Richard reached for her, he removed a hair strand from her face tugging it behind her ear, Blue inhaled his sweet cologne then bit her lips again.

Fûçk she was hôrny, her wetness was already dripping down her thighs and…..

“Come to daddy,” his hand went to her hip and he pulled her off her chair and unto his lap, his lips capturing hers in a brutal kiss that sent them both off their char.

They tongued and kissed, stroking and lavishing each other mouth as their tongue fought for dominance.

Richard broke the kiss and they held gaze.

“Wanna us to get a room?” He asked, gasping for air.

She didn’t bother responding cos she cupped his face, crashing her lips on his, he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his torso.

Richard led them to the backdoor coming out to a long passage filled with door on each side.

He pushed one of the doors Open kicking it close with his leg….


“The fûçk man,” Collins shoved him backwards.

Lucius paused unable to go forward no move back to his seat, he just stood there defeated.

“The fûçk man!” The boy spats, raising his hand to hit Collins but being the son of a minister, Collins was always prepared.

He strikes first, catching the guys hand midair then he twisted without wasting another seconds.

“Yeee!” A sudden scream of pain tore through his throat and Collins twisted again, making sure to dislocate his wrist.

He didn’t stop there, he shoved the hand down then grabbed the other one, twisting it to an unnatural angle


“My arm!!! My hand my wrist!!!”

“Argh!!! My wrist!!! He broke my wrist!” The guy yelled tearfully.

Collins was about grabbed his arm but two bodyguards rushed to them, coupled with their friends.

They succeeded in separating the fight and Collins hissed, breathing through his mouth. It was his âss, he wasn’t gonna let anyone touch his âss.

He looked around and his gaze met with Cookie who’s Stu staring at him, immediately their gaze met she turned around, walking away

He made to run after her but….

“Dude, you okay?” Jackson asked rushing to his side concerned.

“Never seen you so pissed, did the new girl do something again?” Johnson asked curiously.

Collins was silent

“We need to do something about the girl, she’s becoming unbearable,” Jackson added

“You will not harm her,” Collins suddenly rasped, cosing his friends to exchange knowingly glances.


“I will deal with her myself so don’t bother,” he replied, walking away.


Meanwhile, Cookie knock softly on the door then waited patiently.

She has already knocked on eight different door and each time they open and turned out not to be blue, she always gets disappointed.

This time she hopes it’s blue her friend so they could go home.

“We should go,” the door open reviewing Blue who’s putting on her earring, her purse between her armpits.


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