BY Rosy Johnson.
When she didn’t get a response she Wave her hand over the person face but the shattering glass behind her made her turn swiftly only to see her mother frozen in place.
Trista glanced at the man again, could he be her father? Wait a minute… Her mother was shocked to see her father.
Now she get it, the shattering mug and the frozen in place.
“Diana,” the man walked past her and Into the house
She bashed her lashes, watching as the stranger lowered himself and began picking the broken mug.
Her mother join him.
“You don’t have to, I will just clean it,” Diana said softly
“No, lemme help…”
“No, I will clean it up. What are you doing here at this hour of the day?” She asked him.
Trista was confused, she watched her mother go into the kitchen, returning with a cleaning brush and packer.
“I need your help, you have to help me please,” the man said desperately.
“With what?”
“I’m having a meeting with a Chinese contactor and I lied to the CEO that I’m married and now he wants to see my wife or he won’t sign the contract,” he said
Diana finished cleaning the mess without responding, she didn’t know what to say about that or maybe now wasn’t the good times
The fact that she embarrassed herself is enough now he’s asking for another…. Well, maybe he’s not asking her to be his fake wife.
“I want you to be my wife for the day,” he suddenly said as though reading her mind.
Confused Trista has heard enough cos she walked over to them and stood besides her mother.
“Does anyone care to explain what’s going on here?” She asked, crossing her hand over her chest.
When did her mother start seeing someone? Wait, how long has this been going on?
“You don’t know him?” Diana asked with raised eye brows
“He’s the plumber guy,” she replied, tucking her hair behind her ear and looked at him.
Trista was confused like crâzy, the guy hadn’t been this handsome and hot. The guy was just a regular guy and…. She didn’t get a good look at his face.
“I will be in the car,” she said, deciding it will be best to give the grown ups some privacy.
Shortly after the front door slammed close, the plumber guy turned to Diana again.
“You are coming right?”
She glared from his tuxedo suit to his black hair which he styled to the side then to his plain trousers and shoes that probably cost $500,000
“No, I already have plans and I have work….”
“I called the company you work for and I told them my wife won’t be coming cos she has to follow me to…”
“You did what?”
“Relax, I have everything under control….”
“You could get me fired!! How did you even know where I work? Have you been stalking me?” Diana spats furiously
What is it with him, the fact that she was lost for a little while staring at him cos of his hotness doesn’t mean he has the right to jeopardize her job.
How was she going to pay bills if he gets her fired?
“Mr Plumber….”
“It’s Jimmy,” he cut her off.
“Jimmy or whatever, if I lose my Job….”
“You won’t I promise, for compensation, I will give you 5% of the income once the deal has been sealed, all you have to do is act like my wife in front of this guy and that’s all,” he Interrupted.
Diana was silent.
“Oh, come on.”
“What about your wife? Aren’t you married?” She asked, surprisingly her voice was softly.
Jimmy shook his head negatively.
“If I had I wouldn’t be here,” he replied
“Nice point, but it’s a no from me,” she finally walked into the kitchen.
Meanwhile, outside the compound Trista was seen with Ava who’s leaning on the BMW.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, maybe Jax set the girl up to this again.
“Are you here to pick up a fight again?” She added when Ava didn’t say a word.
Ava scoffed.
“I’m waiting for my Dad and you’re not worth fîghtîng,” she rolled her eyes, making a pup sound with the chewing gum she’s eating.
Trista took steady steps towards her and Ava position herself, if the girl try anything stûpîd she’s gonna so deal with her and wait for the consequences later.
“Why do you hate me so much?” Trista asked, standing just five feet away from her.
Ava scoffed.
“Isn’t it obvious? You stole Jax from me and now of all the women In Maryland my Dad wants your mother to fake being his wife to an important meeting where I will be forced to admit that the woman who gave birth to the person I resent so much in this world is my mother, does that make sense? You already have Jax and now your mother is the new problem,” Ava explained with no emotions In her voice
“The plumber guy is your Dad?” Trista’s eyes widened
Ava glanced dangerously at her, as though she’d just said something that could get her kîllêd.
“My Dad is an engineer! I thought it was just you stêâling what’s mine but turns out it’s inharitage,” Ava hissed loudly, going into the car while Trista just stood there watching her.
Jax stared at the empty seat in front of him after the teacher left the classroom.
Trista not coming to school today was eating him up, he’d hope he was gonna see her today and maybe she might have recovered but instead he met an empty chair.
“You look troubled, is there anything I can do to make your day smooth?” Jezebel asked, settling on the empty chair in front of him.
Two of her upper buttons were open and he could tell she wasn’t wearing any underwear.
“Not now…”
“Come on, you always takes me all the time, why not just finger me and I will be alright,” she protested, grabbing hold of his hand and placing it on her brêâst
“Soft for you,” she winked at him.
His animal scowled at her.
if he don’t get his fûçking hand off her boobies the bêâst was gonna kick his fûçking âss.
Jax made to withdraw but Jezebel held firmly and he felt a sudden urge to shift, damn it! The bêâst didn’t want Jezebel anymore…
“There is an emergency,” Isaac appeared before them.
Jezebel frowned deeply as Jax withdrew his hand from her, he stood and followed Isaac out Instantly while she returned to her seat.
“Gosh, he ruined everything,” Jezebel murmured under her breath
Meanwhile Jade was still staring as Isaac left the class without even acknowledging her.
Ouch, that hurts.
She saw Ruby leaving the classroom and quickly got up, rushing after her.
She caught up with her just on the hallway.
“Hey, Ruby, going somewhere?” Jade asked, her tone friendly and sweet.
“Uhh, to the library I suppose,” Ruby smiled back at her .
Jade took in a deep breath, wondering how to bring up the topic.
If she keep it inside her she might not get what she wants but if she let it out then she might just be free.
“Are you dating Isaac?” Jade suddenly asked.
Ruby stopped on her track, staring at her.
“No, why would you ask that?” She returned the question, she saw Jade’s eyes lit up then her eyes widened
“You love him don’t ya?” Ruby asked, pointing out her index finger in a gesture.
“I do, can you help me get close to him?”
The area has been secured and no human would see them if though it’s still day light.
Jax is standing beside Isaac just at the entrance while Ty, Fredrick and Ryan was standing with six elders this time
They were all staring at the Alpha blade.
Mr Black Cleared his throat.
“We have a pressing issues as you all know it, Jaxon here has been going behind his brothers back to mate his Luna,” Mr Black said
The other elders gasped.
“That is a crime punishable by dêâth or banishment with no exception,” Mr Black added simple
Why will he do that?
I thought he was Only a murdêrêr, now it’s confirmed he’s a snake
We should cast him away
Yes, destroy him
Murmurs and slow talks filled the air as the elders kept talking to themselves.
Jax clenched his fist before titling his head to the side, his gaze met with Ty and his fûçking step brother smirked at him.
Stûpîd fûçking wimp.
The murmurs were getting louder and Isaac hope and wish Jax could just say something, anything, there were law binding their pack and if Jax has nothing to defend himself with then he’s out for real.
Or maybe dêâd.
“Elders…. Elders!” Isaac cleared his throat
The murmurs dîêd down.
Ty groaned, has he come again with one of his stûpîd laws? He’s fûçking going to kîll the bâstârd if he does anything to ruin his plan.
“How are we such that she’s Tyler’s Mate?” He asked, shifting his gaze from one person to another.
Fredrick scoffed.
“Because I saw her trying to touch the blade,” Fredrick fired from where he stood besides Ty.
“And you know only the Alpha and the Alpha Luna can lift the blade,” Ryan added in support.
The elders nodded their head in support, if she can see it then she’s not human and if she’s one of them and also happen to he the one to lift it then she’s Ty’s Luna considering Ty is the ruling Alpha.
Isaac swallowed
“For all I know the blade is still where it is, secondly, humans are known to be curious at all time. She might have seen it as a drawing she found interest in and decided to explore it by tracing the drawing lines,” Isaac explained
“That makes sense,” one of the elders nodded his head in support while staring at others.
“Nonsense,” Ty spats
He knew what the fûçker is trying to do, he’s trying to defend Jax like he always does.. he still doesn’t get why Isaac can’t just dîê already.
“She’s mine and we need to get her to lift it so I can claim what’s mine,” Ty roared, his green eyes blaring Sharp and hard
Fredrick was about to speak when Isaac cleared his throat.
“Section 24, sub 105 says any member of the ruling family shall not be thrown out to the woods let alone the last of his bloodline,” Isaac stepped closer.
“What are you talking about?” Mr Black said frowning deeply.
“What I’m saying is that you have no right…. No, lemme rephrase, none of you have the right to take Jaxon out of the pack cos this is his mother land considering he has already been disowned by his father…”
“Ha! Mother land,” Fredrick laughed sarcastically, he gave Jax a knowing look and Jax looked away swallowing emptiness.
“Yes, his mother….”
“Shut up boy!! This is my land and I will choose who leaves and who stay!” Mr Black snapped infuriated, how dare the little shît try to challenge him? Make him look weak in front of the bastard (Jax)
Issac smile softly.
“Do I need to remind you that the throne you sat upon before passing it to your stepson, was given to you by his mother’s father which makes him full blood, true Alpha! And the last of the Alpha bloodline,” he paused, letting the word sink into their brain before continuing
“So?” Ty hissed
So what if it was passed down to his step dad from Jax mother’s side? So what? It was In the olden days and those things are gone, he’s the ruling Alpha now and nothing will change that.
“So he can take back his position as the True Alpha of the Black Pack instead of the Keeper you guys refuse to leave him with and he can choose who stays in his pack and who leave as it is his right as the last blood of the ABRAHAMS!” Isaac Finished explaining, but was rewarded with Ty’s slippers
“You son of a bîtch!!!” Ty charged at him, tackling him to the ground and delivering three consecutive punches to his face.
Ryan pulled him off Isaac but he was still struggling
“Son of a bîtch!!! I will kîll you! How dare you! I’m the Alpha! I refuse to let him rule! Never!!!! Lemme go…. I need to deal with this bâstârd!” Ty kept struggling, trying to free himself but Fredrick and Ryan held him back.
“He is Jaxon Black, he’s none of those things you mentioned,” One of the elders said simple
With the look on their faces Isaac could tell they were one step from joining forces with Jax
“He is not for now but it is his decision to choose whether he still wants to be Jaxon Black or Jaxon Abraham,”
“Isaac, I never said I wanted to rule, you shouldn’t have said that,” Jax said, walking down the hallway with Isaac by his side.
“A thank you would have been better,” Isaac smiled
Jax eyed him
“Fix this, and never bring my mother into my matters,” Jax Increase his pace
He had no fûçking idea Isaac was doing something else, he was okay with the keeper they kept with him so what’s with the Alpha stuff again?
He didn’t want trouble cos he has hard enough already.
“They were gonna kick you out, what do you suppose I do? It’s my job as your Beta to keep you safe,” Isaac replied
“You should have find a better way….”
“That’s why I came up with the only thing that can save you, if you drop your father’s name and pick your mother’s they won’t have any rights over you again. You’re the grandson of the great…..”
“Enough!!!” Jax stopped abruptly, glaring hard at Isaac he thought Jax was gonna burn through his flash and Into his soul.
Jax began walking again and Isaac knew he wasn’t happy, he knew he was supposed to tell Jax about all this and making Changes but all he wanted was safe him from being kicked out.
He did aot of research, that’s how he found out Jaxon’s father came from another Clan Into this great pack and many things went on before he succeed the Alpha titled after marring Jax’s mother and now they want to kick Jax out.
He swallowed.
“Jaxon, I understand you’re mad at me for not telling you, but I’m trying to….” He bumped Into someone, the person fall on her bûtt, wincing in pain.
“Jade, I’m sorry, are you hurt?” Isaac quickly apologize as he helped her up.
She bashed her lashes, he knew her name! He actually called her name! She wasn’t invisible? Her heart, body and soul screamed triumphantly.
“Are you alright?” Isaac asked but she was too lost in her thought that she didn’t even blink.
“Look where you’re going next time,” he walked past her, rushing to the car about to drive out of the lot.
He needed to catch up with Jax and tell him to the viral girl close cos Ty will do anything at this rate.
“Oh my gwad he saw me! Oh my gwad he called my name! Oh mine, I’m so happy,” she squealed with delight.
“Jade,” Betty called, walking out of the the classroom
“He knows my name, I’m not invincible, he actually saw me, oh my goodness!!” She gushed, her cheeks bright red
“Geez girl, you’re acting like you’re three. Who calld your name?” Betty asked and she grinned happily like a kid given a candy
“Isaac,” she giggled excitedly “Oh my gwad, I’m so happy Betty, let’s go to the cafe and eat whatever we want, bills on me,” Jade jumped up and down excitedly
She began jugging into the class where she met Ruby coming out but they both went back inside while Betty kept standing there, the pok on her face wasn’t funny at all.
“That bîtch!!!” She clenched her fist tightly, gritting her teeth it echoed in the empty hallway.
“FÛÇK!!!” Ty screamed, smashing his phone against the chalkboard, he grabbed his backpack then throw it outside the window
Next was the chairs and tables.
“Fûçk!!! I am the Alpha, full blood or not! Right or Wrong Jax must not rule while am still alive!!!” Ty roared, his green eyes filled with pure hätred and evil.
It’s no longer a battle of who fûçks the girl, it’s now a battle of the Alpha and who gets to keep the girl.
If he gets the viral girl to lift the blade now that he’s still the ruling Alpha, Jax won’t have a choice but to step down.
“Ty….” Ryan was still calling but…
“Shut up and fûçk off!!!” Ty threw a chair at them and they scurried out of the way, the chair hit the wall before scattering on the ground.
“I overheard the Ladies saying something about the viral girl,” Ryan shouted.
That got Ty’s interest
“They said she’s calms his bêâst and you know Jax can’t rule the pack If the Bêâst can’t be tamed,” Ryan said as if making a suggestion
Ty held his jaw in thoughts.
“Which means if we can get the girl out of the picture, full blood or not, wrong or Wrong Alpha, Jax won’t have a place….” Fredrick paused, allowing Ty to fix the puzzle himself
“Find the girl and kîll her!!!!”
“And Isaac?” Fredrick asked, he needed all obstacle out of the way.
“Bring him to me!”
Trista walked out of the clothing shop but it was raining heavily outside.
She didn’t come with an umbrella and her mother would have come with her but she convinced her Mom to go with the Plumber guy after they left the hospital.
Well, Her mother had placed her on birth control but still haven’t talked about the sêx, she didn’t know if her mother was mad or not and it really bothered her.
She stepped into the rain, covering her head with the sack bag with her.
She was hungry and there’s no ways she staying here.
Taking two steps Into the rain she felt the rain stopped pouring on her, confused she glanced around her.
It was still raining so why did it stop touching her? Does she also have the ability to stop rain from touching her? That’s crâzy.
She was still wondering when her brain told her to look up and when she did, she gaze into a soft red eyes.
Eyes so red it could scare people away in the dark, the sweet Jasmine scent hit her nostrils and she swear she loved them, The soft red pink lips and thos thick black lashes.
It was as though the time stopped in that moment except a thunder rumbled in the dark cloud, creating lighting that enable her to see the person’s face
Standing besides her with an umbrella over her head was none other than… Jaxon Black
Meanwhile a hand was pointing a gun directly at her from a car zooming their way.
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