Next morning.

A family was four was having breakfast when a female suddenly appeared at the door, they didn’t know how she passed the hefty bodyguards positioned at the door.

“You kîllêd people yet here you dine,” the person who’s known other than Cookie said, her voice calm and gentle.

She was dressed in all black, with a pump action hanging on her shoulder, her hand fixed the th trigger.

The man flenched but it was only for a brief moment, he glanced behind him then at his wife, wondering how she was able to pass the guards.

His wife and two sons stopped eating instantly, their hands shaking as fear consume them.

Cookie walked majestically, her heels Clattering against the marble floor. She sat at the dining without being welcome, her pump action now pointing at the family.

“Eat!” She suddenly said, referring to the boys and their mother.

The two boys with their vibrating hands weren’t able to lifte cutleries, their father could clearly see the fear in their eyes.

There were air-condition in the room but they were sweating profusely.

“I said it!” Cookies voice came again, frightening them.

“Eat,” their father’s calm tone was soothing so they picked up their fork and began picking on their foods.

“The person that sent you, is this what he wants you to do? Is your mother proud of this? Is your father proud of what you have become?” The man asked, staring at her.

“You forgot to add my kids,” Cookie reminded.

The man gulped hard.

“We can sort things, I will pay double and…. I will pay ten times,” he offered, wishing and hoping she will listen.

If she ever do he will fly his family out without delay.

Cookie smirked.

“Time to meet the Lord,” she pulled the trigger, releasing three bullets.

One for the wife and two for his two sons. The man went dry instantly, his blood turning cold, his family…. His family was down right before his very eyes and he did nothing.

Cookie stood abruptly.

“The Money,” her tone was cold this time, leaving no room for second thought.

The man glanced at her then at his family.

“Go to hêll,” he spats, getting to his feet but she released the trigger on his right arm.


“The money,” she asked again, keeping a straight face.

“Not after you kîllêd my….”

She released another trigger, close to his chest.

The earpod on Cookies ear came on and she tapped on it with her other hand.

“Got it,” Blues voice came on

Cookie smirked dangerously.

“Goodbye,” she pulled the trigger, the pump action roared with rage, blasting his head with a force that tear it into two.

His brain mixed with blood splattering all over the place like spilled milk.

She smiled with satisfaction and turned around, walking out of the building, getting outside she met Blue who opened the back door for her and she went in.

Her eyes met the bags in there and she smiled.

“Got changed, we have school or do you forget that we are college students?” Blue asked .

“Stop at my family how, I need to get something,” Cookie said.

Blue nodded.

“Roger that!” She stepped on the gas.

It wasn’t long before the car halted in front of the building and Cookie alighted from it. She made her way towards their front door, knocking softly on it then waited.


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