WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

Written by Authoress Rejoice

Episode 30

“Okay then. Bye and I hope we meet in your next world”

Suddenly two gunshots were heard.

Charlotte fell to the ground in pains as the bullets penetrated into her legs

Liana and her men brought their guns out and pointed at the direction the bullet came from

Emily smirked

“Fools!!!”She cracked up the gun and shot some of the men while Adams used that opportunity to rescue Annabel

The police men emerged from their hiding spots and everywhere was surrounded

“Drop your guns”One of the policemen ordered

Seeing that they were out numbered,Liana and the rest of her men surrendered

Luckily Emily didn’t kill any of them but inflicted injury instead

But she made sure to paralyze Charlotte

Charlotte turned to Emily while the policemen handcuffed the rest

“You little brat”Charlotte was in pains she couldn’t say everything

“That’s for everything you did to Annabel”Emily replied

Adams untied Annabel

She hugged him

“You saved me. Thank you”She muttered

Before he could reply her,she fainted

Adams carried her in a bridal style and hurried to the car

“Let’s go Emily”Adams said

Emily glared at Charlotte

“Better pray nothing happens to her else I’ll be more than happy to end your miserable life”

She walked away

The police handcuffed Charlotte and dragged her to the car while she reigns curses on both Annabel,Emily and Adams

Even Ben that tried to escape was caught and cuffed

They were all taken to the police station.

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End


Annabel was rushed to the ward and doctors started attending to her

Emily sat on the chair looking quite optimistic

“Bro Adams stop worrying. Annabel is fine”

“Didn’t you see she’s in bad shape? I can’t help it”Adams ruffled his hair roughly

“Come and sit down”She patted the vacant space beside her

Adams sat down and she puts his head on her laps

“Don’t worry. God won’t allow anything happen to her. She’s a strong lady”Emily patted his back

“Thanks Emily”Adams sat up

“For what?”

“For everything you’ve done since you came to stay with me. If it wasn’t for you,Annabel would have been dead by now”

“No problem. God brings people into our lives for a reason”

The doctor came out of Annabel’s ward and Adams ran to him

“How is she?”

Doctor Joe shook his head

“She isn’t waking up. We’ve used all means of resuscitation but none seems to work. It seems they injected a very harmful substance into her system”

“What are you talking about? Try your best and make sure she wakes up if not I’ll shut this hospital down”Adams threatened

Emily held him

“Calm down. They’re doing all they can”

“We will make sure she wakes up. Pardon us Mr Adams”Doctor Joe bowed and left

Adams felt like he was going crazy

After four good years,he finally found someone he loves but now she’s not waking up

What is he going to do with out her?

He hasn’t even showed her how much he loved her

And it’s all because of Charlotte

He will make sure she rots in jail

He picked up his car keys

“Where are you going?”Emily asked

He didn’t answer

“Wait…don’t tell me you’re going to meet Charlotte like this. You’re too angry to drive please for Annabel’s sake,stay. We’ll deal with Charlotte later”

She made him sit on the chair and he buried his face in his palms

Emily really felt for him. She has never seen him in this kind of condition before

She has always known him as a no nonsense guy with a with a personality that she admires a lot. Yes,he can be rude,bossy and cocky sometimes but he’s a nice guy who has a heart too

She just pray Annabel wakes up soon

Minutes later…

Adams mum came with Gideon,Alexa and Stephanie

Lisa was still with her dad. When he heard Annabel was kidnapped,he suffered from shock and his BP rose. Lisa informed him that Annabel is fine now

He was relieved and started getting better

Adams mum strode over to where Emily sat

“How is she please?”Natasha asked

“The doctor said she hasn’t woken up yet”Emily replied

“This is bad”Gideon muttered

Natasha sat down as tears slide down he cheeks

“Please don’t cry,she’ll be fine”Alexa patted her back

“I’m scared. I don’t want to loose her”Natasha wept

“No one is loosing her. Calm down”Stephanie said

Gideon touched Adams

“Hey buddy,are you okay?”

“No I’m not. My fiancee is in between life and death Gideon. I can’t be okay”Adams half yelled

“Calm your nerves. She is going to be fine”Gideon assured him

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End


“How can you tell me you have nothing to do to help your daughter? She’s in jail for goodness sake”Charlotte’s mum snapped

“Of course she’s in jail and for a crime she committed”Her father replied

“This isn’t fair. Go and bail her out”

“That’s impossible. I can’t do that even if I want to”

“So you’ll sit and watch her rot in jail?”

“It would serve as a punishment for her Immoral behavior. That girl has brought nothing but disgrace to my name. Let her stay in jail. It’ll serve as deterrent to other rich ladies like her who use their money or position for selfish deeds”

“Is that all you have to say? She’s your daughter Mark”

“She’s also your daughter Vanessa. I don’t care if she’s the heiress to my company but I rather make Annabel my heiress than a sl*t”Mark stood up and entered his room

He was hurt cause he tried his best in raising Charlotte. He took her to the best schools,gave her a good and well paying job as the manager of his second company but she refused to work.

This isn’t how he wanted his daughter to end up

Even with his wealth and power,he knows that bailing Charlotte out is not possible Cause the police were there to witness everything

He was also aware that Adams has many evidence with him right now so his hands were tied.

Vanessa sat down on the couch in tears. All that’s happening now was partly her fault. If she had listened to her husband when he was telling her to scold Charlotte whenever she misbehaves,things wouldn’t have come to this point.

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End


It was already very late in the night.

Adams made Gideon take everyone except Emily home.

The doctor allowed him to go and see Annabel and he has refused to come out of the Ward since then. He refused to eat or drink anything.

Emily tried her best to make him eat but he was adamant.

Adams stared at Annabel as she laid on the bed with closed eyes. He missed her smile,her frown,her anger and those glint in her eyes

He missed everything

She’s right beside him but it felt like she was far away and his heart ached

It was only 10 minutes till 12 am and Adams was praying for a birthday miracle

“Annabel please wake up. It’s still your birthday. We can still celebrate it okay? Please just open your eyes”

She didn’t respond

He looked at the clock one more time and it was 2 minutes to 12 am

He lost hope as tears dropped from his eyes

Emily jaw dropped

Did Almighty Adams just shed tears or were her eyes deceiving her?

Adams sniffles and she moved and opened her eyes

She looked round the ward and then at Adams

Why was he crying?

“Adams why are you crying?”

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

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