Same nights, family of four is seen sitted around the mini dining room.

Their father the head of the house sat at the head chairs while their mother his beloved wife sat beside him, his two daughters Jennifer and Juliet sat next to each other.

“Mother as you saying someone came here and took Cookies properties,” Juliet asked but it sounded like a joke

“It could be her,” Jennifer said in suggestion.

“Nah,” their mother shook her head negatively.

“She’s too pretty with good body but Cookie is a foodie remember?” She replied, reminding them how to treat Cookie once again.

Both sisters exchange glances.

“The cops? What are they saying?have she been arrested?” Juliet asked curiosily.

“Not really but they will soon, they assured me that they’re looking into it and they will bring her up for question once she’s found guilty,” Mrs. Gregory replied.

“Do you think she will come back?” Mr. Gregory suddenly asked concerned.

Juliet and Jennifer rolled their eyes while his wife hissed.

“She might have jumped over the bridge and dîêd,” Mrs Gregory shrugged.

Jennifer and Juliet burst out laughing.


Next morning, it was school day but Lucius wasn’t making any attempt to get off bed, he didn’t even sleep a wink last night.

He tried sleeping but his uncles word came echoing his head.

After what happened at the club last night he went to confront his uncle and it didn’t turn out well

“Look at you, Collins is your younger brother yet he gets all the glory, will you keep staying in his shadow forever?” Those words were razor sharp

It was indeed through that Collins got all the connections more than him, more money and fame cos of his father the minister but kîllîng him….

“He’s always the one, being called, taking things from you and what do you do?!” His uncle’s yells eachod in his ear.

“Be a man and stand up to your young brother course if you don’t, you might wake up one day and realize he has taken everything from you and you will be in the street begging!!!”

Memories of what happened at the club came rushing into his mind, he’d been the one that wants to go help Cookie but Collins took that chance from him.

Was it with Andrew? Collins was the one that got her, he’s always taking things from him. How was he gonna let Collins take things from him?

He sat up, his hand resting on his jaw in deep thoughts.

Should he turn a blind eye on Collins? If he do he will get cookie but will he really let his uncle Deal away with Collins? But what if Collins steals Cookie from him?

He needs to make a decision ….



Should he turn a blind eye on Collins? If he do he will get cookie but will he really let his uncle Deal away with Collins? But what if Collins steals Cookie from him.

Well, he already let Collins got Andrea and there is no way he’s gonna let Collins have her, no! He won’t do that.

He made that stupid sacrifice once and he’s not gonna make it twice.

Lucius got up, a sinister smirk lingering at the corner of his lips as he made his way into the bathroom

He’s gonna take a warm bath, get back to school and take what is rightfully his, he’s done caring for Collins, it’s high time he thinks of himself.


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