MEANT TO BE: Episode 11 – 20

(Being Elva)

Chapter 19

Zeemah Writes ?

?Mig’s POV?

“Ben?” I asked slowly.

“Who’s Ben? and why will he take her out for lunch?” I yelled before i could stop myself.

Elva flinched while Fleur gave me a look.
“Mig, what’s wrong? why would you yell? Fleur asked.
“Ben is just a friend”Elva also added and i sighed.

“Am sorry, i think im having mood swings,i didn’t mean to yell” I said and walked away to my room. I sat on the bed and ran my hands through my hair…

Why did i get annoyed just because a guy took her out for lunch, it’s not like I own her or something but i don’t just know what’s wrong with me recently.

I had just felt something rose in me and it wasn’t anger.
Was it jealousy?

?Elva’s POV?

I walked to my room while Fleur walked to the kitchen, I dropped my bag on the bed and let out a deep breath.
I was surprised Mig could yell that angrily..but it’s just mood swing.

He always give me a kind of feeling whenever i’m close to him. I once thought it was just his looks that always made me feel that way but no! there is also this feeling…my heart pumps anytime he’s around.
What could this be?


I walked back to the living room after I finished bathing, now clad in blue shorts with a loose t-shirt.
I met Fleur and Mig sitting on different couch in the living room,I sat beside fleur.
“You’re done eating?” I asked Fleur.
“Yeah,do you want to eat also?” She asked.
“No,I will wait till dinner cos my stomach is still full now”I said.

“Is Ben a staff in your hospital…”Mig suddenly asked.
“Yes he is Doc Steph’s cousin”Fleur said.
“Really?” Mig asked.
“Yeah…he told me that during our conversation”I chipped in and regretted it immediately because of the look Mig sent me.

Is he pissed at me or what?

“I wasn’t talking to you. I was referring to Fleur okay”he said and I felt hurt immediately
“Mig that was harsh “Fleur scolded.

“No it’s okay,sorry for interrupting Mig “I said and stood up and walked back to my room…
I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed staring into space.

I wonder why he is behaving that way…to me he has never shunned me.. what could be wrong?

I gave up thinking after some minutes and then resumed the novel i was reading…
I slept off only to be waken by Fleur for dinner.

“Wow it’s late”I said as i followed Fleur to the dining room,i kept looking at Mig during the meal but he just wouldn’t look at me.

We finished eating and I offered to wash the dishes, Mig offered to clean the table while Fleur said good night to us…

I took the plates to the kitchen and started sorting it, the silence is kinda killing me,since I know that Mig is with me but just wouldn’t talk.
We normally chat when carrying out our work,i wonder what i actually did wrong.

“Mig” I called and he turned to face me.
“Did I offend you?”I asked.
“No you didn’t”he said and turned back to cleaning the dining table.

“Then why do you keep giving me attitude”I asked and i saw his face went sober.
“I’m sorry Elva, it’s just my mood” He said and walked up to me.
“Okay, I just kept wondering what i did wrong since you won’t even talk to me”I said..

“Okay, maybe i felt a little hurt that the food i kept for you wasted,i ate little so you and Fleur could have enough to eat but you got back only to tell me had lunch already” He said.

“Ohh..I’m so sorry Mig,i promise i won’t have lunch again before coming home and even if i do,i will make sure to still eat yours, i didn’t know you would get so mad,i should not have had lunch..I’m sorry” I apologized.

“Really?…You mean you won’t have lunch at work again?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yes I won’t” I said and he smiled..

I’m glad my mig is back !

Uh..My Mig?…lol


Mig and i exchanged good night after we chatted for few hours. I ended up telling him that i promised the children to sing a song for them tomorrow and I don’t even know which song to sing.

He took me to the library,and selected few song books for me…I was so glad that i could keep my promise to the children..

I thanked him,he showed me some other interesting novels and even gave me two of it. I felt guilty to have taken one to work without his consent but i couldn’t tell him because i don’t want him to be pissed at me again.
He’s sure is a cool guy and i like him.

I slipped under the blanket after I’ve changed into my pyjamas.i picked the song book Mig gave to me and started going through it, suddenly i remembered the voice I heard again this afternoon.

How can someone own such an amazing voice?
Even if the voice was faint,it arose something inside me.

But…why does the voice normally stops anytime we enter the house..

Well..I guess it’s coincidence.

I fell into a dreamless sleep.

**Next morning**?

Fleur and i bid Mig goodbye after we finished having breakfast..we walked briskly to the hospital engaged in a long chat.

I walked into my ward after Fleur and i departed.
“Good morning cuties”I said as I dropped my bag on the desk.
“Good morning Elva” They smiled.

“How was your night?” I asked.
“Fine Elva” They chorused.
I sat down and arranged the books neatly on the desk…
The children are playing around the ward and i made sure to keep an eye on them.

Their breakfast arrived soon and I dished it out for them.
They finished eating and i packed the dishes back in the basket and kept it aside for the cook.

“Elva you promised to sing us a song today” Mitch said
“Okay, you all should settle down on your beds”I said and they all scurried to their beds, plastering their gazes on me.

I cleared my throat… I don’t even know how my voice is gonna sound but i just have to sing it to keep to my promise to them.
I started singing…

?Far far away is the cow herder.

Bright bright is the Weaver girl.

Slender slender the fair hands weaving.

Clack clack goes her loom.

The milky way shallow and clear”…

I continue singing and my voice sounded sweet to my ears…I started singing loudly with a newly discovered passion and didn’t know when i even closed my eyes, the song started flowing out smoothly from my mouth and i can hear “wow” but i just continued singing still with my eyes closed.

I finished singing and finally opened my eyes..


Almost all the staffs are in the ward, looking at me with a surprised expression including Ben and Fleur i felt a bit embarrassed…

OMG! they must have watched me sing… and here I was closing my eyes and singing like a fool.

“Please don’t stop”
“Your voice is amazing”
“Am impressed”…they all chorused while Fleur gave me thumbs up. Ben winked at me.

“Thanks everyone”I said with a smile,still surprised my voice was that good.
“Elva , you gat the best voice”Mitch said and others nodded…

If only they got to listen to the amazing faint voice I hear everyday which is far better than mine.

Everyone left,excluding Fleur and Ben who walked up to me.
“Omg you have an amazing voice”Fleur said.
“Yeah…it’s the best voice i’ve ever heard”Ben said.
“Thanks guys…funny enough,i didn’t even know i can sing that well” I sighed.

“You mean you don’t know you have an amazing voice? Ben asked and I nodded.
“Don’t you sing?” He asked.
“Uhm..I don’t..I can’t “I stammered.

“She doesn’t normally sing” Fleur answered for me and I nodded.
They left after they were called for an emergency.

I’m very certain about one thing; music is related to my past.

Why can’t i remember a thing…just a thing for goodness sake.
I banged the desk in frustration and the children suddenly gaze up at me.
“Elva what’s wrong?” Mitch asked.

“Uh..uhm” I said scratching my head while forcing on a smile.
“Do you like Doc. Ben?” She grinned and they all started singing ‘do you like Doc Ben.’


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