“The MISTRESS is falling” a maid screamed as a guard came forward to hold her but she gain her balance pushing the guard away.


“Stay away from me” she yelled and the guard moved away from her.

She clenched her fist on the hem of her dress tightly and stormed off the area angrily.

“Wh…..what…..did you just say” Queen Nana stammered.

“It not a joke mother, I’m truly in Love with her” He blurted which made Queen Nana more pissed.

“Are you sure you are Okay Augustus, how could you say that!!!, How do you think the Ministers and elders would take this? What if they question you? The fact that you are in love with a slave!!! Not even a maid” Queen Nana yelled.

“Who would dare questions me Mother? Who!!!” He flared up and continued “I’m the Emperor and I make my own decisions not the Elders nor the Ministers” he replied.

Queen Nana took a deep breath before walking away from the chamber furiously.

Emperor Augustus faced Aurora and pulled her into the chamber.

He cupped her face immediately “are you okay? Hope they didn’t touch you before I came?” He rushed his questions as tears welled up in Aurora’s eyes.

“Are you hurt?” He asked worriedly and she shook her head.

“Then….. why are you crying” he asked using his thumb to wipe off her tears.

“My Lord” she called in between tears.

“It okay, just stop crying” he muttered concerned.

“Do you truly….love me” she asked.

“I do, am I not allowed to love you?” He asked.

“I’m……I’m..just a”

“Don’t complete it, you are no more a slave” he cut her off.

“I’m…..” She didn’t complete it when Augustus lips captured hers, tears didn’t stop rolling as she responded to the kiss.

“Tell me, do you love me too” he asked as he broke the kiss.

Aurora nodded immediately “I love you too…My lord, I do” she sniffed. Augustus smiled wiping her tears before pulling her into a tight hug.

“I really don’t know what you have been doing to me but I’m crazily attracted to you” he said and Aurora smiled.

“Queen Mother……”

Forget about that, she won’t have a choice, don’t think about anything, leave it to me….” He assured and she nodded.

He touched her hair which was folded into a bun, he undid it and her long white hair fell down to her butt.

“Don’t ever tie your hair again, I love it this way” he said and she nodded.

Augustus scooped her into his arms and carried her into the inner chamber.

“So, I’m the Emperor’s woman now” she asked wrapping her arms on his neck.

“No you are not” he replied and she frowned.

“But you said that earlier” she protested.

“You are not a woman, but the Emperor’s little baby” he muttered and Aurora hit him on his arms.

“Ouch, that hurt” he faked a frown.

“I’m twenty” she exclaimed.

“And I’m twenty eight” he snapped and her lips formed a pout.

“Fine, I’m a baby” She mumbled as Augustus placed her on the bed chuckling.

He placed a peck on her lips and she shook her head.

“I want more” she touched her lips pouting.

“You are getting naughtier these days” he smiled and placed his lips on hers into a deep breathless kiss as they both fell on the bed together.

He broke the kiss and she connected it back again more deeper than the first.

“Are you that addicted” he asked and she blushed “more than that” she licked her bottom lips.

“C’mon, let sleep together” she gestured for him to move closer and he did wrapping his hands on her waist, their face an inch away from each other.

“I love you Rory” he muttered and she smiled “is that a nickname” she asked furrowing her brows.

“Don’t you like it” he asked and she nodded “I love it”

“Tell me you love me, I want to hear it again” he smiled and she chuckled.

“I love you too….”

“Call me August” he snapped.

“I love you too.. August” she muttered in her tiny voice.

“It sounds sweet from your mouth” he said and stole a kiss from her.

He placed her head on his chest as her hands went through his abs. If someone once told her a day like this ever would come, she won’t believe it. Now, here she is


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