After a few minutes her mother Mrs. Gregory came over and opened the door, squeezing her eyes as though trying to recognize her.

“And who are you?” She asked

Damn! Her own mother doesn’t even recognize her? Cookie thought silently.

It hurts, for years she tried to tell herself that Blue was the only family she has, turned out it’s true, her very own family doesn’t even recognize her.

“Young lady….” Her mother was Stu saying she. cookie shove her out is the way and strode in.

“Damn, she’s at it again,” Blue who’s waiting and watching everything inside the car mumbled to herself

“Excuse me!!” Her mother went after her.

“Excuse me young lady, if you don’t leave my house this minute am calling the cops,” Mrs. Gregory threatened.

She pulled out her phone then dialed 911 putting it on speakers.

“911 what’s your emergency?”

“There is an intruder in my house,”

“Okay, ma’am can you tell us your name and where you’re calling from….”

Cookie who’s inside her room glanced back at her mother then shook her head, her room was now a store room.

They fûçking turned her own room Into a storage so what happened to the store? Does that mean they don’t care at all?

She went to her sister’s room but found nothing so she went to her other sister’s room, going through the closet and wardrobe.

Not seeing what she was searching for, she went into theit parents bedroom, Cookie went to the store room afterwards.

She was already exhausted but she didn’t want to leave what she came here for so she began going through the boxes one after another.

Luckily enough for her she found her belongings in the storage room.

“There you are,” she smiled, getting hold of what she was searching for.

Her Teddy bears, the only thing that provides her comfort when they all turned their back at her.

She took it and exit the room, she could still hear her mother ranting on the phone, yelling at the cops to come faster but she didn’t care

“You got it?” Blue asked immediately she got close and Cookie nodded.

She went into the car and Blue zoomed off.

20 minutes after they left, they cops arrived.


Chamberlain University – Las Vegas.

“Listen up,” a teacher said, walking into the class with Cookie and Blue by her side.

She stopped in front of the class and they did the same.

“We have new students, I hope you all will make them feel comfortable,” she added.

Those reading their books stopped and glanced at them, some who were chatting with their friends also turned to know what their teacher was saying.

Meanwhile Lucius was among those going through their notebooks and he blinked upon seeing them.

He knew who Blue was but he had no idea who the other girl was, his mind told him he has seen her in the past but he just didn’t know where.

“Introduce yourself,” the teacher said.

“I’m Blue, and I hope you guys will show me around after welcoming me,” Blue said politely.

Cookie began walking in without Introducing herself, she didn’t see any reason to do that. To her they don’t need to know her.

Everyone gasped Including the teacher, what an attitude.

“Come back here!” The teacher ordered Infuriated but Cookie dropped her bag pack on the desk, behind Lucius, settling down.

Every gasp, is she sitting on Collins chair? The same Chair that Made Collins and his half brother Lucius got into a fîght

I guess we have a new Andrea

I know right, and she’s sitting on Collins seat just like Andrea

This shît is gonna get real

I wonder if history will repeat itself again.

Heard the brother made up already.

They did but Andrea is back again.

What about Veronica

Collins is a fûçk boy so she doesn’t count.

Cookie could hear the murmurs and slow talks but doesn’t give a fûçk, anything can happen and she just doesn’t care what it might be.

Lucius glanced back and their eyes met, he looked away.

See that?


He just glared, Lucius….

Andrea is back this means wâr

The teacher was already matching up to her when Blue ran in front of their teacher.

“I apologize on her behalf, she’s going through emotional trauma that’s why she’s acting up, she’s a sweet girl but things happen,” she said softly, trying to gain the teachers forgiveness but….


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