Amaka just finished taking her bath when she heard a knock on her door, she knew it must be Dele, for he already called to let her know he was on his way.

“Who is it?” She asked as she got close to the door.

“It’s me” Dele replied.

Amaka opened the door to find Dele standing at her door with a bunch of rose flowers in his hands.

“Beautiful flowers for my beautiful lady” he smiled at her, making his dimple more obvious, and Amaka weak in her knees.

“That’s so sweet, thank you” she took the flowers from him and closed the door, as he came in.

“You just finished having your bath” Dele stated, looking at the short pink towel that she tied on her chest, it barely covered her bum.

“Yeah, I just came out of the bathroom when you I knocked” she placed the floors on her dressing table. And turned to find Dele looking se.ductively at her.

They both stood looking at each other.

“Uhmm, I need to change into my night wear” she said, as if trying to take permission from him.

“So…?” Dele had a crooked smile on his face, aware of the effect he was having on her.

“I uhmmm …..need uhmmmm….” she kept pointing towards her wardrobe, without leaving the spot where she was standing.

Dele closed the gap between them, and with warning he covered her lips with his.

“You are killing me Amaka” Dele whispered, placing his forehead on hers.

Amaka who was too breathless to speak, only smiled, and tried to get past him so she could get her night wear from the wardrobe, but he drew her back.

“You smell so nice” he sniffed her neck, perceiving the soap she just used in bathing.

“Dele I need to…”


As they continued to make out, Amaka’s phone started ringing.

“Ignore it” Dele said against her lips as he continued to his her.

Amaka who had no intention of taking the call, wrapped her arms around Dele’s neck, and he carried her to the bed.

Amaka’s phone continued to ring, as the caller refused to give up.

“I think I should just take the call, the person doesn’t want to stop calling” She said to Dele who already had his mouth on one of her bbs.

“Oh God!” Dele got off Amaka and laid on the bed frustrated.

Amaka laughed as she got of the bed, and picked up her phone which was on her dressing table.

Her mom was the one calling, “hello mummy, good evening ma” Amaka greeted.

“Amaka where have you been?, you got me worried when you weren’t picking up your call”

Amaka could tell her mother was truly worried because it was evident on her voice.

“Sorry mummy I was busy, that’s why I couldn’t pick your call, earlier”

“Ehn..? What were you doing?”

“I uhmmm….”she looked at Dele who was already shirtless on the bed, smiling at her, and she forgot whatever lie she wanted to tell.

“The thing you were doing doesn’t have a name? Any way, I’m calling to let you know that prophet I told you about is back”

“What prophet mummy?” Amaka asked confused.

“The one I told you that is going to help us with issue of you not being able to have a child, you know he went to the mountain to pray for the past fourty days, so he is back now”


“What do you mean by and? We are going to meet him of course”

“Mummy what for exactly?”

“So that he can tell us what to do for you to be able to have children when you get married, I don’t want you to get married and start looking for children up and down”

“But mummy I thought I already told you what the doctors said?” She couldn’t repeat it to her mother, for fear of Dele understanding what was being discussed.

“Please forget what the doctors said, those are just mere humans, there is nothing God cannot do, that is why I want you to come home this weekend, so we can go and pay him a visit together, do you understand?”

“Hmmm okay”

“Good, so I will be expecting you home, by weekend then?”

“Yes ma”

When Amaka ended the call, she slowly walked to her wardrobe, and took one of her nightwear, and put it on.

“Are you okay?” Dele sat up on the bed noticing her countenance had fallen.

“Yeah I’m fine” she went and sat down on the couch, so she could put some distance between them. She couldn’t get herself to look at him in the face.

Everyday she keeps telling herself she will let him know soon, about her inability to give birth to children. She has never gotten the courage to tell him the truth. This is her chance to come clean.

“Babe are you okay?” He came to sit with her on the couch. “Is something wrong with your mom?”

“No my mom is fine, there is something I need to tell you”

“What is that?”

“I don’t know how to say this” tears rolled down her cheeks.

“Why are you crying? What is it? You know you can talk to me, go ahead and tell me”

“I can’t…”

“You can’t what babe?”

She shook her head crying.

“Babe you are breaking my heart with your tears, what is it?”

“I can’t…. have children!”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean by, you can’t have children, Is it that you don’t want to have children or what? Don’t you like children?”

Amaka looked at him, as tears continued to stream down her cheeks, Dele looked confused, it’s hurts her to see him like this.

“I. Can’t. Have. Children! Dele I’m sorry”

“I still don’t understand, why? Why can’t you have children? What happened, are you sick or something? Please put me in the know because I’m lost here”

“It is what it is Dele, I’m infertile, I can’t have kids”

Dele kept quiet for while, staring at her as she buried her face in her hands crying. He tried to make sense of what she just told him but couldn’t.

“Babe please talk to me, why can’t you have children?” He held her hands.

Amaka cleaned her tears, and faced him.

“When I was seventeen, I got pregnant for my Jamb teacher, he refused to take responsibility for it, and my mother didn’t want me to keep it either, so she tricked me into eating a meal she had infused with an abortion substance”

Amaka paused, as she recalled that night, a night she would never forget in a hurry.

“You lost the baby?” Dele asked

“Yes” she nodded.

“I’m so sorry baby” Dele cleaned her tears.

“The substance she used was too harsh, it caused damage to my womb and because of that, I can’t have children”

“Oh no” Dele looked at her like she just said something that wasn’t possible. “Because of what your mom did, you can’t have kids?”


Dele bent down, holding his head in his hands.
They both remained silent, the silence in the room was so thick, a knive could cut through it.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before now” Amaka touched him on his shoulders.

Dele raised his head to look at her, his eyes red from trying to hold his emotions.

“Dele I’m so so sorry”

Dele got up from the couch, took his shirt from the bed and wore it.

“Dele please say something”

He came back to where she was sitting, and kssed her on her forehead.

“Dele are you breaking up with me? Is this it? Is this the end of us?”

“I love you babe”
Dele walked out of the door, without saying another word to her.

Amaka sat on the floor and started crying, when she found out she couldn’t have children, it didn’t hurt as much as it does now, how was she going to live without Dele? The hurt on his face when he realized she couldn’t bear kids, made her heart shatter into pieces.

Dele drove like a maniac, he was angry at everything, and everyone, including God himself. He has been searching for love, and now that he finally found someone he loves, and wants to spend the rest of his life with, she can’t have children.

“She can’t have children!, Can you believe that? She can’t have children not even one, who does that? Why would you do that? God why would you allow that to happen?”

He kept hitting his steering as he drove, he knew he needed to slow down, but he also needed to vent his frustration and anger on something.

He drove to Jeffrey’s place, that’s the only place he felt like being right now, he doesn’t care how late the time is.

The gateman was surprised to see him there by that time of the night, but he opened the gate for him anyway.

When he got to the door, he called Jeffery to come open the door for him.

“Is everything all right? Why is he here by this time of the night?” Jane asked Jeffery as he suspended the massage he was giving her, to go open the door for Dele.

“I don’t know, we will find out when I open the door”

When Jeffery opened the door, Dele was sitting on the floor dejected.

“Dele what is the matter, are you okay?” He bent down to help him to his feet.

Dele got up, walked past Jeffery into the house, he went straight to Jeffery’s bar, and started pouring himself some whiskey.

“I need to see God, I have some questions for him”

“What are you talking about man?” Jeffery asked, clearly confused.

“Is your wife awake? I know she is very close to God, probably she can help me ask him some questions, because I can’t fucking understand why he allows bad things to happen to good people!”

“Guy wetin you dey talk? What are you even doing here by this time?”

“Care for some drink?” He asked Jeffery as he downed his drink at once, the whiskey sent a burning sensation down his throat.

“Guy it’s almost 12 midnight, what are you doing here? what is wrong with you?”

“Okay, I will drink alone then” he poured himself another shot of whiskey.

Jeffery walked over to the bar, and snatched the glass from his hands, before he had the chance to bring it to his lips.

“Guy why now?” Dele protested, trying to get the glass back from Jeffery.

“You can’t just walk into my house by this time of the night, only to come and drink, I’m sure you can go to a bar for that, so tell me what is the issue? What made you drive all the way here?”

“How would you feel if you can’t have kids?”

“I don’t get you?”

“She can’t have kids, she can’t have kids!” He slammed his hands on the bar table.

“Who can’t have kids, what are you talking about?” Jeffery asked in confusion.

“Amaka just told me this evening, that she can’t have kids” he took the glass from Jeffery and downed it’s contents all at once.

“I don’t understand, how do you mean she can’t have children? What happened?”

Dele who no longer had the patience of pouring the drink into his glass before drinking, decided to drink directly from the bottle instead.

“She can’t have children man, that’s what she said, so if I’m to marry her, we are going to be childless” he walked away from the bar, and sat tiredly on the sofa.

“I’m sorry man” Jeffery sat with him on the sofa.

“Fk!!!…..” Dele bent over, as he screamed.

Jane ran downstairs to know what was going on.

“Oh Jane thank God you are here, please help put a call through to God, I need to talk to him” he took another gulp of his drink before he continued. “I have somethings I need to clear with him, I need to clear this God my mind, because I no understand” he continued drinking.

Jane who was confused looked at her husband for explanation.

“Amaka told him she can’t have children” Jeffery said quietly.

“Oh my God, Dele I’m sorry”

“No don’t be sorry, I want you to call God for me, I need to talk to him.

“Guy you need to calm down, enough with the drinking” he tried taking the bottle from him, but Dele removed it from his reach.

“Dele stop drinking please” Jane went and took the bottle from him. “I’m very sure there is something that can be done about this”

Dele stood up and started walking towards the door.

“Where are you going to?” Jeffery asked him.

“It’s getting late, I need to get back to my place”

“It’s already late, I think you should just spend the night here” Jeffery offered.

“Yes please, you shouldn’t be driving in this your state” Jane who was almost crying said.


After much persuasion, Dele agreed to stay for the night.

“What am I going to do Jeffery?”

He asked, after Jeffery had finished preparing the guest room for him.

“Only you can make that decision man”

“But I don’t know what to do, I’m confused, I love Amaka and can’t imagine my life without her, but I love children too, and would love to have a mini me or a mini her some day” he lamented.

“I understand you guy, it’s very heartbreaking to find out you can’t have children with the woman you love, but the question you should ask yourself is; having children, and being with the woman you love, which would you prefer? Which tops your list?”

Jane decided to call Amaka, before going to bed. She knew she would still be awake.

“Oh Jane, I told him and now he won’t talk to me again” Amaka cried into the phone.

“I know, and I’m so sorry”

“How did you know?”

“He is here”.

“Dele is at your place? How is he? Is he okay?”

“He is clearly affected by the news, he is pained by it Amaka”

“Oh my God, Jane I’m going to lose him, what am I going to do?”

“Amaka calm down, stop crying, we will find a way out of this, there is nothing God cannot do, just have faith”

“What if he never comes back? What if he leaves me because of this?”

“He won’t”

“But what if he does?”

“Then it’s not the end of the world, life goes on”


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