UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 21 – 30

UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 21 – 30

Episode 25

Written by : Seunnzzy
Author’s POV
Desmond and Mike brought the chief to a secure location, they confiscate hs phones and locked him up.

” Now you have him here just as you wanted and you don’t want to kill him……. ”

” so tell me what you plan to do with him?” Desmond asked.

” He needs to be taken into custody and locked up for the bad things he has done and be seen as criminal”

” but I don’t have any evidence or proof to back it up my claim that he’s the Peruzad” Mike replied.

” What are you talking about?, The man is a murderer, a psychopath and you want him locked up?”

” When are you going to learn that people as evil as that man needs to be killed immediately” Desmond said.

” I need to know why he’s doing this, there’s Still lots of unanswered questions ” Mike said.

” What are you talking about?…..what makes you think whatever he’s going to say will change anything” Desmond said.

” If you want to ask him anything then let me ask him and then kill him ” Desmond added.

” Look Dad, your time as an agent has come and gone, the way you do your things is different from how I do mine”

” You’ve had your time Dad, but I’m doing this my way and I say he’s not dying yet” Mike said.

” I knew you’ll say that but I can’t let that man breathe for another day……. he’s dying right now” Desmond said.

” I’m sorry Dad, I can’t let you do that……you will have to get past me first” Mike said glaring at him and Desmond grinned.

” Nah, I don’t think that will be necessary which is why I put the SNS {synth nerve shock} on you when we were coming here” Desmond.

” What!” Mike said in surprise then Desmond pressed a button on his wrist watch then Mike fell down.

” I’m killing him son and I’m sure you will realize I’m doing you a favor” Desmond said as Mike was convulsing on the ground.

Mike tried to garner more strength to fight the convulsions but it was too overwhelming for him.

” Don’t try to fight it son, the more you fight…..the more you get hurt” Desmond said then head to the room where the chief is.

Mike tried it one more time and stretched his hand to the back of his neck to remove the device.

The more he tried, the more pain it caused but he fought through it then fortunately he was able to pull it out.

As he pulled out the device, he pulled with flesh which cause him to bleed but he was relieved.

He stayed on the ground for some minutes to catch his breath then he stood up and went to the room.

Desmond got to the room and punched the Chief on the face and he woke up and was shocked to see him.

” Hope I didn’t interrupt your dream?” Desmond asked grinning evilly.

” I’ll have you killed…..both of you” he shouted.

” I don’t think you can do anything in your recent condition which is why I’m going to give you a choice” Desmond said.

” Where are the devices?” Desmond asked.

” I’m not telling you anything…….you will never find them” he said and started laughing hysterically.

” It’s either you tell me now or you die and whatever mission or plans you have will be aborted”

” It’s a win-win situation for me” Desmond added.

” Get ahead with it……. I’m not afraid to die” the chief said then Desmond fires at him then was surprised as no bullets came out.

The chief started laughing at him then suddenly a bullet hit him on the head and he went unconscious.

” I told you Dad, you’re becoming too predictable these days” Mike said standing on the doorstep.

” Looking for these” Mike said as he poured the bullets on the ground and Desmond smiled.

” How did you know?” Desmond asked.

” I know you too well Dad, you thought me most of the things I know and I Know the kind of man you are”

” I have a feeling you will try something like this so i keep a close eye on you which is how I saw you picking up a gun at the cemetery”

” While we were in the gun I switched the gun with a empty one and you didn’t disappoint me” Mike narrated.

Desmond smiled and started clapping his hands.

” You’re smart son and you surprised me….. infact I’m more surprised how you got yourself off that device”

” Most people couldn’t but I guess you can endure so much pain than I imagined” Desmond said.

” I told you Dad, you’re not killing him…….I won’t allow it” Mike replied.

” You see that’s the problem……I just can’t do that, the man has killed lots of innocent people” Desmond said.

” And he will pay dearly for that” Mike said.

” I can make him pay” Desmond said.

” It’s not up to you to do that, he will face the court and the right judgment will be made” Mike said.

” Are you kidding me?, What makes you think he’s not connected to all those areas?” Desmond said.

” The Judge, the jury, the government, they are all corrupted ba$tards, the system has been corrupted long before you were born” Desmond said.

” Then I guess it’s up to me to make sure he doesn’t get away with any of it…….I won’t let him” Mike said.

” I would’ve left him alone if I think you have a better solution but hearing you say all these nonsense?”

” This man just has to die” Desmond said pulling out his da.gger then Mike pointed the gun at him.

” You’re going to shoot me again?” Desmond said.

” Seeing you acting this way don’t really give me much of a choice” Mike said.

” You’re stubborn Son, I’ll give you that” Desmond said lowering his hand.

” I took after you Dad” he replied then suddenly Desmond threw the knife at him but Mike was quick enough to dodged it.

Mike aimed to shoot at him but Desmond ran to him and grabbed his hand then punched his face.

He kicked the gun away from his hand then grabbed him by the neck and smash him to the ground.

” You can’t fight me son, I thought you everything you know” Desmond said then Mike skillfully kick him off.

” You’re not my only teacher” Mike said then charged at him and they continue fighting but Desmond was having the upper hand.

Mike made to punch him but Desmond dodged it then kick his leg then punch him down.

” You’re no match for me son, I might be old but I know my lessons and I have everything worked out” Desmond said.

” Maybe one of these days, I’ll give you some more lessons about all of these, it seems you’re lacking some things”

” You fought well, but not well enough” he added then turned.

” Not so fast Dad” Mike said pointing a gun at him.

” Seriously?” Desmond said then Mike shot him on the head and he fell down unconscious.

Mike stood up trying to catch his breath then turned to his father and nodded.

” ughh, What kind man are you?”


UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 21 – 30

{An Hour Later}
Desmond woke up and realized he was back on the couch just like he was earlier then he stood up.

” It’s about time you woke up” he heard Mike said then turned to see him eating at the dinning table.

” You shot me again” Desmond said.

” Yeah, I had to…….. you’re driving me crazy ” Mike replied.

” Where is he?” Desmond asked.

” Far from your reach Dad, he’s locked up at the agency as we speak and he’s going nowhere” Mike said.

” You took him back there?…..what makes you think he doesn’t have anyone to get him out”

” What makes you think he won’t escape from that place? Your security in that place is crap”

” I found my way inside and I could easily took whatever I want without anyone noticing” Desmond said.

” He’s going nowhere Dad, I put him in a place where only I can enter,…..the place is secured with biometric eyelock”

” If he’s getting out of there then it will have to be through me and me alone, so you see he’s going nowhere” Mike concluded.

” Clever son, but take your advice…… don’t waste time…..before things take a surprising turn” Desmond said.

” You want to know why I don’t have many enemies left?”

” That’s because I don’t make them stick around, I made sure I don’t regret giving them a second chance”

” It’s good to wipe the slate clean so you won’t get stained in case you ignored the little stain ” Desmond said.

” Thanks Dad, I really appreciate that but I think you’ve overstayed your welcome here in this city”

” You’re going back to Lagos tonight, I’ve booked your plane ticket, I’ve packed your things as well” Mike said.

” Seriously?…… you’re sending me out of your house?” Desmond asked.

” No Dad, but you shouldn’t be in this city especially at this moment, that’s your belongings over there ” Mike said pointing to a side where his bags are.

” You’re really serious, but I just got here…….I was hoping I could spend few more days before going back” Desmond said.

” You came here hoping to get back into action which you did but I think it’s time you go back to your wife” Mike replied.

” Fine, I’m leaving besides your city is boring anyways…..let me wash up” Desmond agrees then went to the guest room.

A while later, Desmond came out and see Mike already holding his car keys waiting to take him to the airport.

” You just can’t wait to get rid of me as soon as possible” Desmond said.

” Do you have anything else to take?, Let’s go already” Mike said.

” What’s the hurry?” Desmond said.

” I just have some things to do…. that’s all” Mike said then a knock came on the door.

” Are you expecting anyone?” Desmond asked and he nodded negative then he went to check the CCTV.

” Uhh….. It’s my friends” Mike grumbled then turned to Desmond.

” Hide Dad” Mike said in a whisper.

” I’d rather not, I’m too old for that……I can’t stress myself” Desmond replied then sat back down.

” What if they see you?” He asked.

” And what if they did?….. what’s wrong with that?, Let them come in besides I want to see the geniuses who made those toys”

“….. who knows, maybe I can have them work on some things for me” Desmond replied then Mike went to the door.

” Hi Mike” Lara said immediately he opened the door and they saw the bruises on his face.

” What happened to you?” Tony asked.

” I fought with an angry man and he was quite tough” Mike replied.

” What are you doing here guys?……I thought I told you to stay at your hideout” Mike said as he allowed them to enter.

” Yes you did, but we ran out of supplies so we came here” Tony said and they stopped when they see Desmond.

” Hi guys” Desmond said waving at them.

” It seems you have a visitor” Derrick said as they stare at Desmond who was grinning at them.

” Yeah, Guys meet my ugh…my…”

” Father” Desmond completed as he went to shook hands with them.

” Father?….. OMG” Lara said in surprised.

” We so sorry, Good evening sir” she added as she greeted him.

” It’s alright sweetheart, I guess he didn’t tell you about me” Desmond said smiling.

” He’s not someone who loves to talk about his family……he has been so cloudy about that aspect” Tony said.

” Don’t mind him, he’s a very boring man to be with” Desmond said.

” That’s one thing you and I can agree on, Sir” Derrick said and Mike nod.

” Mike, you didn’t tell us your dad is……Hot for a man like him” Lara said saying the HOT part in a whisper.

” Wow, I think I like this girl already, tell me are you my son’s girlfriend?” Desmond asked and they laughed.

” Dad” Mike said.

” Shut up, what do you know?” Desmond said.

” I can never date this guy sir, he’s too boring for my liking” she replied smiling.

” Thank God, you’re not…..I was about to advise you against it, he’s no good for you” Desmond said.

” How i wish there’s still a man like you out there, I would’ve go for you in a heartbeat” Lara said.

” You’re Crazy Lara” he said.

” You see, that’s what we are talking about……you don’t call a girl crazy” Desmond replied.

” Don’t mind him sir, so how long will you be staying…….I’d like to meet you again” Lara said.

” Actually he was just leaving before you got here…..he can’t stay here with me” Mike said.

” He’s right Sir, Now is not a good time to be around…. it’s dangerous for us and more dangerous for you” Tony said.

” I’m not afraid, I can help you, I can handle dangerous” Desmond said.

” Trust me Sir, not this kind…..You can’t be around here sir ” Derrick said.

” As much as I’d love to see you soon but they are right…….. it’s too dangerous” Lara said.

” You heard them Dad…….. it’s time to go” Mike said.

” Fine, Nice to meet you all…. especially you darling” Desmond said.

” You too sir” they said then Lara went to hug him.

” Take care of yourself sweetheart” Desmond said as they disengaged.

” You too Sir” she replied.

” Let’s go”

” I’ll be back guy…… I’ll just drop him to the airport and be back” Mike said and they went out.

He put his things inside the car and drove off to the airport.

UNKNOWN ENEMY: Episode 21 – 30

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