BY Rosy Johnson.



Diana woke up only to find herself in an unfamiliar location.

She looked around, trying to stretch herself so she could stand to her feet and walk away only to discover that she was bounded to a chair.

No, it wasn’t a chairs cos she was seeing the floor. She was fûçking bounded upside down.


Who is the Fûçkêry, fûçkêrson that tied her this way?

“Hello? Anybody there?” She called out.

She saw two legs on the door, walking towards her…. No, it wasn’t two legs but four legs.

Two was feminine while the other was strong, well, not strong, Strong but she would say it was a male and a female.

“Hello, human,” came a male voice.


Now her suspicion was clear that it was a male and a female.

“Put me down, untie me!!” She shouted at them.

The guy who happens to be Fredrick laughed menacingly.

The truth was that he didn’t want her, Ty doesn’t even have any idea that he held her hostage but the fool was gonna take the fall.

He planned to ruin all of them till no one stood on his way of ruling their pack and being the Alpha.

He was born to rule after all so all his brothers Should go to hêll, he doesn’t give a rat âss!!

“I don’t plan to kîll you,” he said, staring at her exposed thighs cos of the way she was kept.

Lust flashing in his eyes as he stared.

“Focus,” Betty bumped her shoulder into him jealously.

Fredrick gulped, nodding as though he got back to his senses and he did except the woman’s thighs was fresh like a new born chick.

Can you blame him? Afterall, men are meant to lust after beautiful women like this one. He’d always wanted Trista but if he can’t have her then he should have the person that made her.

It was all the same!!

Frederick ran his hands on Diana’s thighs, loving the feel of her smooth body against his palm.

“This isn’t the plan,” Betty said, pulling his hand away but he shoved her hard and she fell on her bûtt.

She winched in pain.

“I will tell, everyone will know what you have done and….”

Fredrick suddenly left his current duty to face her, the fact that he stopped caressing those lovely thighs was enough to make him mad and he was furious right now.

“We had a deal and I’m keeping to mine so keep yours!” Frederick snapped.

“Touching her wasn’t part of it, you said you wanted Trista….”

“And since I can’t have her I might as well keep the mother, after all they’re like siblings, can’t you see… Do they look like mother and daughter? Just let me have fun while we continue once I’m done,” Frederick explained

Betty still wasn’t giving in but she was silent.

“Come on, kîllîng her without having a little fun won’t be too nice, besides you can join in the game, it will be a threesome and super nice,” Frederick said, convincing her.

Betty haven’t really tried threesome, not like she cared for the woman but she didn’t want Fredrick fûçking others.

“You don’t like Trista imagine what she would do to know that you had threesome with her mother?” Fredrick said and held his jaw as if in thoughts.

Betty’s eyes flashed and a cocky smirk appeared on her lips.

Damn! Fredrick was right, she was gonna have fun with the powerless woman and mock her daughter with it later…

This will be fun



Jimmy has searched all the room and corners but found nothing.

He was losing strength but he was determined to find Diana. He promised Trista he was gonna find her mother and it will be a slâp to his face if he doesn’t find her.

What will he tell the girl?

“Try connecting with her,” Jimmy heard at the back of his mind.

His animal spirit was whispering to him again, the animal has been whispering but he didn’t take it into consideration.

They weren’t mated, she wasn’t his so how is it possible that he can connect with her! Only mated shifters can connect.

“Just try,” he heard again but this time he closed his eyes.

He wasn’t sure if it will work but he was willing to do anything to find her.

Jimmy’s eyes stayed closed for few minutes but nothing happened.

“Come on, come on!!” He mumbled desperately.

Nothing happened…

He ran his hand through his hair, wishing that by some miracles he could just see something, anything at all but he saw nothing…

He couldn’t connect with her, he can’t even feel her close.

Fûçk!!! He opened his eyes.

What was he gonna tell the poor girl who believed in him? What will he tell Diana if she’s to be found by another?

He closed his eyes again but this time he didn’t think of connecting with her, he thought of the good times.

The day they drank champagne, the first day she fought him cos he wanted her to watch him while he worked.

The way she smiled and her face lit up, she was beautiful, so pretty that she captured his heart and….. He saw her, he saw her tied upside down and hands were …

Too many manys were on her and she was begging…..

“Diana,” Jimmy mumbled. Those bastards made her beg…. How dare they?

“Diana I’m coming,” he shifted in a heartbeat, dashing through a door he didn’t know existed at the wall in the room.

He kept her scent forefront as he ran, pushing past his limits to reach her in time.
Fredrick and Betty had already succeeded in taking off her dress with her still hanging upside down, Fredrick had his fingers between her legs while Betty pressed her mouth open so Frederick could shove his cøçk in her mouth and fûçk her till his dîçk hits the back of her throat.

The next things they saw was a raging werewolf, Frederick didn’t hesitate to pull Betty in front of him and the Wolf sank it fangs and claws into Betty.

“Argh!!!!” She let out a scream that shook the walls.

Jimmy was deaf at this moment, how dare they? He sank claws after claws into Betty’s chest, ripping her chest open and pulling her heart out of it.

He howled.

Betty dropped to the ground motionless then he charged after Fredrick who was long gone.

Fredrick glanced back, he knew Jimmy was close so he increased his pace, running as fast as his legs could carry him.

He would have been dêad all thanks to Betty.

Jimmy ran out to the road but he was gone, he howled, letting out a roar that sent a warning message to any werewolf that was near.

That bastard, he will find Fredrick it was a promise. How dare he make her beg?

He might be gently but that doesn’t mean he was weak, his bêâst was just sleeping and once you harm what’s close to his heart he will unleash his wrath.


Jimmy race back to Diana, he helped her down the place they tied her to after shifting back to a man.

“You alright?” He asked casually.

She nodded

“What can I say?” She asked, faking a smile, it was really hard to look him in the eyes after he witnessed that.

Fûçk it was embarrassing!

“Thank you,” she said softly.

Jimmy smiles, he still retained his dress so he took of his shirt and gave it to her.

She wore it and glanced at her laps, it was too small for her. It hardly even cover her âss.

Could she really complain? Her dress has been torn by two…. She glanced down at Betty then up at him.

“She will be taken care of,” he said as if understanding why she was staring at him.

Diana was silent.

Jimmy roughed his hair.

“Diana, about the other time…..”

“I need to find my baby, thank you for saving me,” she interrupted, he swallowed hard and nodded.



Mr Black didn’t want the trouble of the warriors, his kingdom is too precious to him to bring the wrath of the queen whom won’t hesitate to burn down their entire Pack.

Jacob stood staring at Trista who stood behind Jax, eyes still glowing.

He took a step forward and Ty smiled, the warriors was with them, Jax is doomed completely.

No matter how large he might prove to be he can never defeat a feral warrior, one feral is known to have the strength of a thousand men let alone more than twelve.

Ty brought out his hand for a handshake but Jacob walk past him, shocking the hêll out of him.

“You look just like your mother,” Jacob said calmly, he reached for Trista but she shifted away.

She wanted to stay but she had many unanswered questions.

“You grew bigger, Into a woman than the last time I saw you,” he said again

The last time, what does he mean by the last time.

“What do you mean?” Trista asked, she was confused.

She has always wanted to see her Dad and now she has seen him but she wasn’t really that excited. He left them, her mother said he left so why?

Does that mean he didn’t want her? And what does he mean by the last time? Her mother said he left after learning about her so what’s happening?

“What do you mean by the last time?” She asked, her eyes watering.

She wanted to be strong buh this was exactly the man her mother told her to be her father.

“She didn’t tell you?” Jacob raised his brows.

“Each time I visit they kept telling me that she moved and it will take me months if not years to find her again and whenever I do, she will pack out again,” He explained.

Trista sniffed and shifted backward.

This man was trying to lie against her mother, they have always moved but her mother can’t possibly lie about that.

Her mother wasn’t hiding her from her father, right? She wasn’t.

They’d always moved cos her mother didn’t want other people to know about her special abilities, she didn’t want people to get suspicious…

“You’re lying,” she said to his face.

Jacob moved closer just a little bit.

“The last time I saw you was from afar, you were 8 but by the time I came to your place I didn’t know your mother already moved, seems she saw me and packed out….”

“Stop lying!!! My Mom is nice, okay? She can never hide me from you! She loved you so much, so very much that she kept herself for 19 years hoping to see a man she didn’t know if she will ever met again. She told me you were nice to her and treated her like a princess, she said so many good things about you but you’re trying to make her the bad person here,” Trista yelled at him, tears cascading down her eyes.

Jacob was stunned.

Diana never married, she was just a 14 yrs old teenager when he met her and they had their little girl.

She never married all those years….


“Don’t call me that, I am not your princess, my Mom is so find her…. They took her, they took her from me since morning and I haven’t seen her,” Trista yelled running away.

Jax rushed after her instantly.

Ty followed them but….

“Hold him,” Jacob ordered.

His men blocked the way, stopped Ty from moving forward.

“Prince Jacob….”

“You took her,” Jacob cut him off “how dare you touch what is mine? Have you no fear?” He roared, matching towards Ty with his intimidating muscles

His appearance alone was enough to send Ty shievering and sauntering backwards.

“Prince Jacob, how about we talk about it?” Mr. Black said calmly, hoping it will work and get the man to turn around.

“What qualifies you to touch what I touched?” He grasped Ty by his neck, flinging him over the building.

“Yaaaaahhhh!!!” Ty screamed, landing on the rooftop before sliding off and dropping to the ground with a loud thud.

He groaned painfully, taking note of the bones that snapped.

“Do you have any idea what you have just done?” Jacob rasped, matching towards Ty.

Ty began shifting on his bûtt, he didn’t have strength to face a strong warrior, Jax was the keeper, it was his job to protect their Alpha but where is he?


“You have no idea do you?” Jacob grasped his collar, dragging his feet off the ground and staring him directly into the eyes.

“Where is she?” His tone echoed like a nightmare into Ty’s ears, goosebumps rushed to the surface of his skin.

Ty felt his blood going cold as the man’s grip on him tightened.


“Sun flower wait up,” Jax nearly screamed from behind still running after her.

Trista didn’t stop, she had many questions going through her head.

Finally she found her father but now he made her mother look like the bad guy, was her mother really the bad guy?

Was he just playing good cop, bad co? Could her mother be the bad guy? But her mother was nice, she told her everything she needed to know

Wait…. Was her mother doing this cos she wanted her trust and loyalty? Why were they always moving? Could it be that her mother was running because of him? But why?

She said he was a nice guy and he treated her like a princess so why was she running from him if he was nice like she claimed?

Okay, now her head was full, she needed answers, she needs to know what to do… She needs to stop thinking cos her head wants to explode

Her eyes were still glowing but brighter than normal, her hands covered in blue flames. She wanted to explode, to burst out and let the world feel her rage….

She began turning around in a cycle

It was too much, too much to contain, she can’t keep it… No, no!! No she can’t…

A cold handd wrapped around her from behind.

“Sun flower, come back to me please, If you let your powers control you, it will kîll, You needs to be ascended and you needs to learn how to control your powers,” Jax said.

He felt her body rising high above, burning his furr. She was too hot but there was no way he would leave her….

He shifted to a human, he thought holding her in his animal form was best but a bêâst and fire are not friends

“Sun flower…..” He winched.

Her flame had burned through his flesh.

“You need to calm down!!” Jax cupped her face in his palms, staring her in the eyes but all he saw was fire…

She was burning so hot it felt like putting your hands in the oven.

“You need to control yourself, do it for me please. there are no more wishes left in life now that you have come into my life,
every longing in my heart feels that I can’t live without you and it’s true….

I have join body and soul with you like fragrance is immersed in flower. If I lose you, I will be shatter to pieces, come back to me Sun flower, let me become part of your heartbeat just as you’re mine, I will cross all limits for your sake,” He said, soothing her, Meaning every word coming out from his mouth

Trista continue to glow, brighter than and brighter. Jax felt his hands turning red and releasing smokes.

He felt his flesh burning like a roasted meat, a part of him wanted to pull away but she was his to calm.

He rather dîê trying to save her from herself than to watch her get destroyed and do nothing

He shifted closer, his eye not leaving hers, leaning closer, he slammed his lips on hers, kissing through the fire and getting to her soul.

It only took a few minutes before her body began to calm, he pull away, gazing into her eyes and In those eyes he saw recognition in them.


“My sun flower,”



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