Meanwhile, Regina lounged in the living room, her eyes flicking over the room with an air of indifference.

Ryan, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to keep his gaze from shifting toward the door. His impatience was palpable, a tight coil of frustration and anxiety.

How did Blue move on so fast? He wanted her to think of him but it seems she has forgotten about him. She even grew prettier.

The front door creaked open, and Blue stepped in, her arms loaded with shopping bags.

“I’m off to the store,” she called out casually before stepping out again.

Ryan’s instincts kicked in. He darted after her, his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

He caught up with Blue just as she reached the door, grabbing her arm with a firm grip.

Blue halted, her expression a mixture of surprise and annoyance. She turned to face him, her eyes steady.

“What do you want, Ryan?” she asked, not taking her eyes off her.

He took a breath, his voice urgent.

“Do you really have a new boyfriend? Is it true? That guy, does he love you?” He asked, trying not to sound desperate.

Blue’s lips curved into a laugh, light but edged with a trace of mockery. She pulled her arm free, the smooth motion a stark contrast to Ryan’s grip.

“I’m not answering that, it’s none of your business,” Without another word, she stepped outside, leaving Ryan standing at the door, a mixture of anger and confusion on his face.

Regina watched from the corner of the room, her eyes narrowing. A dangerous spark flickered in her gaze, the wheels of her mind already turning with dark plans.


Richard trudged back to the house, his shoulders slumped. The weight of being used and frustration seemed to hang heavy in the air around him.

Inside, he found Lucius waiting in the sitting room, his posture rigid and his eyes steely.

“You’re back, where is Collins?” Lucius’s voice cut through the silence, sharp and demanding.

Richard shook his head, avoiding Lucius’s intense gaze.

“I don’t know where he is.” he spoke through gritted teeth.

Lucius’s anger flared.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Collins called me about something important. Abraham and the others said you left with him. What’s going on?” Lucius snarled, glaring daggers at him.

Richard took a step back, his frustration mounting. Lucius reached out, grabbing his arm to prevent him from walking away.

“Let me go, Lucius!” He slapped Lucius arm off him

“The fûçk man, are you insane? The fûçk is wrong with you?” He glanced.

“Where the fûçk is Collins?”

Their argument escalated into a physical struggle, fists clenched and faces flushed. The room erupted into chaos, but others quickly intervened, pulling them apart.

Lucius stormed off, his anger radiating in every step.

He made his way back to their mansion, his expression thunderous. Inside, his mother awaited him, her face a mask of concerned anticipation.

“Have you seen Collins?” she asked, her voice tinged with worry.


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