By Melody.

Chapter 35.

Xan didn’t listen to what his brother had said about leaving his office. He bravely walked over to his table and palmed his arms on it, boring his eyes at him fiercely.

He cleared his throat to begin.

” Vixen. I know you hate me so much now but this is high time we stop this hatred kind of a thing and just move on.” He said, very calmly.

Vixen raised his eyesballs in disgust and met his brothers eyes.

” I might try to move on. But It’s not over yet, xan. And this time around, I’m not changing back to the good boy. This is how it will end between the two of us.”

Xan eyes turned like that of tigers after hearing what his brother said. He knew convincing such a person like vixen was like struggling to fill a basket.

” I don’t care as much as my body can’t pass through a pin hole!. For Godsake, i knew i was wrong by going back to date Amy. But, Amy was never my past. She’s here with me as my present and I’m going to make her my future, hear me?”

” Goodluck with the arrangement.” He said, returning back to his book to flip it open.

Xan stared at him for a while before he gasped a hard sigh.

” Vixen. I truly love Amy. I…i..don’t know how to express the love i have for her. I can’t possibly leave her just to make peace with you. If you decide to hate me because of her, i guess I’m never coming back to apologise for a second time.”

” Goodbye..”

” And if you think of coming for a third revenge against me, then…Go ahead and cause me as much pain as you wish to cause your brother. But the love i have for amy will not make me vanish away from her.”

” I’ve heard you. I said goodbye!. Leave my office. You have your office, go talk to yourself there and feel sober.” He yelled, waving his hands.

” I’m sorry, vixen, For the hundredth time we’ve been on earth together. This is going to be my last apology, Goodbye.”

” Yeah, Goodbye!. Make sure you don’t slip on your steps!” Vixen retaliated and xan walked out of his office, slamming the door hardly.




Vixen opened the door and slowly stepped into katrina’s office. He walked in only to meet her sleeping on her desk inbetween working hours.

He stepped towards her side and stared down at her fleek straight lashes, realising that she had earlier cried.

The traces of her tears had visibly lined up on her cheeks.

He palmed her face and felt the cold texture of her skin. She snored soundly, almost like an harmless pet.

His thumb dragged down to carress her dry chapped lips.

” Kate..” he called gently.

She began to move her body to adjust herself, yawning and building her arms in the air. Vixen leaned up from her as he watched her made to sit.

” Are you okay?” His calm voice shifted her back to the present.

Katrina turned to look at him, her next expression was very astonished.

” What the fk!. How did you get into my office without being a ghost?” She rattled.

Vixen was taken aback for a while. He even had to stare back at the door.

” What do you mean. Your keys were just on the keyhole.” he said.

” So?. How dare you disrupt my beauty sleep!. This was supposed to be my nap time.”

His jaw dropped the moment he heard her. He placed his hands in his pocket and turned to face her fully.

” Wait a minute. So, you created time to have a nap in this office. How come i never figured out?” He asked.

She shaked her heads, resting her cheek on her palm as she stared at him.

” You never know what’s happening in your life. That’s why you never realised that you are a beardless kid” She said.

Vixen palmed his chin and realised she was absolutely right.

He didn’t remember the last time he got a shave and he never for once gave a thought about it.

” What are you doing in my office then?” She asked, abruptly shifting the conversation.

Vixen grabbed the other chair infront of her and placed it next to her to sit.

” i need you to repeat what you said ealier this morning. I didn’t understand anything you said”

” Arg!. that’s not your business, just go away. I don’t reveal secrets to anyone.” She mumbled, taking her face away.

Vixen sighed as he stared at her. He knew she was hiding something and probably keeping it away from people.

He wouldn’t take a break until he was able to figure out what was bothering her inside. Perhaps, he would be able to help and that’s might actually change her entire life.

He leaned his arm on her table and pulled her chin to look at him.

” Can i take you somewhere?”

” Where?”

” Like it’s kinda somewhere around this building. Just come with me, it’s a little bit of suprise.” He said, stretching forth his arm.

She stared at his arm and ignored it, standing up.

” I can stand up and walk on my own, don’t need any help.” she muttered, leaving her seat.

Vixen took her out of the office before slamming the door.

They went through the office’s corridors until they arrived at an elevator in which they entered.

Inside the elevator, they were both silent, afraid of exchanging that eye contact. The elevator took them to the upmost area in the company and they arrived on a rooftop.

It was a large blank room with a breathtaking view of the beautiful sky and world. The both of them were like tiny ant compared to the extraordinary facade.

Katrina looked around folding her arm on her chest with a face expression that seemed very very well not impressed.

” So where’s the suprise you were talking about?” She asked, looking at him.

” This is it. The view out here is so marvelous. Don’t you see for yourself?” He asked.

” All i see is the dumb sky. Gosh, Let’s move back to the office.” She said turning around.

Vixen quickly caught her arm before she could start walking away.

” I have something to tell you. I need you to wait and listen to me first.” He said.

She grunted inwardly as he moved her to rest by the handrail. He inhaled the air sharply as the breeze swoosh on his bright pale face.

Katrina looked out lost, like every beauty of the world was shown in black and white.

” Kate…” vixen dwindled.

” Call me katrina, not kate…” She said.

” Fine, katrina.” He rolled his eyes sheepishly.

He drew out her hair bands and let loose her curly long hair that swept side ways on her shoulder.

” Now that’s much better. You look beautiful this way” He said and katrina allowed her words to get stuck in her throat.

She had wanted to nag him on why he dared take off her bands without her permission but his next word had given her the goose.

Vixen sighed and sucked in a hard breath.

” Katrina. Have you ever felt betrayed before?” He started, looking at thin air.

” I have been betrayed countless times.” Katrina said, forging her brows with anger.

” My brother betrayed me totally. I realised even the most trusted person you think you can rely on should not be really trusted sometimes.”

” You’ve been hurt by xan?” She asked turning to stare at him. Vixen nodded and adjusted her hair behind her ear.

” We had an issue for over twelve years and, you know after a while, we sort it out. I didn’t know he was doing more worse behind my backs.” He said and tightened his fist.

” I knew i shouldn’t have believed him. I thought he had changed, i changed too. I thought we were cool.

I got to know that my girlfriend was pregnant for him and he’s so happy to say it. I feel so heartbroken.” He said, stiffing his breath.

Katrina covered the space between them and rubbed his back.

” You just have to let things go, vixen. I’m sure you would fall in love with someone one day. Afterall, you are such a cool guy.” She said and vixen turned to look at her.

” I’m a cool guy?” He asked

” Whatever.” She rolled her eyes, cupping one side of her cheeks.

” So bad your experience never had to be like mine. I’m sure my story still remains the saddest of all.” She said.

” This something bad happen to you?” He asked.

” Something very dangerous, almost life threatening happened to me. It had happened that i grew up with my uncle and his kids. Tho, i worked as an help at the house.

My uncle promised to give me enough breakfast, dinner and lunch. But guess what?” She asked, staring at him with daring eyes.

” What?” Vixen mouthed.

” At age 13, he would leave his wife room and come to the artic where i sleep.

He would..he would show me his private and tell me to do all sort of things with it.” She said as tears clouded eyes.

Vixen jaw dropped as he stared at her in awe.

” He would make me go nked infront of him and do the same. He warned me not to tell anyone, either his kids or wife. He made me feel so distraught” She said and sniffed her nose.

A smile cunningly left her lips.

” That wasn’t the end. A year later, his wife caught us both in the actions.

She chased me out in the street and I got rapped by some highschool thugs. I got pregnant and did an abo.rtion afterwards”

” Geez. All that happened to you?” Vixen asked, trying to not get speechless

” Yes.” She sniffed. ” Things turned better for me after i was adopted by a widow. Yeah, but that didn’t make me forget my awful past.”

” What about your parent?. Aren’t they aware of this too?”

” I’m an orphan. Ion know if they’re alive.” She said, wiping the tears of her cheek.

” So, i guess that’s why I’m this way. I feel isolated. I feel no one will ever love me. I’m the worst human on earth!” She yelled, biting her lip.

Vixen slowly grabbed her body for a hug and she tightened her arms around him as she wept on his shirt.

He knew she needed someone to atleast cuddle her like this and make her feel she wasn’t alone.

She had definitely passed through alot and even tho he was unaware of those times, he could feel as much pain she felt at that time.

If only he could get hold of that wretched man that hurt her feelings this way. He would grab him and make him suffer his 365 days with him.

He rubbed her hair gently as she silently sobbed on his chest.

” You are not alone, Kate. You have me and i promise that your life from henceforth will be filled with love and care.

Life might be terrible now but i think the best way is to move on and leave the past behind. One thing is sure to conquer all”

” Leaving the past behind?. How’s that absolutely possible when my brain is not washed?” She asked staring up at him.

” As far as you have the ‘cool guy’ with you, everything else is a dream come true.”

A smile crept on her cheeks as she stared at him. They remained silent for a while, as if revising their mind on their past.

Katrina realised she was still hugging him tight, she quickly stepped away from him.

” Hey. I can’t believe I was hugging you. Who are you to surround your hands on this filthy waist!” she blurted.


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