Why’s he always doing this to me. I always stop thinking each time he’s around me. It’s like my brain just stop working automatically.
He loves me and I love him too. But then I remembered what he is. Gray kisses me. I didn’t kiss back at first. He wraps his hands around my waist and press me gently against the wall.
I hopelessly wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back. Maybe I shouldn’t be kissing back right now.
I should be thinking about the mess he’s trying to get me involved with. And if I don’t back out now, then I can’t back out anytime soon. I stop kissing him. He stays still with his hands around my waist. I raise my hand and place my hand on his face. His eyes peel apart and they look into mine.
” We need to talk.” I say. He sighs and look at me for seconds before nodding.
He lets go of me and tuck his hands in his jacket.
” Ask whatever thing you wanna ask , I’ll tell the truth.”
I nod and cross my arms. Where am I supposed to start from. There are a lot of things in my mind right now.
” Why didn’t you tell me ? Why hide it ?”
He looks around the apartment and run his fingers through his hair.
” It’s not that easy.”
” And why’s that ?”
” Because I thought it wasn’t the right time. I can’t just tell you I run a Mafia. You’re just gonna wake up in the morning and run away.” He sighs again.
I heave a deep breath. Thank God I switch off the cooker before coming here.
” What were you doing in Italy that day ?”
” I got a job to handle. Some asshole ratted me out and i needed to sort his shit out.”
” Murder ?”
” Murder.” He answers. When am I ever getting used to all of this. This is too hard to take in. I remembered i wanted a normal life once i resumed college but then , a really cute mystery man barged into my car. How can I ever forget that day?
” Why did you kill your father ?”
He didn’t expect I’d asked that. He looks tired all of a sudden. He looks away from me and mutter something under his breath.
” He was an asshole , I told you.” He says.
” That didn’t explain anything Gray. Why did you do it ? You said you were closest to him or was that a lie ?”
” It wasn’t.”
” Then what ? Vladimir told me how you cleared a man named Sinclair’s dirty deals and most times do his delivery. And you killed a lot of people to be on top so your father was part of those people too ?”
He takes a deep breath and lean against the wall close to me.
” He was right. Sinclair was my father’s friend. They were close and my father was Sinclair’s right hand man. I was a part of his Mafia. I cleared the dirty deals and most times deliver their drugs.
No one suspects a teenage boy with drugs actually. I wanted more. My father was a coward , he couldn’t build up his own organization and he’s just tied to Sinclair like a puppy.
I hated calling someone boss and I needed to make my own money and i planned ahead..” he stops and takes a deep breath.
” Then Sinclair’s Mafia was American’s most powerful mob. He’s got a lot of men and clients. And then his biggest of them all was Harold. He was a Columbian. He made a deal with Sinclair for a large amount of narcotics and almost 50 million was involved with it.”
” Things got messier.” He turns to look at me.” Remember I said I make the delivery , I took the drugs to him that day after I killed the guy who was supposed to deliver them. I took the money and killed Harold. I made sure I leave no trace behind. Only my father knew about it because I told him about my plans. Sinclair discovered Harold is dead and he got furious. He didn’t get the money and his drugs either. My father ratted me out to Sinclair and…..”
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