“Please, take me with you, I don’t wanna go home,” she pleaded tearfully, wishing and hoping Blue will just agree.

A part of her wasn’t in support of the idea but another part of her didn’t want the strange savior to go.

Blue sighed.

She handed Cookie the same helmet she’d given her earlier, Cookie took it and climbed the back.

Blue took off, Cookie cycled her hands around her and held tightly, she was still scared.

Their bike ride past some traffic into a location she didn’t know, from afar she could see a giant gate and it opened automatically before they could get close.

Blue drove in, from Cookie’s left to right, all she could see was flower trees and more trees, nothing else.

Okay now she was thinking maybe she made a mistake by following Blue.

A WOW suddenly escaped her mouth when Blue halted in front of a magnificent building, the brightness of the lights in there nearly blinding her.

She spun around, admiring the flowers, there was a fountain not far away and a swimming pool by the corner, the house was painted white to match the flowers and pool color.

Boys and girls of about her age, a little older and younger were staring at them.

Blue took her hand.

“Come with me,” she said, leading her into the magnificent building.

“What is this place? What are these people? Who was Blue?” Cookie thought silently.

They got to a particular door after passing so many others and Blue stopped in front of it, letting go of her hand.

“I need to report, stay here and wait for me,” she said like a mother addressing her two years old kid.

Cookie nodded.

Blue went Into the room, slamming the door shut, almost immediately some group of people came gathering around her.

Who is she?

No idea

Is she a human or a pig??

Geez, she’s super duper fat

I would mistake her for an elegant

What does she eat? Fat and ugly

How would we know if we don’t find out

How would you find out?

Watch me

Cookie could hear their slow talks and murmurs from where she stood but she chose to ignore them.

She was Still minding her own business when she noticed one of the girls walking towards her, others followed.

“Hey piggy,” the one in front of them called, folding both hands around her chest.

Cookie was silent, she gulped emptiness avoiding their gaze.

“She’s not only fat but dump and ugly,” the one in front of her said again, mocking her.

“How about….” She walked over and held Cookie’s shoulders.

“We welcome our new friend,” she said with a sinister smile.

Before Cookie could protect they already dragged her to the dinning, a boy rushed over with a big bowl of spaghetti with fried chicken then placing it in front of her.

“Eat, it’s our welcome present,” The same girl said smirking.

Others watched.

Cookie glanced around nervously.

“B… But am not hungry,” she stammered, lowering her head as though scared of them.

Unless she was and deep down she was praying for Blue to come quickly.




They began chanting for her, she was already full but at the same time she was scared so she took the fork and scoop a spoonful of spaghetti into her mouth

She spit it out almost immediately, frowning at them, it was hot, super-duper hot.

“What happened pig? You can’t eat?” The first girl asked, she sat on the table lowering her face so Cookie could look her directly in the eyes.

“It’s… It…. It’s hot….”

“Eat it!!” She slammed her fist against the table and Cookie flenched.

“But I don’t want to,” she suddenly retorted, not knowing where the courage came from.

They all gasped shocked at her suddenly boldness. The first girl smirk.

Cookie got up to leave but the girl pulled her back by her hair, slamming her head against the table.

“Argh!!” She let out a cry of pain, her hands going to her hair, the girl throwing her down, kicking her all over.

“Pig, pigs don’t stay in here,” she kicked her again.

“I did nothing wrong,” Cookie cried out bitterly like a little kid.

She was innocent, she didn’t do anything to them, she could have just eaten the food if only she knew they were gonna bûlly her.

Is this what the outside world looks like?

“Stop!!!” A loud voice from the door made them all stop kicking and punching her.

Turning towards the door they saw Blue standing there with her boyfriend Ryan, she was visibly shaking with rage and could burst if it wasn’t for Ryan who held her hand.

“Who started this?” Blue asked as she strode towards them, her eyes moving from Cookie to the girls

“Regina,” she called, now glaring at that particular girl that started the whole thing.

The girl smirked.

“Why call me? Why not ask piggy,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

Blue glance around, the whole dining was silent, none of them making a sound. She squat before Cookie who’s bleeding from her nose then turn her gaze to Regina before shifting it to Cookie again.

“Tell me, who did this? Who started it?” She asked casually but even with her calm words, one could tell she was furious

How dare they fûçk around with her guest? Cookies was her guest and no one has the right to bûlly her or whatsoever.

“Cookie, tell me,” she said, holding her hand.

Cookie lifted her head and glanced at Regina, fearfully, she swallowed and shook her head negatively.

“No one,” she replied

Blue scoffed, the fûçk do she mean by no one?


“It’s no one,” she cut in.

“Just cos you’re fûçking the boss and Ryan doesn’t mean you’re my boss Blue, stop accusing me at all times and try to verify before judgment, I will let this slide but I won’t next time,” she hissed, walking out.

She knowingly bumped her shoulder into Ryan then winked at him before walking out completely, others following her behind.


“Is she the one? That pig?” Ryan said referring to Cookie.

They are currently outside her door.

“Watch what you say about her? She’s not a pig,” Blue warned seriously.

After going to report to their Master she met Ryan in there and their Master told him to verify the girl Blue claimed she brought.

They are all from different homes, some of them were kidnapped while some of them are orphans.


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