She wiped away her tears, her heart broken in too many unrepairable pieces, how could her own family treat her like that?

Was it her fault that she’s fat? Did she eat that much? Was it her fault that she’s ugly? God created her so why is he letting them treat her like this?

“Wow, isn’t today my lucky day,” she heard a guy voice then glance back instantly without delay.

It was then that she noticed two guys trailing her, she had no idea they have been following her till now.

She flenched a little bit trying to maintain her composure so she won’t show her fears.

“You look fat and ugly but I bet your pûssy won’t be the same or is it?” The same guy said again, his left hand hugging his balls while his right hand was rubbing his jaw.

He had a cocky smile on her lips, imagining how he was gonna take her for the night.

“Gimme that purse first, what’s in there?” The second thug asked, moving closer.

she flenched away instantly.

“Stay away from me!” She screamed fearfully but her screams of fear didn’t go far.

How could it when it was just 1 in the morning, everyone is probably getting their night rest so why would they bother about some scream?

The first guy grabbed her roughly, her chest slammed hard against his solid chest and she let out a whimper.

Gwad, why is she cursed? What did she ever do? Can she ever be happy? She thought her life was going to be well at least but now she’s being sèxually harassed.

They tossed her to the ground, shredding her clothes into pieces, she struggled with them, trying to get away but could she get away from two grown men?

“Please don’t hurt me, I don’t have money, silver nor Gold, I only have my fat self,” she sobbed bitterly.

The one on top of her succeeded in shredding her blouse then grabbing her bra….

Suddenly, a flying kick from nowhere landed at the guys chest, knocking him backwards and off her.

The second guy position himself, charging at whoever it was the disrupt their perfect timing, he punched the unknown but the person ducked, twisting itself and giving him a back kick.

He staggered forward but the person grabbed his hand then pulled him back, punching him twice and busting his lips

“Leave him alone loser!” The first guy yelled desperately.

The unknown released the first guy and he dropped with a thud, shifting backwards on his bûtt, seeing that he has given the unknown a good distance, he got up and took to his heels together with his partner.

The unknown clapped both hands as though cleaning them, she squat before Cookie who’s shaking like a jellyfish on the ground, clutching her brêâst tightly.

“Please don’t hurt me, I will go home I promise,” she said fearfully, wishing and hoping the person won’t bèát the shît out of her.

“I’m Blue,” the person who happens to be a girl said, offering handshake.

Scared, Cookie didn’t move, she was still shaking, staring from her face to her palm.

Blue Chuckle then removed her face mask, turns out she was coming back from a mission when she saw them.

She’d already drove past with her bike but for some unknown reasons she reversed and went to help the girl.

“You hungry?” Blue asked, watching her closely.


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