By Ariel Mirabel


Kelly who was sitting next to Dennis kept gawking at Evan who was discussing with the girl sitting next to him.

If looks could kll the girl could have been déad by now. Kelly folded her fists angrily when Evan began caressing the girl’s thigh and she smiled flirtatiously

“What the fk!” She exclaimed when Evan’s hand went in between the girl’s thigh and he began rubbing her.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Dennis asked..

“Mind your business!!” Kelly snapped and put on her headset.

Dennis swallowed hard.

“What is wrong? Where did I go wrong? Did I do something?” He began wondering.

An hour slowly ran down and the plane was still flying. Harmony fell asleep on where she was sitting and her head began swaying till her head landed on Brandon’s shoulder.

Brandon who was listening to music turned to look at her. He didn’t know when he smiled as he watched her sleeping.

From the way her long hair covered part of her face, to the way her long lashes hugged each other, to the way her small pink lips pouted as she slept

Everything about her looks perfect.

He removed the hair that covered her face and tugged it behind her ear and smiled more as he stared at her face.

“During this trip. I’ll come clean to you, I’ll tell you how much you mean to me” He thought and leaned then kssed her forehead.

He resumed starring at her.



The plane landed safely in California and the stairs were rolled down for the students to descend.

“Woah! My first time in California!” Harmony exclaimed.

They arrived California in the night..

Brandon’s phone began ringing and he went to answer it. Harmony brought out her phone but before she could press it someone pulled her to a corner.


Angelo brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and began wiping her forehead.

“What are you doing?” Harmony blinked.

“Stop falling asleep carelessly. You don’t know what might happen to you, or who might kss you” Angelo frowned as he cleaned her forehead.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Nothing” Angelo muttered jealously.

Harmony looked at him for awhile and smiled.

“I don’t know why you’re angry but..” She paused then stood on her toes, leaning to his ear.

“You look cute while frowning” She whispered and chuckled before leaving.

Angelo’s eyes widened.. He surely did not see that coming. He knew he was cute and he has heard that from dozens of girls but that felt so special coming from her

A smile settled on his lips as he watched her go to her friends.

“When has it come to this.. I smile like a fool just by one word from her. Angelo, you’re a goner” Angelo shook his head.

They all got in the bus that drove them to the hotel where they’ll be sleeping.

“Gather here everyone!” The lecturer said when they alighted the bus

“So, for tonight we’ll all rest, the fun will begin tomorrow and two students will be sharing each room. So here is the list” She said and began calling out the names

“Natasha and Winter”

“Harmony and Cassidy”

“Angelo and Chance”

“Dennis and Evan”

“Barbara and Kelly”

“Chris and…

It went on and on till she read the last name on the list

“Jordan and Brandon”

Kaylee’s face immediately turned white. Her fake name is Jordan, so that means she’ll be sharing a room with Brandon?


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