UNTIL THE END OF TIME: Chapter 41-50

?Until The End Of Time ?

? Chapter 48?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Author’s P.o.v?
Mariana woke up, holding her head in her hand,She looked around then tried to stand up from the bed but the door opened.

“Thank goodness,You are awake” He came closer to her, holding her hands and kissed her fingers.
“What happened, Jasper?”

“Many things happened, things that i haven’t even found answers to yet, First of,You have been asleep for a week now”
“Really?But why?”

“Come with me first” Jasper held Mariana’s hand and led her to the mirror, Mariana gasped in shock at what she saw.

“My..my hair..what happened to it and why do i look like this?”
Mariana’s hair was very long,her skin was more beautiful.

“Mariana,i myself don’t understand,We need to find answers”
Mariana closed her eyes trying to remember anything.
“Babe,are you okay?”

Mariana sat down and ran her hands through her hair.
“Mariana,Are you okay? Do you need anything?”

“Jasper, Stop, Stop”

“Stop what?”
“Don’t call me Mariana”

“Jasper, It’s me, It’s me,Hazel”
? Jasper’s P.o.v?
This past one week has been so confusing,I watched Mariana go through changes in her body.
I can’t still can’t believe that there’s a chance that Mariana can be a supernatural being just like me.

“Jasper, It’s me, It’s me,Hazel” I heard a loud bang in my head,Can it be possible?

“No,no..You are lying,You can’t be Hazel” I tried to move away from her but she held me back.
“It’s me,Jasper.. Remember when we used to sneak around to play, Remember the garden that we would run around it and you would carry on your shoulders because you were taller than me”

How did she know that? Only Hazel and are the only ones who knew it.
I almost forgot,Hazel and i both have the same marks on our ankles.

“Show me your leg” I bent down and there it was,The letters ‘HJ’ were written on her ankle.
“We used a special knife to write those letters because when we used normal knives, it’ll always heal up immediately”

“But how.. how come i never saw that when we have been together”

“I don’t know, Japser..We need answers,We need to go back to our parents,I need to know what happened back in Asgard and what happened during that war that broke out.
I need to know what happened to my family”

“I agree,We need to know the truth” We stared at each other,I held her hands in my hands.

“Will things change between us,Mari..I mean Hazel”
“I don’t want things to change,I might be Hazel but I still remember everything will shared,We are married and we will continue to stay married”

We shared a kss,It was sl0w and p@ssionate.
? Hazel’s/Mariana’s P.o.v?
I need answers,i have so many questions,so many questions,What happened to my family,my dad, everyone?

I need to talk to my mom,Why did she hide the truth from me for almost 17 years.
Jasper and i were in his car,We were heading back home in his car.
I have always been with Jasper all this time,Our families have always been at war, the kingdom of Ostoria and Asgard were never friends that’s why Jasper and i used to sneak around,Our parents never liked each other.
Few Hours Later
“Babe,We are here,You ready?” Jasper put his hands on mine,I exhaled deeply.

“Yes,I really want to know the truth,My mom has to start talking”
We held hands as we both walked into my house, Surprisingly my mother and Jasper’s mom were together.

“Mom” They looked at us,They both looked shocked, they came towards us.
“Mariana,my daughter” She tried to hug me but i resisted.

“My name’s Hazel not Mariana” She looked at me from my head to toe.

“I..i can explain,Mari…Hazel,i can…
“Explain,Mom.. Explain because i don’t understand what’s going on?
Why did you hide everything from me? How did you make me forget everything about my past?
Where’s my father? Where’s my family?
Where’s brother?”

“You have a brother?” Jasper looked at me shocked at what i said.
“Yes,Jasper, I have a twin brother..Mom, where’s Jace?”

“Calm down and i’ll explain everything,I…

“No,mom..I don’t want to calm down!!”
“Hazel,You have to calm down, Let’s sit down and know the real story” Jasper’s mom said,I exhaled deeply.

“Okay, Let the truth be known now”

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