Blue has been staying here since she turned ten and the funny thing is none of them remembers their back story.

“Blue listen, if you love me you will choose just me and not someone you could practice lésbianism with,” Ryan said.

“And I said am not practicing anything with her….”

“Oh, really? Cos I know you Blue. I know what you like and what you don’t, you’re not the kind to keep friends so why this one?” He asked as though accusing her.

Or maybe he was not, he was just pointing out the fact that she never cared for people not even when he got hurt so why the too much care for that pig if not that she loved the girl?

“I told you before and am saying it again, I’m trying to help her, I dunno why am doing it but I just want to,” She replied, hoping hw would understand.

She too didn’t know why she wanted to help cookie, she already drove past the girl when she needed help but her mind told her to get back and help her, why can’t Ryan understand.

“Ryan, Baby is not like that,” she tried to convince him.

He glanced at her from head to toe.

“So what is she doing here? When is she going back? Why bring her here? I don’t think I can believe you anymore,” he walked out on her, tied of her shîtty talks.

If she wanted to break up with him she should just say it other then bringing a woman into the clan and make it look like he’s a coward and as for that pig, she won’t get away with this.

On the hallway he collided into someone and the person fell.

“Argh, Ryan,” Regina whimpered, faking pain.

He helped her up by holding her hand, she crossed arm around his neck, loving the feel of his body on hers.

“Mind taking me to my….”

He quickly let go of her, as if in a hurry.

“Not now actually, I’m not myself tonight,” he replied and walked away.

Regina bite her lips seductively, she’s gonna get him some day.


Blue went back to her room, she stood by the door watching Cookie who’s fast asleep.

She walked over to her closet then get her first aid box.

“You should fîght back or tell me when you get bullied if no it won’t stop,” She mumbled, settling down beside her on the bed.

Will she really send Cookie away when things gets tough? What if the poor girl has nowhere to go?

“Hope Ryan doesn’t make me to choose,” she thought silently.


Next morning, Blue and Cookie was seen seated on a chair separate from others.

Cookie kept looking around, noticing how everyone was watching her, she glanced at herself then at the people around her.

She was indeed different, Blue was séxy and fit, tall and pretty but her… She’s fat and nothing more.

Regina and a boy walked into the dining hall, holding hands, Cookie gulped emptiness taking the cup of water on their table then gulp it down.

“Who is she?” She asked, staring at Regina.

Blue followed her gaze.

“Oh, that Regina once my best friend…..”

“Best friend?” Cookies eyes widened, last night they didn’t act like best friends, Blue was so furious that if she had said something about the Regina girl Blue might have gotten into a fîght with her

What exactly made them broke up?

“We used to but she betrayed me, she had a crush on Ryan but he asked me out instead, we started dating and she became bitter then stap me at the back and left me in front of a battle field to dîè,” Blue replied, to voice calm as though it was nothing.

Cookie gasped.

“She did that?”

“You will meet our boss soon so….”

“Who’s that beside her?” Cookie cut her off.

“Her brother Denise, the only family she got here. lucky her she has a family some of us don’t,” Blue replied.


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