WORLDS APART : Episode 41 – 50

?World’s Apart ?

? unknown identity?

Episode 49

Jay’s Pov


I scrolled down and I saw pic of Alvira and I found myself laughing and rolling on the ground .

What’s wrong Dan said coming in.

You really need to see this I said giving him the phone.

Serves her right he said smiling.

I wanna get some rest I said .

So should we continue avoiding her he asked.

Of course I got a plan I said.

Ok anything you say but am going home Dan said walking out.

I fell on the bed in my inner chamber weakly, she said she doesn’t care,I know she’s joking but am not done yet.

I laid on the bed for hours and immediately I knew school was over I walked out. I was about going to my car when I saw students gathering in a place, like what the fk is going on ther. I wanted to ignore them, but I found myself going there only to see Mara pushing her mom.

Rosa’s Pov

I dressed up quickly, this house is just so empty.

Ma do you want to eat the chief maid asked.

No am not hungry I replied.

But you haven’t taken food for days she said.

What is wrong with you, is it your stomach, are you the one hungry my friend get the h.ell out of here before I do something terrible to you. I screamed at her and she ran away.

I took my car keys and walked out, I needed to bring my family back no matter what it takes m. I don’t care how long, all I want is for Mara to forgive me.

I parked at the hallway it’s been long I really come to this school because am always busy, but now I left everything, school had closed just my timing I searched for Anna and my eyes fell on Mara coming our with them.

Mara please listen to me I said as I got to where she was but the look on her face I couldn’t explain.

Mara’s Pov

School had closed for the day I was happy and sad at the same time.

I know Jay is really gonna avoid me.

Mara are you going out Ara asked.

Why asking I said.

Like seriously, are you asking me that she said annoyed.

Am sorry I said am really in a bad mood.

Oh I see my bro didn’t fk you last night you miss his dk? She asked.

Ara, Anna called.

What she said making a baby face.

You are pissing me off I said.

I was born to do that she said smiling.

If you don’t shut up am gonna tell that boy you have a crush on him. Anna said

You wouldn’t dare she said a little bit scared.

Have you met him? I asked.

Yeah Ara took me along Anna said.

The both of you are dem0ns and you left me out. Just then I saw Mabel’s mom coming towards me, my face turn to that of total h0rror, this woman won’t let me be.

Mara please listen to me, she said, but I cut her off, stay the fk away from me. I yelled at her.

Mara please, am deeply sorry she said hugging me.

I groaned in frustration. Students already gathered around, let me go I said angrily.

Am not until you forgive me, she said.

Get your hands off me I yelled.

Mara just let her be. Anna said.

Why don’t you just forgive her Ara said.

You guys should shut up, I yelled and without warning I pushed her off and she landed with her b.utt on the floor while everyone gasp, but I cared less.

Let this be the last time you ever lay your f!lthy hands on me. I would never accept you as family I screamed at her.

Do you hate me that much, she said crying.

If you Know how much I hate you, you wouldn’t take a step closer.

Mara am really sorry she said crying.

Your tears don’t move me one bit. I said.

What the fk is going on here? Mabel said as she got to where I was.

You better tell that thing you call mother to stay the fk away from me. I yelled.

Mara just find a place in your heart to forgive me, we would start afresh. I promise to take good care of you. She said.

Like seriously, I took care of myself for good seventeen years, so what’s the point old fool.

How dare you call my mom a fool? Mabel said.

And so what? Are you gonna do something.

you are just gonna stand and watch as the weakling that you are. I said and the next thing I felt in my check was a hot sl@p.

I touch me place I was sl@pped it was red. Did you just sl@p me? I asked Mabel visibly annoyed and I gave her two hot sl@ps.

You have no right to hit me I yelled as tears began to pour from my eyes.

Hit me, come on hit me, you are the most wicked person on planet earth. She said.

You and your wicked mother made me this way. I yelled back at her.

The woman you call foolish is your mothe. She said.

She’s never gonna be my mom I said angrily.

You know what Mara, I thought I was worst, I thought I was very wicked and selfish, but h.ell no, you are the dev!l. Mom made a mistake and she’s been asking for your forgiveness for the past two months, but you have never showed any sign of remorse. You are just so selfish you don’t care about anyone’s feeling but yourself she yelled at me crying.

But you guys never cared about my feelings when you treated me like trash I said crying.

You are worst than us, you are the sister to the dev!l, don’t think am doing this to accept you as my sister that would never happen, mom she doesn’t deserve your forgiveness she said and held her away.

I cleaned the tears in my eyes but more kept coming. That was when I saw Jay and Dan starting at me I stormed to my car angrily ignoring Anna’s and Ara’s call.

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