WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

Written by Authoress Rejoice

Episode 26

“Miss Hailey,your services are no longer needed so you’re fired”Adams stood up

“Please I’ll change”Hailey begged

“Kindly leave my office please”He walked out

Hailey was dazed as tears flowed down her cheeks. She didn’t know where to go and ease herself of this pain. This was the best job she ever knew. The pay was a juicy one and just like that,she has lost everything.

She stood up and walked out of the office with her face in her palms. She hurried out of the company and headed for Charlotte’s house.

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End


“Ugh I can’t believe he fired you”Charlotte was vexed

“What do we do now?”Hailey asked

“I’m confused. I can’t really think of anything now”She puts her hand on her head

Hailey sighed

“I’m hungry”Hailey said

“Then go look for what to eat. My house isn’t a restaurant”

“You’re the reason I got fired remember”

Shut up. How is that my fault? You were the one that played the wrong card”

Hailey couldn’t believe her ears

“How can you say that? I played my part but you were too slow in getting rid of her”

Charlotte stood up

“I was too slow? You have the courage to talk to me in that manner? Have you gone cray cray?”

“No I haven’t Charlotte. You’re just being unfair”

“I’m not being unfair Hailey besides I never asked for your help,you foolishly brought yourself to me”

That was when it dawned on Hailey that Charlotte has been using her all this while. She actually thought Charlotte cared for her but it turns out she was wrong

“You’re a monster Charlotte. You’re heartless and you’ll meet your doom one day”She said and stormed out

Charlotte plopped down on the couch and sighed heavily.

She has never gone through such stress in dealing with someone but Annabel is really stressing her out.

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

Adams came home,freshened up and put on a black suit with black leather shoes and brushed his silky hair.

He drove to Annabel’s place and was surprised at what he saw when she came out.

She was wearing a floral blue gown a little below her knees and her hair was packed in a pony tail. The makeup was exquisite and her heels were white with a white handbag to match.

She noticed his stare and became nervous

“Is it bad?”She asked

“No you look extraordinarily beautiful”He pulled her close and pecked her cheek

Lisa cleared her throat to signify that they were there

Annabel pulled away and looked at him from head to toe. She couldn’t help but drool over him. The guy was a demi god

“Are you done staring or are you two not ready to meet Adams parents tonight?”Alexa said drawing their attention

Adams smiled

“You look good”She complemented

“Thanks my lady. Shall we?”He opened the car door

“Yes”She entered the car and he entered with her.

“Good evening ma”She heard a familiar voice

It was Lawrence. Adams driver,the one she was quarreling with the day she and Adams met for the first time

“Good evening Lawrence. So nice to see you again”She smiled

“Same here ma”He turned on the ignition and started driving

“Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while”She said

“I traveled to attend to some things” He replied

“Wow that’s great. It’s nice to have you back”She smiled and he smiled back

Adams was already burning with jealousy. Annabel looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous”She said

“Jealous? No! Why would I be?”He tried hiding it but he couldn’t

“It was only a casual discourse”

“Really? And he smiled at you like that”

Lawrence couldn’t hide his smile

So his boss is jealous hmmm

“What’s wrong with him smiling at me?”She asked


Annabel laughs

“Okay I won’t talk to him again. Are you fine with that?”

He nodded


The car was parked in the garage and they stepped out.

Annabel looked around the house. Adams was richer than she thought and she felt inferior

What if his parents dislike her?

What if they say she’s dating him because of his money?

Different thoughts ran through her mind. She felt like she doesn’t deserve his love

Adams held her hand and opened the door. His mum and dad were on the couch in the living room watching TV when they entered.

Their gaze shifted to the two lovebirds. When they had come closer,Annabel greeted them

“Good evening ma,Good evening sir”

“Evening Angel how are you doing?”His father asked

“I’m fine thank you sir. How about you?”She asked

“I’m great dear. We are all doing fine”

Adams greeted them too and his mum went to Annabel

“How are you love?”She asked

“I’m fine ma”Annabel answered

She made Annabel sit beside her and patted her head

Annabel smiled

She must admit his parents are nice. All her nervousness disappeared and she felt welcomed.

“You really are beautiful. My son has good taste”Natasha admired her

“Yes she’s beautiful”Mr Henry agreed

Adams cleared his throat to draw their attention

“What of me mum? Am I not handsome?”He asked

Natasha hissed

“You’re not handsome go away”She teased him and they laughed

“So can you tell us more about yourself?”His father asked facing Annabel

“My name is Annabel Williams. I’m 20 years old,almost 21. My dad is a retired lawyer”

“Retired lawyer?”Mr Henry twitched his brows

“Yes. He retired after my mum’s death”

“Sorry about that”Mr Henry said

Annabel smiled

“No problem”

“Where do you school?”Natasha asked

“I’m a graduate of Civil engineering from Emerald University”

Adams parents gasped

“You’ve graduated?”His mother was shocked

Annabel nodded

“And you’re 20 years?”His father was equally shocked

“Yes she earned extra credits and got double promoted”Adams finally spoke up

“Wow!!!”Natasha and her husband exclaimed at same time

“She’s really smart then”Mr Henry said and his wife nodded

“I love her already”His mum smiled

Annabel admired the woman,she was really beautiful even though she was already going to her 40’s. She realized Adams had his mum’s eyes while he took his father’s face.

They talked and laughed for a while and Adams dad pleaded with Annabel to make dinner for them. She went to the kitchen and made fried rice with exotic meats for them.

After dinner,They complimented her and came to the conclusion that she was going to be the one their son will get married to.

“You two are gonna get engaged”Natasha beamed with excitement

“Mum isn’t that too fast? I don’t wanna rush her”Adams said

“It’s a must. Ladies like her are rare and I don’t want you to loose her to another man”Natasha said

“She’s right Adams. We’re not talking about a wedding yet. You two should get engaged first”Mr Henry said

Adams sighed and looked at Annabel

“Are you okay with it?”He asked

Annabel looked at his parents and they gave her pleading faces

“Yes I’m okay with it”She answered

“Okay then”Adams watched his parents dance in joy

He had never seen them this happy especially his father.

They stayed some minutes more before leaving.

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End



Charlotte sat on her couch watching TV when the bodyguard she sent came back

“Good afternoon ma”He bowed

“What are your findings?”She asked

“I have good news”

Immediately he said that,she switched off the television and faced him

“Tell me”

“Annabel has no secret bodyguards ma. She is armless and prone to whatever attack you might lay on her”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes ma”

She chuckled

“It seems she was too worried about her father and Lisa that she forgot all about herself. She hired secret bodyguards for them but forgot to hire some for herself. So foolish”Charlotte laughs

“What’s the way forward ma?”Peter asked

She smirked

“Annabel will be celebrating her birthday next week Monday and Adams is looking for an MC. I’ve asked Ben to vouch for that part but I need who will bring Annabel to me. Call Liana for me”

“Okay”He bowed and went to call her

Liana is a top assassin who goes undercover to blend in with the environment and kill her prey. She is tough, merciless and kills without remorse. She carries out her operation leaving no trace or evidence behind

Liana entered few minutes later wearing black jeans and top with a black jacket and black heels

“Hey Charlotte”She waved and sat down on the couch

“Liana. It seems you’re just coming back from an operation seeing that you dressed like this”

“Yes. I wanted to go take a shower but Peter called that you wanted to see me”


“Okay I’m here now. What is it?”

“I need your help with something”

Liana got it

“Who’s that person troubling you?”She asked

Charlotte gave her Annabel’s pictures

(Only God knows where she gets their pictures from)

Liana looked at the pictures

“Do you want her killed or kidnapped?”

“I want her kidnapped so that I can kill her with my own hands”

“Okay then”

“She’s celebrating her birthday next week Monday so I’ve talked to Ben and he agreed to be the MC. He’s gonna distract them with a game and when she’s alone,you and your men can take her away”

“Sounds good Charlotte. You haven’t changed at all”

“Of course not”

Liana stood up

“You can count on me Charlotte. I’ll get the job done”

She put on her face cap and left

WINNING THE BOSS’ HEART: Episode 21 – The End

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