Written by Faith Nda.

Episode 5

Murdock’s POV

I sat in my office thinking about what Nacamora had said.

He’s really here to torture me for what I did to Akeema.

Too bad,I’ve lost all my powers immediately I arrived planet earth.else,I’d have fought him back.

Jeez! I’m really lost!

“Go$h! What do I do??” I asked myself hitting my head continuously with my hands.

Suddenly a strong wind filled the room followed by a strange aura.

Oh no! He’s here!

Aurora’s POV

I was in class thinking about dad.

I wonder why he looked so moody today. Shawn tried talking to him too but he just shooed him away.

He’s our dad but he’s really different,he doesn’t joke with us,he just pays the bills,work and that’s all!!

He’s just there!

And Timmy!

I tried thinking about his strange exhibits but I felt as if something was holding my brain from thinking.

I shook my head repeatedly to stop the pain that was beginning to arise.

It always happens when I try to think about Timmy and his strange exhibits.

“Hey baby girl,are you alright?” Elsa said sitting noisily on my desk.

I sighed deeply. “I don’t know.. I just felt a sharp pain in my head” I complained still shaking my head ,my eyes locked with that of Peniel and I caught him smirking.

“Ooh,I think that should be a minor headache,you should go to the school clinic later,check out my nails Ora.

I met this lady yesterday and she made wonders to my nails” Elsa squealed excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. Elsa is so into material things.

I noticed a presence in front of us and I looked up to behold that handsome guy my heart always accelerates for.

“Hey ladies” Peniel said flashing his white set of dentitions.

“Hey handsome” Elsa flickered her lashes at him $eductively.

I couldn’t say a word,I was so drown in staring at his handsome face.


Murdock’s POV

“Please Nacamora,don’t do this to me,forgive me!” I pleaded on my knees as balls of sweat rolled down my face despite the AC in the office.

I really don’t wanna believe today is my last,I know Nacamora,he does what he wants to do.

“Shut up!” He growled. ” You killed Akeema,you killed my wife! You were selfish,you didn’t have her and you didn’t want me to have her either,!!

You didn’t even consider our son, who would grow up without a mother,now tell me why you don’t deserve to die!!!!”

His angry voice echoed as he stretched his hands towards me.

A heavy wind suddenly came and flung me across the room.

I hit the wall and I could hear my bones crack as bl.ood oozed from my eyes and ears.

“Nacamora please” I muttered with my last breath.

He laughed evily and before I knew it,I was covered by darkness….



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