When Love Doesn’t Make Sense

Written by Sonia Okehie

Episode 3

Have you ever been put in a good tight spot? Like when you are deeply happy about something that supposedly seems pressing but you like the whole feeling and low-key excited that you are in that tight spot? Well, that’s how I felt when Gary’s authoritative side showed off that very evening.

Just imagine how I felt when the man I was deeply attracted to told me that he wasn’t going to let me slip right through his hands. The butterflies in my stomach didn’t give me a break; as they danced till their feet probably began to hurt. I don’t even want to start giving the gist of how my whole body instantly became numb and cold; like I was transformed and transported into another world that involved just Gary and I.

My heart? I don’t even want to start talking about how my heart raced non-stop. At that moment, Usian Bolt had nothing on me because my heart raced faster than he had ever ran. Oh My! it’s safe to say that I have truly experienced what Love truly feels like and I would never trade that priceless feeling for anything in the whole world. What a ‘Love Struck’ lady I was at that moment; no lies!

After the beautiful indirect proposal from Gary, I just couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. It was even at that point that I noticed his cute and yummy lips. So all these package could be mine any minute if I just said those magical words “Yes”?. Let me not even start talking about his physique. It’s so amazing how the things and traits I never prayed too much for in the man I wanted to spend ‘Forever’ with, was all in this Man. Like how lucky can I get more than this? I guess it’s safe to say at this point that I am truly blessed.

“Are you still here?” Gary calmly inquired when he figured I had been mute for a while. Immediately he said that, I came back to my senses and managed to keep the conversation going. “Yeah I am here!” I responded with a cute smile on my face and he smiled too. “You don’t have to think too much now about what I just said, that’s how I feel but would respect you enough to give you some space and time to think about my proposal. I love you Sonnie, I really do” he gently said.

At that point, I had so many things going on in my head and the reality of us ever being together was scary because I knew so many tongues will wag because they never saw it coming but at that point, I was ready to risk it all because I was in Love too. Like I was deeply in love in a way I hadn’t been since after my First Love and there was no way I was going to let this happiness and peace slip right through my hands too. But despite the fact that I was beginning to fall for Gary, I still applied caution so as not to hurt myself in the process too because everything was just too good to be true. My heart loved him quite alright, but my head was also in the game to avoid premium tears in a short while. My fingers were crossed as I hoped for nothing but the best in what seemed like the beginning of a Love Journey.

As our beautiful date came to an end, Gary brought out his card and cleared the bills and wanted to order take-out for me but I bluntly refused and told him I was good. I thanked him for a wonderful night and we headed to the parking lot where he parked his car. Up until then, I hadn’t really seen any high priced material thing on him; except maybe his phone, but his car was a MACHINE. Even though I don’t fancy flashy or glittery things, I have to acknowledge this car because I didn’t see it coming at all.

To be honest, I wanted to take an Uber home and not bother Gary about having to drop me off but I guess that wasn’t going to be possible because he had already beeped the car with his remote. “Get in let me take you to your house” he said but I declined the kind gesture for reasons unknown. “You honestly don’t need to bother, I am good and would take an Uber home” I politely said but he insisted; “Please just get into the car so I can do my job. It’s late now and I wouldn’t feel at peace knowing you are in the car of a stranger, I brought you out here tonight so let me make sure you are safely home too” he said.

At that point, I knew there was no need arguing because it would only prolong and stress the issue the more so I accepted the offer. We entered into the car and set out to my destination firstly before his.

While Gary was driving, I occasionally looked towards the window direction just to distract myself from looking at him to avoid eye contacts. It was a smooth ride with a nice song playing in the background. I knew the song so I gently hummed to it and moved my head side by side in the process.

As I quietly hummed the song, Gary joined me and we hummed together. He occasionally blew whistle with his mouth and it made the humming more melodious. The awkwardness in the atmosphere reduced and I didn’t know when I started laughing. Every laughter increased the whistling and humming on Gary’s part. Such an unbothered person that doesn’t hold life too seriously.

The little things that actually makes me happy are those highly insignificant things that don’t carry much weight and actually requires less effort. Gary undoubtedly looked like the person that would do playful things with me because I definitely know how to play when I want to. He looked like the perfect fit for my ‘Once In a While’ goofiness.

Finally, we arrived my destination and it was time to bid goodbye to Gary. Mere looking at him, I could tell he didn’t want me to go, but it was quite unfortunate that I had to. “Bye, see you another time” I said with a smile on my face, “When would that time be?” he curiously inquired and I smiled even more; “I don’t know, you tell me when you want that time to be” I said, “Ok, how about tomorrow then? Because that’s how soon I want to see you again” he soberly said.

Awwn, I almost blushed to death that day. Matter of fact, my cheek started hurting as a result of excess blushing. Those foreign movies I have watched felt as though it was happening in real life. It was such an overall awesome experience that day as I watched my heart get snatched right before my very eyes and couldn’t do anything to stop myself from falling for this determined gentleman. Everything about him triggered me to fall deeper for him.

The idea of meeting again was a good one because I definitely wanted to meet Gary again. He told me to except his call the next day and also be up on my toes because another meeting was around the corner. I nodded my head to every word he said and finally alighted from the car. As I walked away from the car, he wind down the glass and beeped the car horn to get my attention. I gently turned towards him and he said a reassuring “I Love You” to me. I smiled and replied “Thank you, I appreciate”. He bid me goodbye and drove off.

With Gary out of sight, I finally had the liberty to smile as wide as I wanted. I blushed as I walked into my house. Every cute thing that happened earlier that evening began to cross my mind again. I blushed as though I was about to faint because the butterflies in my stomach just didn’t want to let me be. It was such a memorable date and I was glad it went well and was totally worth it.

That night, I slept like a baby and smiled whenever my mind revisited memory lane. “What a beautiful time to be alive” I gently said to myself as I laid on my bed that night.

Just as promised, Gary called the next day and we spoke at length. He called at night before bed time and we spoke till either of us got tired. His company was addictive because I usually didn’t want our conversation to end. I believe the feeling was mutual as we both felt same way towards each other.

After our first date, we had gone out a couple of times again and it was blissful. We had so much fun whenever we were together and usually wanted more. At that point, Gary and I had grown very fond of each other and were beginning to loosen up whenever we were together. I wasn’t too uptight like I used to because I was beginning to get comfortable around him. However, despite our closeness, I still hadn’t said those magical words “I Love You” to him.

To be honest, I didn’t know why I was still holding back from officially accepting Gary into my life as my partner. I didn’t know why I was scared of committing fully to him. For crying out loud, he was everything I ever wanted and more but there I was; delaying from making him totally mine. Gary knew that I was still having doubts about Us but never tried to fuel that doubt or confront it. He allowed me to take as much space as I needed before accepting his proposal, but one thing he made perfectly clear was that he wasn’t going to let me slip out of his hands. Ever!

Everything continued normally till one fateful day. It happened that Gary showed up at my office at close of work to pick me up. I was super excited to see him and also thanked him for driving all the way to come pick me up from work. We exchanged greetings and set out to leave.

Gary drove round town that evening and we had long conversations. We talked about so many intimate stuffs and got to know each other on a more deeper level. It was such a beautiful evening till we made a stop at an open field. Some stores were close by and little children ran up and down. The view was lovely and the atmosphere was quiet.

Deep down in my heart, I wished that cool moment would last forever. I looked towards Gary’s direction and caught him staring at me. “What are you looking at?” I playfully said and he smiled. “What’s still holding you from accepting me?” he soberly inquired and I blinked my eyes; “I don’t know, maybe I am scared” I replied, “Scared of what?” he curiously asked and I became speechless.

Just as I sat there without words, Gary held my chin and lifted my face; “You don’t have to be afraid of anything Sonnie, please trust me with your heart and I promise to never give you a reason to regret the day you did” he gently said.

There and then, it just dawned on me that I had found my soul mate and the missing piece to my puzzle. I looked into his blue eyes and uttered those words I had held back for a very long time.

“I Love You So Much” I said with teary eyes and before I could successfully finish my sentence, Gary drew closer and gave me a passionate K!ss.

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