The students rushed into the school in groups, some were talking about the fun they had at the MOSTAVE special while others just gossiped. Nicholas’ car drove into the school, he had brought Stacey to school.

“You don’t have to come back later I will follow Autumn” she said and wanted to stand up but he dragged her to his lap.

“So you wanted to go without giving me a goodbye kiss” he asked.

“I should have known,” she muttered and pecked him.

“Not accepted,” he said and dragged her into a long kiss. He started kissing her deeply. Delaney, who had seen her brother’s car , decided to greet him since they didn’t see each other yesterday. She was shocked to see them in that position, she stared for sometime before going back to her class. Stacy waves at Nicholas before running to the class.

They all hugged her and she was happy, she doesn’t know why such higher people would love an ordinary maid just like her, she was so happy to meet friends like them. Things are still awkward between Brielle and Dalton, they haven’t said anything to each other since yesterday, they just keep staring at each other. Dalton and Parker had make up and they are no longer fighting again. Francisco was a bit down because he couldn’t stop thinking about the date, he was praying In his mind that Dalton wouldn’t ask her again. He doesn’t even know why he was feeling that way, he just didn’t want the date, maybe what Delaney said was true, he was really changing.

“Are you okay?” Autumn asked and touched his forehead to feel his temperature.

He didn’t say anything and just stared at her face.

“Are you sick? Your temperature is okay though” she said worriedly.


“Am okay” he said and dropped her hand.

“So what’s wrong?” She asked.

“It’s nothing, do you perhaps like Dalton ?” He asked.

“Why did you ask?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

“Something is wrong with me, please forget that I asked that” he said and left her side.

“He is acting weird,” she muttered.

“All the students should come to the school garage” the loud microphone announced and they started going out of their class, they met their instructor standing beside a beautiful Mercedes Benz, it was painted in gold which glowed and showed superiority.

“Wow this is the latest version”

“The exterior is so cool so what about the interior, it’s gonna be on fire.

“I am getting the exact same car today” the students murmured while looking at the car.

“So some group of friends decided to win this car at the MOSTAVE special, then they decided to give it to their friend who was able to attend, Stacy Marcus ” the instructor said. Stacy’s eyes widened, she was shocked to hear her name.

“Is he talking about me?” She asked.

“Yeah Stacy, you are a car owner, congratulations” the instructor said and gave her the key.

“You guys do this for me?” Stacy asked and started crying, she was so touched, she doesn’t even know how she got her safe such amazing friends.

“It’s all thanks to Parker and Delaney, they won the last game” Brielle said, Stacy looked at Delaney and she smiled at her. She was shocked, and Delaney just smiled.

“You know I am the real winner, you don’t help me with anything” Parker whispered to Delaney, she stuttered and glare at him.

” Stop glaring, you look like a witch” he said before going, Delaney folded her fist angrily.

“Can we go on a date tonight? Dalton asked Autumn as they were going to class.

“You know I can’t say no, I will look like a bad person since I have said no twice” she said.

“Thank you so much, I will pick you up later in the evening ” he said and left. Francisco looked at them worriedly.
” Some people are here sir, they insisted on seeing ma’am” the receptionist said through the telephone, Adelaide was looking at the two people from the CCTV camera, the expression on her face shows that she knows them.

“Let them come in” Adelaide said and soon their office door opened, the couple came in and sat down without being told, they were smiling but Adelaide didn’t have a single smile on her face.

“I thought it was a lie when I thought you married into Everest’s family but it was really true,” the man said.

“You look different too,” the woman said.

“What do you want, uncle?” Adelaide asked and focused on the man.

“What sort of questions is that? I am here to greet my niece, maybe see my nephew too” the man said and his wife nodded in agreement.

“Which niece and nephew do you want to greet, is it the same one that you abandoned after their parents death, the one you didn’t open the door of your house for when they are helpless and need a place to stay, the one you called the police to arrest because we don’t want to leave your house, you call us thieves, you arrest us and didn’t show your face anymore, we were safe by an old man, he took us to his small house and will started leaving there. He died a year ago but will still stay at his place till our story changes, then you are here saying you want to greet them” Adelaide said angrily. She was crying already and Noah regretted allowing them to come.

“Adelaide those are past tense, we don’t really know what we are doing then. But now we have finally realised and we are here to apologise ” the wife said.

“I can believe you are saying this, aren’t you the same person who will pour food on the floor and tell us to eat it, you and your daughter Jasmine, how did you feel when you realise I married your daughter’s man? I didn’t regret it one bit, I did at first, untill I realized she was the same girl that will torture me and my brother when our parents just died” Adelaide said.

“Please forgive me, for the sake of your brother, who is my older brother, ” the man begged.

“I will forgive you people, I actually hear about how your daughter abandoned you people, I will give us a lot of money but I will never have anything to do with you people, me and my brother” Adelaide said and wrote the check of two million dollars for them.

“Thank you so much Adelaide” they both said before leaving the office, tears escaped Adelaide eyes immediately, Noah went to hug her without saying anything.
“I am still surprise because of how bold you are, you will come to a man house and f**k his wife” Mrs Everest and caress Dennis’ chest. They just have three round of s*X.

“I am not afraid of anything, so how is your plan about the two pests?” he asked and kissed her.

“My first plan failed but there is always plan B, so I will wait for the right time to strike, ” she said.

“I trust you, so I was actually thinking about something,” Dennis said.

“What is it?” She asked.

“As the old hag writes, the family will?” He asked.

“I don’t know, he keeps a lot of secrets, ” Mrs Everest said.

“That shouldn’t be a problem, let’s get rid of that woman’s children so you kids can have access to the will” Dennis said.

“I have been thinking of the same thing, I just don’t know who to help but now that you are here we will do something, since the old hag will soon die” Mrs Everest said.

“There is actually a secret about you and your children that is only known to me” he suddenly said.

“What do you mean? How is that possible?” She asked.

“It is possible because I am the mastermind behind it, don’t ask me because it’s not yet time, ” he said.

“How about Brandon, my son?” She asked.

“He is angry and doesn’t want to see you, ” Dennis said.

“Did you teach him our way?” Mrs Everest asked.

“Yeah I do, he is more brutal, because he has revenge to take ” Dennis said.

“Who is the poor victim?” Mrs Everest asked.

“He didn’t tell me, ” Dennis shrugged.

“Jasmine is threatening me with my past,” Mrs Everest said.

“Don’t worry, she will regret doing that” Dennis said and started kissing her again.

“Aren’t you afraid that my husband may come at any moment?” Mrs Everest asked with a smile.

“He is not your husband, I am ” Dennis said and started f**king her, her shameful moan filled the whole room.
“So how do I look?” Autumn asked Francisco, she was already dressed for the date, he stared at her and smiled sadly.

“You are so beautiful” he said, that is the first time he will be complimenting her and that makes her happy.

“Should I go on a date?” She asked, wishing he would say no, he just felt something off with the date.

“You should go, I think he will be waiting for you” Francisco said, Autumn smiling sadly before going out. Francisco hid at the door watching as Dalton came out of his car to meet her.

“What are you looking at?” Emily asked behind him.

“It’s nothing” he said and left, Emily looked outside and saw Dalton opening the door for Autumn. Autumn looked at the door wishing Francisco would run out any moment but he didn’t, she sigh sadly before entering the car.
Francisco was on his bed rolling around, he just didn’t know what to do the whole date was troubling him, what if she accepted to date him. The knock on his door distracted him and he went to open the door, it was Emily, she was smiling cutely.

“Can I come in?” She asked.

“Yeah” he said and moved away so that she could enter.

“Your room is nice” she said and sat on his bed since they went to his room.

“Thanks,” he muttered.

“Is it because of Autumn?” She suddenly asked.

“What do you mean?” he asked with raised eyebrows.

“I saw how sad you are, is it because of Autumn, I know you like her and now she is going out with another boy that must have made you sad” Emily said cutely.

“How did you know this?” Francisco asked in shock.

“I watch a lot of movies, please don’t tell my dad” Emily said which made him smile.

“I think I might like her, but I think Dalton deserves her more than me. He has like for years, I don’t even know why I am discussing that kind of topic with a six years old girl” Fransisco said.

“Why don’t you go for the one you like, you may actually regret it if you lose her, my teacher told me when you lose something special to you, you will regret it forever ” Emily said smartly.

“You are making a lot of sense, I am coming” Francisco said and stood up. He ran out of the room, the loud banging of the main mansion door made Emily smile. Then he went to carry a car though he doesn’t know how to drive that much, but something told him if he lost her today, then he would lose her forever.

“Be careful” Emily yelled from where she was standing as he drove roughly out of the mansion.
“Where are we going?” Adelaide asked since Noah went to carry Emily from home and they started going out. She has been sad thinking of what she and her brother pass through in the hands of people that are supposed to be their relatives.

“It’s a surprise, ” he smiled they didn’t say anything until they arrived at a beautiful mall. Babies Kingdom was written at the front. They all enter and was welcomed by the staff , Adelaide look around the stall it was full with baby stuffs. Clothes, shoes, feeding, playing things, toys, their bed any anything that a baby will need. Adelaide look at Noah.

“I want us to do the first shopping of our baby together like a family” he said.

“Thank you so much” Adelaide said and hugged him. She was really happy seeing all the baby stuffs.

“What are we going to buy since we don’t know the gender yet” Emily asked.

“We will go to the unisex section” Noah shrugged. They went their and started choosing clothes, they just pick as much clothes as they want.

“This will be for me and my baby” Emily said and choose a clothes that have big and small. Adelaide also choose for mother and children and then the husband, she was so happy as she try the clothes on with Emily and Noah. They took pictures the three of them smiling.

A figure was glaring at Noah angrily from a corner, he seem to be really angry, his fist were folded as he look from Noah to Emily and Adelaide.

“Enjoy it while it last Noah Everest” he said venomously.


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