Blue close her eyes and swallowed, she opened them again then gasps upon seeing Cookies skirts on the chair.

She was only left with her blouse and the blouse was barely covering her âss, she glanced at the chair again then it hit her.

Someone, somebody glued her chair, how dare they? Looking around she noticed Regina grinning.

It wasn’t just her, everyone in the hall were laughing at her. She glanced at Ryan and her heart jumped into her chest, the mother Fûçkêr was enjoying this.

If she didn’t do a thing Cookie is gonna get really injured and if she interfere it won’t end well for her too.

“Blue, help me, argh!!!” Cookie screamed immediately Ryan dragged her up.

Their Boss walked around Cookie, she had tears in her eyes as the man glanced all over her.

He fold his fist tightly and before Cookie could know what was happening, a punch landed on her tummy, it was so powerful it blocked the air in her lungs.

Her eyes going into her head and coming back, he punch her again then again and again.

Blood rolling down from the corner of her lips, he punched her again, the powerful punch throw both Cookie and Ryan down.

“Get her up!!” Stone roared, his voice filled with venom.

“Wait!!” Blue suddenly yelled, jumping over her desk and into the hall to join them.

Everyone gasped.

How dare her interrupt their Boss? Does she have a dêâth wish?

“I did, I told her not to stand but she insisted so I glued her skirt to the bench,” she lied, lowering her head.

Stone glanced at Cookie then at Blue, he took a step toward her and she quickly lowered herself instantly.

“Forgive me master,” she quickly apologize, her head still down.

Stone glanced at her, longer than necessary.

“In my chamber,” he ordered and turned to leave, eight of his personal guards following him close by.

Blue rushed to Cookie instantly but Ryan held her back.

“The fûçk do you think you’re doing? You wanna dîê? Have you lost it?” He snapped, glaring daggers at her.

She has no idea what their master is going to do to her does she? What exactly does this pig has on her?

“Should I have allowed him to kîll her?” She retorted.

Ryan roughed his head in frustration.

“Do you love her that much that you’re willing to risk your own life for her sake? You know I thought you were gonna stop this madness at some point but I guess I was wrong. Is either her or me….”

“Ryan please don’t do this, not now,” she cut him off, her voice a little bit cracky.

“You leave me with no choice Blue, so tell me, her or me” He asked again, determined to get his answers and know his stand in her life.

“Baby I love you, I really do but she….”

“But she?” He scoffed unbelievably.

“You mean her? You choose her over me?!” His voice rose.

“No, no baby I didn’t say that, I can never do that I love you so much,”

“Then come with me now or we’re done,” he pulled her hand, taking her out from the hall.

She didn’t move, her feet didn’t even shake. It was as though she was glued to the ground.

Ryan coughed out a laugh.

“Gotten what I wanted, we are done,” He released his hold on her, walking out.

She rushed after him instantly.

“No, no please, baby wait,” she shouted desperately, running after him.

She grabbed his arm from behind but he shoved her away and continued walking away.

“Baby please don’t do like this,”

“I will sort this out I promise,”



“Please come back,”

“Baby please,” she made to hold his hand again but he walked out and slammed the door right at her face.

Meanwhile Regina was watching them with a satisfying smile on her lips.



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