WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 11 – 20

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 11 – 20

Written by Authoress Rejoice

Episode 19

Annabel walked over to her seat pouting while Adams continued laughing.

She looked at him. He was more handsome when he laughs than when he puts on his poker face.

Richard entered the office and saw Annabel pouting while Adams was laughing. He knew she was the reason behind his laughter. This was the first time he saw Adams laughing sincerely when he’s with a lady without being forced to do so. The thought of it made him feel warm inside.

“I can see you two are having fun”He said

“No we’re not”Annabel snapped relieved that Richard was around to save her from that man.

“If you two are not having fun then what’s happening?”

Adams stopped laughing

“He was bullying me” Annabel said

“Bullying you? I wasn’t bullying you.I was teaching you on how to be respectful” Adams countered

“Richard don’t listen to him. He’s lying”

“Adams why won’t you leave her alone?”Richard asked

Adams rolled his eyes

“It’s okay Annabel forget about him.He’s a trouble maker”Richard said and she smiled

“He’s a big trouble maker. I don’t why I have to share an office with him.It’s so unfair”She complained

“We share an office because you’re the secretary and I’m your boss” Adams said

“Boss my foot”She snapped

Richard just shook his head. This two are gonna kill each other one day

Annabel took the food from the desk and wanted to leave

“Hey,where are you going to again”Adams asked

“I’m not longer hungry so I’m returning it”She replied and gave him no chance to talk before leaving

Adams sighed

Richard walked over to the chair in front of Adams and sat down

“I haven’t heard from your parents in a while. How are they?”Adams asked

“Same way they’ve always been. How about yours?”

“My dad is still angry over the Charlotte issue but my mum is cool”

“That’s great”

Adams observed Richard for a while. He discovered something was bothering Richard

He thought for a while putting two and two together and figured it out immediately

“Your parents are still bothering you over getting married aren’t they”Adams asked

“Yes Adams and it’s really pissing me off. The worst part of it all is that,they’ve arranged a date for me and the so called lady they want me to marry”

Adams was shocked

“That’s ridiculous. How can you get married to someone you haven’t seen before talking more of loving”Adams asked

“I dunno”

“What about Alexa? Didn’t you say you love her?”

“Of course I love her but I dunno if she feels same way for me. We’ve met on two occasions and talked about normal stuffs but I haven’t revealed my feelings yet”

Adams sighed

“We’ll figure something out. Just go for the dinner and see how things will turn out”

“Seriously?”Richard wasn’t willing to go

“Yeah. Just for courtesy sake”

“Okay. Thanks”

They shake hands

“So what about Annabel? Aren’t you going to tell her how you feel?”Richard asked

Adams became nervous

“I will but I don’t know how to”

Richard laughs

“You’re serious?”

“Yeah. I know you’re not expecting that but with Annabel,I’m nervous”

Richard couldn’t believe his ears

“Alright. Why don’t you take her out for dinner then tell her how you feel”

“Do you think she’ll like it?”

“Of course. Ladies love it when guys express their feelings during a romantic dinner”

Adams was confused

“Or you could meet Alexa and ask what Annabel likes”

“No. Alexa might leak it out”

“Okay. How about your mum? She’s been through things like this and is an expert when it comes to what ladies like Annabel would like”

“Yeah you’re right. I’ll go see her tomorrow”

“You better be hasty with it before someone else take her away from you”

That word alone made Adams shudder. He can’t bear loosing Annabel to someone else. Yes they both didn’t start good but that can change.

He fell for her the first time he set his eyes on her and her courage made him love her more but his ego never allowed him treat her nice. He wanted to be in charge and built up a wall but she broke down all his walls.

He can’t hide it anymore else he might go crazy. It’s a miracle he’s able to control himself whenever he’s with her in the office. He would stare at her whenever she was sleeping in the office and his mum had caught him doing that but he lied his way out of that one.

His only prayer now is for her to accept him. He has never felt this nervous in his entire life.

“What are you thinking about?”Richard snapped him out of his thoughts

“Nothing”He replied

“I have to go now”Richard stood up and they shake hands

“You’re welcome”


WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 11 – 20

After Annabel left the office and returned the food,She went to see Alexa and Stephanie since they were on break.

“Hey girls” She smiled

“Annabel I thought you would be in the office with your prince charming all day”Stephanie teased her

“He isn’t my prince charming”

“Says the girl that just blushed when I said it”

“Stephanie stop”Annabel said and they laugh

Annabel noticed Alexa wasn’t her cheerful self today

“Alexa,what’s the problem?”Annie asked

“Nothing”She faked a smile

“Come on babe. I’m your best friend and I know when you aren’t happy. So tell me what’s bothering you”

Alexa sighed

“My parents wants me to get married” Alexa muttered but Annabel heard it


“Yes and to a total stranger”Alexa said controlling the tears that threatened to slide down her cheeks

“What do you mean to a total stranger?”Stephanie asked

“I don’t know who he is. To top it all,they’ve made arrangements for me to have dinner with him tomorrow night”

“Sorry about that. But you need to go for the dinner”Annabel said

“Why?”Alexa asked and Stephanie replied

“So you can tell him how you feel. Just explain things to him maybe he’ll understand”

“Stephanie is right Alexa”

“Should I tell my parents it’s Richard I love?”

Richard was passing and heard what she said but they didn’t see him. His joy knew no bounds when he heard it. He decided to meet whichever girl his parents wants him to marry and explain things to her. He smiled and left the building happily

“Don’t tell your parents till after the dinner”Annabel said and she nodded.

“Miss.Annabel,the CEO wants you in his office now”
Manager Kim said smiling at Stephanie who blushed

(Hmm this kind love na wa oh)

“Okay sir” Annabel excused herself and left for Adams office


WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 11 – 20


School was over and students were trooping out of the class. Marla wasn’t in school that day so she sat down and waited for the halls to be less crowded before leaving.

Ever since she won that competition,her popularity was on the rise with many companies coming for her to be the face of their products. Even magazines companies comes for her to work with them.

When the hall was less crowdy,she picked up her bag to leave. She wondered why Gideon didn’t come to pick her today. It’s not that she’s complaining,she’s just worried about him.

Dylan came to meet her there

“Hey queen of the school,can we talk please? You’ve been so busy nowadays I hardly see you”Dylan said

“Okay. What do you wanna talk about?”Lisa asked

“I just wanted to ask if you’ll be my…”

“Be your what?”Lisa asked

“I love you Lisa and I want you to be my girlfriend”

Lisa was taken aback by his request

She wasn’t expecting this

“Dylan I…”

“Please don’t say No” He begged walking towards her and she moved back

“Dylan what are you doing?” She kept moving till she hit her back on the wall

“Lisa…he called as he touched her hair…please be my girlfriend”

Lisa summoned up courage

“I’m not interested”

Dylan felt like a sword just pierced through his heart

“You are not interested?”

She nodded

He brought his face close to hers

“So you don’t love me?”He sounded hurt

“Yes”She replied

He wanted to kss her but she pushed him back

“Stop it”She said

He didn’t listen but came closer till a voice stopped him

“I’m sure you’re not deaf. You heard her right? She said stop it”

Dylan turned to see who he didn’t expect. Gideon

“Hello Gideon,so we meet again”Dylan said with a dangerous smirk on his face

Gideon clenched his fists

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 11 – 20

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