By Melody.

Chapter 33

It was still that same night, that long h®rrible night that refused to pass away. Xan’s tall, and built masculined figure was seen plastered on the wall shadow. He was palming the table lowering his head in disappoint.

The windows began to rattle noisily by the heavy wave of the breeze. He raised his gaze to stare at the window. It had started to drill and storm outside. It seemed like nature was feeling as much pain as he felt at that time.

He threw his hands into his pocket and hastily walked towards the window. He stopped and carresed his fingers on the cold, glossy surface. His head flashed back at the moment of bI.ood incident in his car. That bI.ood was his innocent baby.

How could it leave so soon. He couldn’t even get the chance to kss her belly when she was carrying his baby. Will he ever be able to kss her belly again. It would be an only grace if Amy was another chance to form a foetus.

He shut his eyes, resting his forehead on the window. He was so disheartened to the point that he found it hard to breath. He would find it hard to tell Amy about her baby and her womb. If he felt this way- this heart staked, then Amy might feel worse.

She might…faint or loose her senses. He brought out the ring box from his pocket and stared at it for a while. He was going to give it to Amy soon.

He preferred to stay childless with her than to dumb her for another girl.

But he was confused if to give her the ring now or after the secret was leaked. The door creaked open and xan turned his head to find Amy trotting towards him with that unconditional smile.

He quickly tucked the box back into his pocket and watched her made a flay stop infront of him. She tugged his shirt.

” Hey!. Aren’t you coming to sleep with me. I thought you were running after me a while ago” She said, looking at his distraught face.

Xan sighed, running his fingers into his hair as he managed to smirk.

” I just thought of looking out the window for a while. The rain seems quite cool.” He said, palming his arm on the glass again.

Amy turned to look at the window. She traced her eyes at the rain drops that fell on the glass with her finger still crouching onto Xan’s shirt.

She turned to stare at him and tugged his shirt harder.

” Then When will you come over to sleep after you are done watching the rain?”

” Very soon.” He said.

” Very soon you said. I’ll be upstairs.” She said and left hold of him as she stepped back.

She paid attention to his eyes and saw that they were almost lifeless. His eyes were the most painful thing to stare at.

” Are you okay, xan. Your face looks…very very dull.” She said stretching her palm to touch his cheekbones.

Xan nodded and raised his hand to palm her hands that were on his cheek.

” I’ll be fine, Amy. You don’t have to bother yourself about me. Just go to bed and be happy.” He said.

” But i can’t sleep or be happy until i know you are fine.” She blinked. He placed a single finger on her pink and suppled lips.

” Shh. I’m fine, baby. Totally fine…” He said and inched his head close to her face, capturing her lips quickly but gently.

And then they remained stiff there, next to the window as he roamed his salivating mouth into her sweet lips. Amy slowly shut her fleek lashes as her fingers on his shirt became weak. She dropped her arm and felt her heart skip and beat.

Xan leaned into her body, both his firm hands carressed very gentle on her exposed thghs, till he got under her little nightwear. He instantly hugged her, pressing her tight to himself. Amy winced.

” Careful!. My baby might cry” she giggled, pulling his strong arms off her waist.

Xan stepped back as his face slightly got blunt. She was still being fond of her baby again. He knew it would be difficult convincing her that her baby wasn’t there. He heaved a sigh and threw his hands to his hair.

” Go to bed, Amy.” He muttered.

” Smile for me, xan. Just do a little sweet chuckle so that i can know you are truly fine ” She said.

” Sweet chuckle?. The kiss wasn’t enough?” He asked and she widely shaked her heads in approval.

Xan lowered his gaze for a while. He was finding even a little chuckle very difficult. Tears were much easier for him. He looked at her anxious and awaiting face and curved his lip up slowly into a forced smile. She felt happy to see his stunning smile at last.

” Good!” She clapped.

” That’s enough, Now you can go to bed.” He said.

” I give you one minute!. One pinky…bitsy minute..” she stretched her little finger at his face.

Xan tried to bite her little finger but she hastily brought them to hide behind her backs. He laughed palming her head gently.

” What would you do to me if i surpass my time curfew of one minute?”

” Then I’ll get to be the only one to spend the night alone in your room for a week.” She folded her arm proudly.

” I doubt if you won’t feel scared to sleep alone. You’d be the one running to jump and hug me later on.” He said and Amy shyly pushed him on his chest.

Afterall, he was not wrong. She knew the kind of girl she was. She would wrap him with her hands and leg if he let her go. She scuffed.

” Okay. Good night!” she waved and Xan left her and watched her skip away.

After she left, He turned to rest his back on the wall, throwing his head up as he gulped nothing down his throat. No one knew his pain, not even his Amy. Not even….himself.

Just then, vixen walked in as well. He was walking towards the fridge when he met xan leaning by the wall.

He picked a glass of brew and let the cold drink fizz into his cup. Xan didn’t move a bit even after hearing the fizzing sound.

He decided to walk up to him.

” Hey?…dude?.” He called, nudging his shoulder.

Xan opened his eyes, pinning his eyes at the roof.

” What is it?” He said with a firm husky voice.

Vixen sipped out of the drink and leaned himself on the wall.

” Why do you keep looking like your life would end today?. Did Amy dump you?” He sneered, biting the edge of his cup.

Xan stared at him like he was silently shoving an invisible dagger at him to back off.

” Move away.” Xan said trying to leave. Vixen caught him by pulling his extra shirt to a stop.

” C’mon. I might hate you like sh!t. But you are still my brother and i need to know what’s wrong with your life.”

” You can’t solve the problem in my life right now so just let go of my shirt so i can move ”

” Look if it’s about us being enemies, to be very sincere, I’ve forgiven you a long time ago. I know you deserve Amy and I’ve decided to stop being a gooseberry”

” That’s not it” Xan said.

” So what is it?” he asked. Xan walked over to the dinner chair and sat down and vixen followed suit. He rubbed his cold knuckles and sighed.

” Remember i told you i was going to see Amy’s mom today. You know, to just give her a formal visit.”

” Yeah, yeah. I remember” vixen nodded, sipping his drink.

” It had happened that she gave Amy a poisoned breakfast and she began to bI.eed in the car. ”

” Lord!. Geez. BI.eed, through her mouth?”

” She bI.eeded through her legs. Her food was mixed with a terrible pill. She…she just_ lost her baby and her womb.”

Vixen hiccup. His lips dropped back the drink he failed to swallow into his cup.

” I’m sorry. I have to go to bed, I’m in a curfew.” Xan said leaving. Vixen dropped back his cup, holding him in place.

” Xan. Tell me that this is a big lie. Amy lost her baby?!. And even her womb?!. When?. All in one day?!” He rumbled. Xan bit his lips and sat down back.

” You heard me clearly. She lost it all.” He said heaving for breath.

” Wait. Did you say you visited her mom. You mean her mom did this to her?. Wait..why…how is this happening…I’m just too confused”

” There’s nothing as confusing as when Amy herself is unaware that the baby died. She thinks she is still pregnant and it’s klling me, vixen. It’s klling me like crazy.”

Vixen bent his brows sadly. No wonder he met Amy still strong and hearty. Poor her, she wasn’t even aware herself. But how’s that possible.

” How come she doesn’t know about all this?. I mean…the abo.rtion?. The pills?.. The bI.ood?. How come?”

” Sigh, vixen. She doesn’t know that she was po!soned with a pill. Her baby was surgically flushed.” Xan said, palming his cheek.

” Oh my God!” Vixen palmed his lips.

” I don’t know how to explain it to her right now. It’s going to be damn difficult.”

” Geez. This is so extraordinary. Are you sure you okay, xan. How are you going to digest this?”

Xan rubbed his face and inhaled deeply.

” I’ll be fine. We should be talking about Amy, she’s the real victim here. Do i have to tell her now or after we get married?” He asked.

” You want to marry?. Her?” He blurted.

Xan nodded his head. Vixen looked away, squinting his eyes in hopes of searching the best solution to all this huge problem.



Amy covered her face with a pillow, hitting them with annoyance.

” I said one minute!. One pinky…bitsy..Hahh whatever!!” She yelled. She threw the pillow away and sat up rubbing her eyes.

She couldn’t sleep. She had been rolling on the bed continuously and now the duvet was a mess.

The room felt very cold and the rain came with a thunderstorm. She threw her legs down to pick a blanket and she winced.

She had been having a severe pain under her belly after returning from the hospital but she wanted to hide it and make sure xan was okay. She climbed down the bed and picked a blanket to cover her shoulder.

She stood infront of the mirror. She didn’t feel like a pregnant girl anymore. She wasn’t having those complicated and uncomfortable feelings.

She knew she would always feel nausea and sometimes too hungry but the days were now different. She felt totally very normal now, like as if her body was empty. What if her baby wasn’t alright.

She pouted her lips like a crybaby as she held her stomach. It was still very flat. Girls in her stage must have gotten a potty belly and a swollen legs, why is her’s taking much longer.

She dropped the wrapper on the bed and left the room. She walked down the stairs and decided to herself that she would spend her time with xan until she fall asleep on his chest.

As she walked down the stairs she began to hear murmurs of vixen talking to xan in a loud, raspy manner.

She stopped in her steps and looked out with a surged wide eyes. What if vixen was trying to hurt xan again. She bent her brows sadly as she tiptoed down the feet of the stairs.

Getting to the door of the kitchen, she found it open. She hid her body and peeked her head to stare at the two men who were facing eachother.

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