BY Rosy Johnson.



Jax leaned on the car waiting for Zach who happens to be inside the restaurant getting something he just didn’t know and couldn’t care less.

“So, we taking him out?” Isaac asked, walking up to him, both hands stuck in his trouser pocket.

“I wanna know who sent him cos I’m sure Ty is not behind it,” Jax replied.

They might hate him, Ty might be an âss but not to the extent of sending his boys against him, no! he can’t do that.

“Heard he hosted a party in another person’s name just to get that viral girl on it,” Isaac said,

Jax glanced at him as if he didn’t quite understand what he was saying. He’d been the one to take Trista to that party cos it was hosted by Jade so what the fûçk was he talking about?

“What do you mean?” Ava joined them

“Well, according to resource, Ty wants her that’s why he organized the party…” before he could finish Jax was already walking away.

He should have known, why the hêll will he leave her in that party? What if something bad happens to her? Her mother told him that she has never been to parties and he left her all alone.

His animal howled, urging him to shift and run but he didn’t give in to the raging beast demand .

He didn’t even know why he was going after her, what happens to his hätred for her?

The thought of Ty doing things to her was what pushed him into his car and he sped off.

“What about Zach?!” Isaac screamed, loud enough for him to hear it.

“Take care of him,” he replied.

Jax heart was pounding so loud in his chest as he drove, to him the car wasn’t fast enough. 20 minutes drive was like eternity to him and he cursed himself for leaving her all alone.

He should have been there but why the fûçk did he care?

Jax drove into the party ground

🗣️It’s the alpha


🗣️Please take me

🗣️Care for a quickie?

🗣️Make me your girlfriend

🗣️You’re so handsome

🗣️Oh, mine he came

Screams and cheers filled the air but he didn’t care to look at anyone’s face, his top priority was finding Trista. he was still looking around when he saw Jezebel approaching so he took a different direction, hoping to avoid her.

He wasn’t ready for her drama.

Jax has already left the party ground, hoping to find his way back so he could continues his search when he saw two guys smoking, he wanted to ask them if they have seen Trista but suddenly changed his mind

He took another corner, rushing past a closed door but a familiar scent hit his nostril and he paused, staring at the closed door and wondering if he should open it or not?

What if the person in there was not Trista? What if his animal was trying to play tricks on him?

Nevertheless, he walked over and held the doorknob, twisting it and pushing it open. The door didn’t budge so he shifted back…

if he was going to break the door then so be it, if Trista was in there with someone taking advantage of her, he was sure to get the mother-fûçker wasted but if it turned out to be consensual then his animal will get a rest.

Jax throw himself at the door, letting his beast come full front, the weight of his animal burst through the door, reviewing Trista whom Ty had pinned to the wall, both hands above her head.

Rage swirled into him in a rush of heat.

Without saying one word, Jax shoved his brother, so hard that Ty staggered and fall. He pulled Trista behind him, standing up right to face his brother but Trista wasn’t one to back down so easily, especially when people take her for a fool so she lunged herself at Ty, designing his face with her nails.

Jax finally pulled her away from his brother, dragging her behind him.

“Explain this!” his tone was hard and deep, leaving no room for argument

Ty frowned.

“And what reason should you meddle in my affairs?” he asked, dusting himself.

“You have no right to hold a woman against her wish! You have no fûçking right!!!’ Jax spats

And that infuriated Ty. Why does his brother care? What is it with her that his brother wanted to keep to himself? He saw her first, pick interest first so what’s all this about?

Maybe if they talk one on one as men Jax will understand and not meddle in his business.

“We should talk…”

“There is nothing to talk about, if I see you hold her or any other woman against their will again you won’t like what I will do,” Jax shunned, pulling Trista’s hand as he turned to leave.

Ty rushed over and grabbed her other hand.

“I’m not done speaking with her,” he said

She snatched her hand from him instantly.

“I never listened to what you have to say and we never talk to you so stay away from me!!” Trista warned, pointing her index finger at him.

“Now you heard her, back off!!” Jax shunned seriously.

“Look why do you care? You’re so good at ruining things that it’s now in your blood, your DNA! I wanted a taste of her…..”

A powerful punch from Jax shut him up as he dropped to the ground.

“No one speaks to her like that, you hear me?!” Jax spats, pulling Trista’s hand.

he took her out of there.

Ty groaned, touching his bleeding lips.

The fûçk, Jax actually punched him, why would he do that? That bastard is gonna pay for this in ten folds.



Diana was in the kitchen drinking coffees when Trista walked in already dressed for school.

“baby you don’t look too good,” Diana said, noticing the change in her.

She didn’t tell her mother what happened last night, the woman might just freak out.

“Mom, that thing happened again,” she suddenly, telling her the interesting part.

Telling her mother about the party will make the woman dress up next time and go to party with her.

“The what?” Diana sat the empty mug on the counter. Fishing out her car key from her purse.

“I bite this girl…”

“You bite someone? What did I tell you about getting viôlênce? Baby!!!” Diana screamed, she held Trista’s shoulder, turning her around to check if there was any mark on her.

“She tried choking me first and I had to defend myself,” Trsita pouted

“Oh, sweetie” she checked Trista’s neck, getting her red lipstick then she started drawing a line on her neck.

Her mother never let her join any spots, the woman was extremely carefully when it comes to her.

“Mom, they won’t notice,”

“If people find out that you can heal without a doctor do you know what they will think?!’

“That I’m a Monster, I get it and I’ll try to stay on my own,” she rolled her eyes

“You have said that to me three thousand times,” Diana replied, she dropped her lipstick then took her hand mirror.

She knew no matter what she said Trista’s will never let bullies get to her and the reason why they always moved was because people where getting suspicious, she just can’t risk them making her daughter feel like she’s abnormal. Nah!

They walked out of the house and Diana closed the door behind, locking it.



“What was dad like?” she got into the passenger’s side while Diana went into the driver’s side.

“He was nice to me,” she replied, turning on the car engine.

“So, he told you he loved you?”

“Nah, I told him,”

Diana reversed the car, driving slowly through the neighbourhood.

“Mooooooom,” Trista eyed her teasingly

“Oh, stop it!” she blushed.

“Now I know why you don’t want to date anyone else, at this stage I’m scared you might dîê a semi vîrgîn,” Trista said but Diana completely ignored her.

“Mom, if you keep waiting for someone that will treat you like Dad you’re never gonna find him, it’s been 18 years and you only had sêx once, date someone mom!! Who knows if there are no cobwebs in there….”

“Trista Jacob!!!” Diana screamed, taking her eyes off the road for a brief moment.

Trista chuckled.

“its actually 19 and three times, you want me to tell you where and when?” Diana asked, glaring at her before focusing on the road again

” Ewe, Mom!”

“What?! You started it,” Her lips curled into a smile.

Trista twitched her eyes, staring at the person walking to school.

It was Ruby.

“Mom, Mom pull over,” she said impatiently and Diana did just as she was told.

Trista opened the door and ran out, rushing after Ruby who’s in front.

“Hey, Ruby,” she grabbed her hand from behind.

Ruby glared at her, seeing who it was she quickly made to withdrew her hand but Trista held tight.

“You don’t have to trek, my mom can drop you,” Trista offered, glaring back at their car while Diana waved at them.

Ruby didn’t know if she should go with them or not, what those boys did to her was still fresh in her mind and she feared what Jezebel will do to her this time.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t…”

“Hey, it’s close to 8:00, you will miss your first class,” Trista added.

Ruby looked at the car again.

This was gonna end badly for her.

“Come on,” Trista urged, tugging at her shoulder.

Reluctantly, Ruby smiled. She walked back to the car and Diana opened the back door quickly so she got in with Trista at the back.

She couldn’t help but notice the resemblance between the woman and Trista, she looked young. So young to be Trista’s mother.

“She’s your sister?” Ruby asked, unable to help herself.

Trista smiled.

“My Mom,”

“How does that work?” Ruby glanced at the woman again through the rare view mirror only to see Diana grinning.

People ask the same old questions, she’s just used to it. She won’t tell them that Trista was her sister just cos of their young bodies, she was her baby and she’s proud that she survived after Trista’s dad disappeared.

The car finally came to a stop in front of the school building and both girls alighted from it.

“Bye baby, have fun,” Diana blow her kisses.

“You too mom,”

“Trista!!!” Betty gushed running towards her.

“I should better get going,” Ruby turned to leave but Trista grabbed her hand.

“Hold on, we are in the same class,” Tirsta smiled at her

“Girl what happened? I was searching for you all over,” Betty asked, staring at her with so much concern in her eyes.

“Girl, you left with your boyfriend, I didn’t know you were dating Jax,” Jade said, walking up to them.

Trista glanced from one person to another confused.

“What are you taking about? I’m not dating anybody,” she glanced at Betty then at Jade.

“Come on, you left with him didn’t you? You both had a good time, so tell us about it,” jade added.

“I’m not dating anyone, Betty left me in that unknown room and I was almost taken advantage of,” she shouted

Jade glared at Betty with that look which say’s “explain yourself”

“Me? I was called outside,” Betty shouted defensively. “When I came back you were gone, and I thought you were with Jax cos you told me he dropped you off,” she added, putting on an innocent face.

They are currently walking back to class.

They all exchanged glances.

Ruby badly wanted to say something but she kept quite, biting her lips to keep her form talking.



Ty is currently seen pacing back and forth in front of the classroom, both hands on his hips.

“You need to calm down,” Ryan said hoping to get him keep his cool but it wasn’t helping.

“I was close, so near to getting what I wanted but Jaxon, that son of a côçk sucker ruined everything!” Ty roared, punching the wall, his fist burst through it, coursing him to bleed but he didn’t care about the blood.

He will heal without a second.

“Why not just take him out of the way,” Fredrick suggested.

Ty stopped pacing and looked at him.

“I mean he’s the one always blocking and ruining everything, just banish him from the pack,” Fredrick shrugged, more like a suggestion

Ty was shocked after hearing that, he wanted Jax out of his way but he didn’t want him to be banished.

“I can’t….”

“You can! you’re the ruling alpha, you have the power to decide who stays and who lives your pack, just say it and it is done!” Fredrick reminded him.

Ty didn’t say a word, he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to look weak and at the same time…. Fredrick walked up to him.

“You haven’t been able to find your mate because you haven’t lifted the alpha blade, and the reason why you haven’t been able to lift it is because the wrong alpha is staying in your pack, once Jax is gone, you will fulfill what you were meant to do,” Fredrick explained, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Ty glanced at him, he didn’t want to do it. Jax took a bûllet for him, he would have been dêad if not for Jax so how could he possibly banish him? Taking his title should be enough….

“Don’t think too much about it, it’s what he deserve,” Fredrick whispered.

“What will father say?”

“Ha” Ryan laughed “Father indeed, you better act like the Alpha that you are or watch him stêâl her away from you then whine up dêâd,” Ryan added

Ty nodded, he was gonna do this, he can. He won’t let Jax take the viral girl, he found her first and he’s gonna fûçk her first!

“Go call him,”



“I don’t give a crap if you’re the Alpha or the alphabet, I WILL STAY!!!” Jax yelled, his voice echoing off the walls of the building.

“Jax, calm down, he’s the Alpha ….” Isaac was still saying but Jax cut him off.

“I don’t care if he’s a God! I will stay! If anyone tried as much as removing my name from the pack record I will paint the whole building in the pack red, one by one!” Jax roared, his eyes turning red with rage.

He’d been in the class when Ryan came for him, he thought they wanted to apologize, he’d thought Ty wanted to talk things out like brothers that they were but the son of cøçk wanted to banished him.


“Jax!!” Ty stepped forward, matching towards him with fire in his eyes.

Jumping over the table Jax approached him, both men stood staring at each other, their gaze so heated it could cut a glass.

Jax beast roared, trying to come out in full, to take on whoever that stood on his way, to tear and rip apart.

“Jax get back Into your skin!” Isaac called, noticing the change in his body.

Claws and fangs were drawn forward.

Jax body began to contorte as he prepare to shift.

“Jax!!!” Isaac called fearfully, looking around them.

None of them could match upt o his strength!

But then, this was exactly what Fredrick wanted, for him to lose control and be discovered by the humans, He wanted him out completely.

“Jax, calm down!!” Isaac yelled grabbed his arm but with a wave of his hand, Isaac went flying to the chair ten feet away.

The rage inside him feed his beast, giving it enough strength to enlarge in size beyond their imagination.

“Jax, get back into your skin or….”

“Or what?!” He snapped, cutting Ty off ” I’m the Monster, the big bad Wolf, y’all call me whatever you desire and I let it completely get to me without giving a shît! I will come and go whenever I desire, I don’t care what you say Ty but I Jaxon Black will stay!!” He roared, daring Ty to say just one word.

“Considering your reputation, you’re a Mûrdêrer, It’s only a matter of time before you kîll her,” Ty said the least word he’d expected.

Jax began seeking for control, trying so hard to keep his cool but no matter how hard he tried his beast wasn’t having it. Rage swirled inside him same as his beast enlarged, threatening to burst through him.

Ty had just used his weakness against him and it worked, his soul was becoming weak but the beast was strong.

If he let his beast win he will never recover, he might dîê and the next person that will be marked will suffer from where he stopped cos his beast won’t be tamed anymore.

“Isn’t that what you planned to do with this new girl?” Ty asked, taking a step forward but Jax staggered backwards without being pushed. By Rosy Johnson

“Ty enough,” Isaac shouted

“He’s a murdêrêr!!!” Fredrick yelled pissed

Jax took off, running as fast as his leg could carry him without looking back, he was already at the hallway when he felt it, those things he hated so much.

The thing he won’t let anyone else see. TEARS!

They came streaming down his eyes as he ran. He rushed Into the restroom, straight into the toilet, slamming the door behind them lean on it.

In a blink of colorful lights, he shifted into a large gigantic red and black shinny wolf, blocking the door with his large body.

The toilet was too small even though it was enough for three people, it was small for the big wolf.

Whimpers and howls of pain filled the air as he curled around on his current position, sobbing like he always does.

Suddenly, He heard movement in front of him and swiftly looked up only to come face to face with the least person he wanted to see, the person he wouldn’t want to see him broken and miserable.

Eyes wide, and jaw dropped, nearly touching the ground as the person watched him, shocked to the core.





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