Divine vision Hospital.

A limo halted outside the hospital and a woman in her 40s stepping down from it, she made her way towards the huge hospital.


A guard running behind her with an umbrella.

She strode through the corridor coming across a male doctor.

“Madam,” the doctor called with recognition in his eyes.

Of course he knew who she was, who doesn’t know the Minister’s wife? They own the hospital so yeah, the doctor has to know who she was.

“How is my son? Peter,” she asked, her tone barely audible.

They are now walking side by side towards the vvip ward.

“He has been taken care of by the nurses and can be discharged now,” He replied.

He pushed the door opened and she walked in, Collins who’s sitting on the bed and going through his phone glanced at her.

“Mom,” he dropped his phone by his side, focusing his attention on her.

“Oh my goodness Collins, what where you doing to let a lady do this to you,” she shouted

Walking up to him she held his head, checking him out, he had a white bandage wrapped perfectly around his head and it’s connected to his jaw.

“Mom, I’m fine,” Collins replied, pushing her hand slightly away.

“You’re not, tell me, Who is she? Tell me?” She said seriously.

Whoever broke her son’s head has no idea, she’s sure going to deal with the person, she’s going to set an example with that person.

“Mom, I’m fine okay,” he said

He glanced at the doctor who was Still there with them, picking up his phone Collins went down from the bed.

“My guys are here, I gotta go,” he said dismissively.

“Is he alright to go? Will he be fine? Are you sure he doesn’t need more treatment?” His mother asked all in one word

“I’m fine mother, geez!” He stepped out.

But his mother wasn’t satisfied so she glanced at the doctor.

“Are you sure he will be fine?” She asked and the doctor nodded.

“The injury isn’t deep, he will be fine,” he assure.

Collins Mom nodded, she already sent her men to look into it and find the girl. She knew Collins weren’t gonna tell her shît and all thanks to the doctor who called to Inform her about everything.

She’s gonna use this exact girl and set an example for others.

Meanwhile outside the hospital a black sport car was waiting for Collins.

“What’s up buddy?” Collins waved, he came out of the car but didn’t step out fully, he stood between the door his other hand resting on the car door.

“Who the fûçk told Momma Collins about my injury?” Collins asked, throwing his jacket at Richard who caught it.

“No idea man,” Richard replied.

Another care stopped behind theirs and three guys alighted from it, all wearing white T-shirts.

The one who seemed to be the driver was matching his attire with a blue Jean, a black sneaker while the two identical twins behind had the same hair color BLUE

They are Jackson and Johnson while the one in front of the car is Abraham.

“The fûçk happen to your head?” Abraham asked, squeezing his brows.

“Man, the fûçk happen?” Jackson asked, also curious to know.

“Don’t worry about it,” Collins got into the car.

“Don’t worry, your Brother is gonna use it against you trust me,” Johnson said, laughing while his brother hit his arm.

“Shut it Johnson!” Jackson scolded.

“Lucius won’t do shît,” Abraham said

“Seems they are in good times now,” Richard mumbled and Collins Punch his arm.

“Move it! Damn it!!!” He bellowed.

They all laughed.


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