He picked her up from her waist, her black shoes hanging in the air.

slowly, he drew off her nose mask exposing her beautiful Asian face.

He drew closer and placed his lips on hers.



Alicia jammed up her locker close and began to head towards her class.

She staggered to a stop the moment she saw xan mounting towards her.

Her eyes bulged out and she quickly turned around to take another route.

” Hey!. Dumb girl!. Don’t move an inch!” She heard his voice ring down the hall.

She stopped instantly, hugging her books in her chest. His footsteps became thicker with every steps he took.

” Turn around!” Xan ordered, stopping once he got a feet away from her.

She slowly turned, making her face visible to him. She had her hair made into two ponytail.

” Didn’t i warn you to stop taking this lane whenever I’m around?” Xan asked, glaring at her.

She shaked her heads, showing him the books with her.

” Oh. So let me guess, You went to grab some books for yourself” Xan mimicked his voice, sounding disgusted.

She nod and looked down fearfully.

” You read everytime yet nothing get into that stinky skull of yours!” He yelled, htting her forehead with his knuckles.

She winced, stepping away to rest on the other board of the locker.

” Where’s that insane boyfriend of yours. He isn’t here to protect you this time right?. How about i suprise him today?”

She rubbed her palms together as a way to plead. Tears began to stream out of her eyes.

” Who said i wanted your sad…sad apologies?” Xan mused walking closer to her.

She looked sideways, hoping to expect vixen anytime soon but the hallway was empty.

” Come here!” Xan gritted.

He gr.abbed her hair and pulled her neck sideways before boring his lips on her neck.

He kssed her very hard, finding his way to tag an hickey on them.

He grabbed hold of her bbs and squeezed it gently, as if to memorise it texture and softness.

His tngue trailed and dug deeper into her neck and Alicia could only wince and mumble words in pain.

Xan tore his lips from her neck, staring at the huge hickey he had made on her.

He stared at her wet face.

” Good thing you can’t talk. It’s going to be you and i all trough the ride” He grinned.

She shaked her heads painfully, begging him silently.

” No need to beg. Let enjoy this moment now. You didn’t can ask for it, it’s free” He said.

He hungrily kssed her everywhere. Her shoulder, face, neck, lips…were all wet from his ksses.

She fought hard with him, trying to let go but he overpowered her.

He pinned her to the wall, applying all his effort to have her….right there and then.

She felt him hit her head on something metalic. Her eyes bulged out…

Slowly, She slipped down the wall arriving to the floor. Her head fell over and her eyes closed up.

” Alicia…” xan gently called.

That was the last time Alicia was known to have existed.


Xan heaved a wholesome sigh as he fell his back on the bed.

The paper slowly fell off his hands to drop on the floor.

He remembered what he did to her and how vixen felt after that day. Vixen wasn’t the dvil…the usual Mr dmon king.

He was a kind and caring human who fell in love to protect poor dumb Alicia.

After her de.ath, Vixen never remained the same with him. He became the dvil incarnate.

He hated his brother more than anything and was always one way or the other planning a revenge on him to make his life miserable.

Xan just realised he was at fault and there was no amends to them any longer.

He palmed his forehead, letting tears make way down his lids.

” Alicia.” He muttered loudly.

He swallowed in a sour taste and closed up his wet eyes.

He picked up a pillow throwing it away with anger. He exhaled deeply wanting to just kll himself.

Howcome he was so heartless towards that poor girl. He knew very well she didn’t do anything wrong to him.

He sat up, running his fingers into his hair, feeling completely helpless.




Amy came out of her room closing up the door with her two palm, giving a gentle thud.

She met xan also tripping out of his room as well and she arranged her nest hair.

She quickly ran towards him and tiptoed before pinching his neck from behind.

” Ouch!” Xan muttered, palming his neck while closing up his room door.

He turned around.

” Good morning!” Amy popped up from no where to greet him with a big toothy smile.

Xan pocketed his arm and began to step away ignoring her greeting.

” I hope you didn’t stare at the roof when you were suppose to sleep?” He asked.

” Well i should ask you, Mr xan. Your eyes have black bags under them. Didn’t you sleep last night?” She asked.

” I asked you a question first, miss Amy blanc.” Xan responded.

” I did try and sleep at night.” She said.

” Good. That’s all i wanted to hear. Let move to do a little yoga.” He said getting into the kitchen.

He picked a bowl of different species of fruit from the chopping table and began to head the other route.

Amy aimlessly followed him behind tormenting him with questions.

” What about that your fiancée?” Amy questioned.

” I changed my mind, Amy. She isn’t coming any longer so don’t bother your little brain thinking about her”

” Okay!” Amy rejoiced and began to dance her waist from behind him. How glad she felt to be the only one to have xan to herself.

Xan turned to face her. She quickly stood tall, pretending to have been doing nothing.

” Remember. This is a yoga class so it should be heavenly calm and silent. Understood?”

” Mn.” She nodded.

He turned around and pulled the door open. Amy walked in, staring around the gorgeous empty room.

It was a wide room. The only room to have been made with a brown carpet and big large windows.

Xan dropped the bowl of fruit on the floor and went to open up the large white curtains.

The beauty of the wide empty room came out in full view as soon as the curtains were flanged upwards.

Xan came back, cracking up his neck and arm, finding his way to the floor.

” Okay. Let start with something simple. Like maintaining a calm mind.” He said.

Amy joined him, sitting infront of him.

” I’m totally ready now.” She responded.

” Close your eyes” he told her.

She squeezed her face together, her eyeballs still moving nervously.

Xan stretched out his arm and pressed his thumb on her eyes and made them a little calm before letting go of her.

” Now just remain calm for a few minute until i say you should open your eyes okay?”

” Mn.” She mumbled.

He inhaled and closed up his eyes as well, looking lost in his realm.

Amy sneakily peeked her eyes open and saw that Mr xan was lost doing yoga.

She quickly stretched her palm to grab some grapefruit from the bowl.

She plonked it into her mouth quickly and returned back to her yoga.

” Spit them out now” xan said, opening back up his eyes to stare at her.

” Mn?” She mumbled, opened her eyes to look at him.

” Mn. What you are eating” He said stretching his hands forward.

She quickly gulped down the hard content into her throat giggled at him in mimcry.

” Amy, Focus.” He warned her again.

” okay..okay. I’ll focus this time around.” She said and closed her eyes shut, looking overly serious as him.

Xan stared at her amusingly for a while. He threw his eyes chuckling inwardly.

She could be paid millions if they were suppose to award people with that serious look on her face.

She b!t her lips, licking out the content of the grapefruit with her tongue.

He stared at her pink, plum lips and all he wanted was to kss her there with so much satisfaction.

He leaned down slowly and placed his arm on the floor, getting close to her face

” I can feel someone’s hot breath.” She mummered.

Xan stopped halfway and looked at her.

” Open your eyes now” He said.

Amy slowly opened her eyes and she screamed holding Xan’s face that was only an inch away from her.

” Hahh!. What are you doing?” She asked, her heart racing wildly inside her chest.

” What were you thinking?. i only wanted to do this.” He said and leaned down.

He opened his lips and slowly grabbed her little nose gently, b!ting to it in a relaxed way. .

He leaned away from her and stared at her flushed red face.

It was obvious that she was a shy type. He hadn’t even kssed her and she was already red.

” If you don’t focus then i won’t focus as well. So pay attention” He said with a grin.

He picked her two arms and placed it on his shoulder and did the same as well.

” The next step. Feel your surroundings for noises.” He said.

She nodded her head and closed up her eyes. The room became extraordinaryly quiet.

Soon, they both heard the sound of a car horn.

They opened back their eyes at the same time and stared at eachother’s eyes.

Xan was the first to stand up on his feet and Amy followed him like a pet towards the window.

There was a black small car. Xan couldn’t recognise this car very well but he knew he had seen it.

He turned to Amy.

” Stay out here, I’ll be back.”

” Wait. I can’t stay up here alone” she said.

” huh?. Um…take your time and finish up the rest of the fruit.” He told her and she happily accepted.

Such a foodie,’ xan thought.

Xan closed up the door and ran towards the stairs. He climbed down hastily and arrived at the grand floor.

He stopped halfway because he suddenly became shocked.

He thought that this was actually a dream for him to find BB sitting on one of the sofas.

He was totally lost and dumbstruck.

” Xan.” She half smiled, standing up from the sofa to meet him.

She was wearing a red gloss dinner gown and her blonde dark hair was made into a bun behind her.

” What are the heck are you doing here? Haven’t i told you to stay out of my life?.” He asked, still looking exceptionally lost.

” i…i…came back, Xan. I…i just realised that i couldn’t do out there all alone. My life has been a real mess.” She pouted, making a sad face.

Xan faked a laugh, staring very speechless again.

” A mess huh?. i wish you could listen to the trash you just said. Like seriously, this is really funny. You mean after three mad month you still came back and…”

” And i came back feeling sorry. I’m very sorry xan. Isn’t that enough?. I’m sorry i didn’t come back to apologise when i had to. i was only scared of coming across with vixen again.”

” So?. What do you expect me to do now. Accept your apology and accept you back?”

She moved closer, placing her arm on his chest.

” Xan. I want you to think about the good days and not the bad times, okay?. I gathered so much courage to be able stand here with you.”

Xan pulled her away.

” You need to leave, quickly. I mean, immediately!. You can’t stay here!” He ordered.

” Why?. I thought you said you would do anything to have me back. Why do you want me to leave now?. Mn?” She rubbed his face gently.

” BB. Get the fk out of my home!” Xan pionted at the door. ” Come…who let this woman in?” Xan asked.

” I’m so sorry boss. I…i thought you had sent for her” the security man said, giving a slight bow.

” BB. its either you leave here yourself or i tell them to chase you out.” Xan yelled.

” No. neither of the two. I want to stay with whom i love. I won’t let you go, Xan. I won’t let you slip off my hands this time.”

She hugged him tight, sobbing silently to his chest.

” i know you’d hate me for picking such a courage to meet you but you should know that only few people take this step just to get their love back. ” she said and looked up at him.

” Xan, i love you and I’ll love you even if you don’t love me anymore, just find a heart to forgive me and let me create a space in your life. Please.. I just need a home”

The security guards walked closer to drag her off their startled boss but xan suprised them by raising his hands.

” You can let her go.” He said.

” You say you need a home. That will be the only reason you would stay here. And that will be only for a limited time.”


Amy began to climb down the stairs happily. She stopped halfway when she saw a girl hugging tight to xan with a luggage with her.

Her brows were sadly bent. ‘Maybe this was his fiancée he was talking about’ she thought.

She roughly turned around in order to run upstairs but her leg slipped and she fell on the stairs.

Xan and BB raised their chin to look up at the incident.

Amy quickly stood up on her feet and had no choice than to descend the stairs and meet them.

Her hands were shyly curled behind her back.

” Xan. Who’s this?” BB asked as she looked up at xan.

” This is…not my friend. Just another girl who stays here with me too.” He lazily said.

BB scanned Amy’s body giving a raised brow before raising her hand for an handshake.

” I’m BB”

” Amy” She replied collecting her arm sternly.

Amy turned around to look at xan.

” Should i still wait for the yoga class or go have my bath?” Amy asked.

” Yoga class?. You teach her yoga?” BB rattled.

” She’s not well with depression and she needs someone to take care of her, which I’m doing”

” Well, you don’t have to worry about anything xan. I can handle her yoga class and teach her everything she would need” she randomly smiled.

” Thanks for the help but it’s my responsibility” He said stepping away.

” Amy. You can go have your bath. We’ll continue tomorrow and as for you, BB, staying here doesn’t mean you….just forget about it” He waved his hands and continued to step away.

BB sighed and turned to Amy, snapping her thumbs.

” Quickly. You can take my bags up to my room. Remember, i need a spacious room” She ordered around.

Amy creased up her brows, looking at her utterly confused.

This fiancée of xan, was she coming here to taunt her life.


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