Lucius shook his head, his frustration still simmering.

“No, I haven’t.” he roughed his hair, fûçk, he hatéd failure.

How are they going to get rid of Collins without him Knowing where he was?

His mother had informed him about Collins, he was to keep a close eye on Collins and report back especially now that the people that will take him down are here.

They could do it also now that Collins father doesn’t have a clue he was sure his mother will get the man all wrapped up but he still wants to deal with Collins sooner than later.

A calculating gleam entered his mother’s eyes as she considered their next move.

“We need to take him down once we see him. If we can get Collins’s father to sign over all his wealth to me, we’ll have the leverage we need.

We are almost close and nothing will stop us, I can’t marry his father all these years only for him to sign his wealth over to his son,” she said, determined to clear both father and son.

Lucius’s eyes hardened with determination.

“I’ll go see Cookie. If anyone knows where Collins might be, it’s her.” he said, thw thought coming into his head

“How sure are you?” His mother asked

“Andrea knew where he was at all times, I’m sure this new girl will too,” he replied.

His mother watched him leave, a dark smile stretching across her face as she began to plot her next move.


Veronica lay motionless in the hospital bed, her face pale against the stark white of the sheets.

The room was filled with the soft beeping of medical equipment and the murmured concern of her family, huddled around her.

Her mother, Marlene, sat at her daughter’s bedside, her eyes red-rimmed but fierce. She clutched Veronica’s hand tightly, her expression a storm of worry and fury.

Beside her, Veronica’s father paced restlessly, his face a mask of restrained anger. Veronica’s siblings stood nearby, their faces a mix of fear and helplessness.

Marlene’s voice was low but resolute, her gaze never leaving her daughter.

“Whoever did this to my daughter will pay for it,” she said, her tone edged with an icy determination.

“The school has to be held accountable. They need to expel whoever was responsible for this.” she said determined

Veronica’s brother nodded in agreement, his hands clenched into fists at his sides.

“This isn’t just about punishment. It’s about justice. They need to ensure this never happens again.” he said.

“So you when know what she did to warrant that girl to do this to her?” Veronica’s father asked.

“I don’t care!” Her mother spats, sprinting om her feet.

“Whoever did this to my girl must pay,” she stomped her feet against the floor.

Their kids exchanged worried glances, their anxiety visible as they watched their mother’s unwavering resolve.

“I kept telling you, train Veronica in a good way but what did you say? You wanted her to be pretty, to get boys attention to be this and now now look….”

“Oh, shut up, you should be a man and stand by your family not a whimp!” Veronica’s mother retorted standing tall and firm.

The room’s atmosphere charged, a palpable mix of anger and desperation lingering in the air, Marlene’s mind raced through plans and demands, fueled by the image of her daughter’s suffering.

“Make sure the school knows we won’t rest until they take action,” Marlene instructed, her voice resolute.

The doctor walked in but without waiting for him, Veronica’s father left the room.


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