WORLDS APART: Episode 11-20

?World’s Apart?

? unknown identity?

Episode 20

What the h.ell are you doing here he screamed angrily at me.

I kept my head down, I couldn’t say a word I felt all gaze on me, I thought he has forgiven me but no he’s worst than before.

Mara did you lose your mouth, answer the d@mn questions Mabel yelled angrily at me.

I was given an admission I said with my head bowed.

Ny dad did that Mabel said and I nodded.

You guys should calm down, am even happy anyway welcome back Mara I missed you. Danny said and hugged me tightly.

I can’t breath I said trying to push him away.

I miss your cr@zy a$$ he said and tried touching my a$$.

Get your hands off me you j.erk I said and he burst into laughter.

Come sit with me he said holding my hands.

No you sit with me I said and dragged him down with me.

Danny you are sitting with that thing Mabel said disgustingly.

Her name is Mara and if you are not comfortable with it, you can fk off, I don’t fking care he said and she marched away to sit with her friends.

A teacher came in and started teaching, but my mind wasn’t there. I turned and my eyes met with Jayden, his eyes were boring holes in my body. I quickly looked back I don’t want him to get mad at me.

Break time

I bent my head over my desk, Danny already left that business was calling.

Babe let’s go get lunch. Anna said trying to hold me up.

Am not hungry I said.

Come on dear I would pay she said.

Anna I really don’t have any money on me and I don’t want anybody paying my bills I said.

Babe do you want to work she asked

yeah sure as far it pays good.

ok fine I own a coffee shop and I would love you to work in it, the pay is good she said.

wow so you own a coffee shop.

yeah sure and you can start today she said.

she handed the address and dragged me up, let’s go get lunch she said.

Hours later

I have been working my a$$ out since I came back from school. I told Liam about the job and he agreed but he was reluctant to let me go, he said he doesn’t want me to start working my a$$ off.


Am done ma I said as I pulled off my working clothes.

ok you get going be careful she said as I left the restaurant.

Thanks I said as I walked out of the restaurant and hop on my bicycle then drove off tiredly. I wish I could just rest now,it was already nine, I can’t work like this forever I needed to plan my future.

I packed my bicycle outside and walked in, the shop was filled.

I walked to a lady I saw controlling the workers.

Ma excuse me I said putting on my best smile.

Are you Mara she asked nicely.

Yes ma I said and nodded.

Ok Anna already told me about you, but what is the city billionaire’s daughter doing here she asked.

oh am sorry an not Mabel I said.

oh I even forgot you were Mara am sorry for the incovinence, get to work she said and left.

I wore my attire and started working, the other workers kept to themselves, some were even sending me killing looks but I cared less am not here to make friends.

customers trop inside, I heard a slight gasp in the shop and I wonder why suddenly people started screaming.

I turned and my eyes met with his blue eyes but he quickly looked away and behaved as if he didn’t, I feel so pained right now.

I saw all the workers trying to fl!rt with him, but he cared less, suddenly they started walking back with frown on their faces.

Go serve Jay he said he wants you, the madam said smiling cheaply.

ok Ma I said as I walked towards him.

I want you he said and kssed me.

I slap myself back to conciousnes can’t believe am beginning to imagine things .

what’s wrong with you are you okay, is that how you attend to your custumers here he asked annoyed.

Am really sorry sir I said scared, so what do you want, what type of coffee do you want I asked.

Just get me anyone he said pressing his phone.

I walked away and took the best coffee ever, at least let me impress him.

Here is your order sir I said and kept the coffee on the table.

Don’t go anywhere you are gonna watch as I drink it, he said and I nodded.

He raised the cup to his mouth and drank and he spat it out immediately.

What the h.ell is this he yelled angrily at me and everyone turned to us.

But sir it’s the best coffee I said.

You this idi0t he said and the next thing he poured the hot coffee on me.

Aargh I screamed as the tea burn my skin, even my face as hot tears poured down from eyes.

When I talk you don’t talk fool, you aren’t happy you are standing in the same place I am.

I bent my head as tears poured from my eyes I feel so pained right now, can’t still believe his treating me this way.

Boss it’s okay his guard said coming in, I never knew he had guards .

You are indeed lucky next time we meet it might be too bad for you he said and walked out.

Mara you go home you are injured, just tell your parents to treat you she said.

I nodded as tears poured from my eyes I wish my parents didn’t abandoned me, I would not have being treated this way by my peers, my age mate. I wouldn’t have been treated like trash no insult I hate them I fking hate them, even if I come across them.

I rolled my bicycle home down the quiet road, I couldn’t drive.

I got home and it was already 11 :30 I pulled off my clothes and entered the bathtub.

James’ Pov

I searched tiredly throwing my wife things why do I have this feeling that she’s hiding something from me.

Over the twenty years of our marriage, I have noticed her and I know she’s been behaving wierd lately.

Talking about that, Mara I feel like I have a connection with her, I can’t just stop thinking about her. I hope am just being supicious or am gonna kill someone.

Darling what are you looking for? Rosa ask coming in.

just some sort of files I said pushing back her cupboard slightly.

Are you sure she asked.

Yeah, but Rosa are you hiding anything from me I asked.

..Are you saying you don’t trust m, she asked.

No, it’s not like that, I just wanna be sure I said.

Fine, am not hiding anything from yo, isn’t that what you want to hear I asked.

Come here, I love you I said hugging her.

I love you too she said.



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