Five minutes passed and Collins glanced at her.

“I’m not a rapîst,” he began quietly.

“People gave me that title cos of what happened with my brother, I know you won’t believe me but my brother spread that false rumor and would often pay girls to seduce me and cry rápé,” he paused, clenching his fist tightly.

He wasn’t a rapîst, it all happened because of Andrea, Lucius did all that to get back at him.

“I shouldn’t be saying this, I should go,” he got up and began walking away.

“Why?” She spoke for the first time, but didn’t look at him.

“Why did he do it? Your brother?” She asked, slowly turning her head to look at him.

Collins hesitated


“Who is Andrea?” She asked

The ringing of his phone cut him off, so he put his hand in his trousers pocket, fishing out his phone.

“Excuse me please,” he said, sliding green while also shifting slightly away.

From a distance Lucius could be seen watching them.


Blue came out from the class.

She missed having Cookie in school, fûçk she need to go home then get to the station and get her bestie back.

She could have followed them but she can’t miss class and she needs to stay close she she can get a clue on who the minister’s son is.

“Hey, Blue,” Veronica called, approaching with her girls besides her.

Blue suck in her lips.


Veronica smirke

“Heard your friend is a thîef?” She asked, staring Blue in the eyes as though waiting for Blue to deny it.

“So?” Blue twisted her lashes

Veronica coughed out a laugh. Maria went closer, shoving Blues head to the side.

“You don’t speak to Vera like that fóol,” She spats, trying to shove her again but Veronica stopped her.

“I don’t want her, it’s her friend that I want, she’s not worth it,” she said, her friends nodded

She walked past, shoving at Blue while Maria pushed her out of the way.

Blue laughed hysterically then suck in her lips.

“Someone is laughing like she just bûllied some people while she’s the one that got bûllied,” Richard said, from her front.

Blue Chuckle.

“Why do you look familiar?”

“You don’t remember me?” He asked making a sad face.

Of course she remembers him, he’s the guy from the bar and it was supposed to be a night stand so what’s he doing here in college?

“I don’t,” she began walking away.

She don’t do guys twice, it was a night stand so he should avoid her.

“Hey, wait……”



“I’m ready uncle,” Lucius said determined.

Stone smirked, just exactly what he wanted, to put Lucius by his side.

“Are you sure?” He asked

Sure? Was the man kidding?

Lucius has been thinking about it since the day, after their encounter with Cookie and Collins stepped in, he knew if he keep being a jellyfish Collins will surely take Cookie away from him so he has to act fast

Does Cookie even know? will he tell her that he fûçk his brother’s lover? Will he?

“Tell me what’s to do done,” he said In a dark voice

Stone clapped his hands twice, shortly after a guard ran in and he whispered something into the guards ear, he left but it wasn’t long before he returned with Ryan and Regina.

He brought out Collins picture, handing it over to Ryan who took it.

“Cookie and Blue are targeting the Minister, all you two have to do is target the Minister’s son….”

“Make it look like Cookie kîllêd him,” Lucius suddenly cut in.

Both Ryan and Regina exchange glances.

“It needs to be like that so that once she’s held I will be the knight that will save the day, she will see me differently….”



The park’s green expanse had been transformed into a riotous playground of children’s laughter and squeals of delight.

Collins and Cookie sat on the park bench, watching the scene with a lazy contentment.

“I should head home,” she said, getting to her feet.

Collins rose, following suit.

“I’ll drive you,” he offered, his hand stretched out in a gesture of chivalry.

She shook her head, her curls bouncing in the breeze. Collins tried to hide his disappointment, his smile faltering a bit.

“No problem, I’ll walk you home then,” he said, a hint of persistence coloring his voice.

Cookie hesitated, her gaze flickering between him and the path leading home.

“That’s not necessary, really.” She muttered

But Collins would not be deterred.

“I insist,” he said, his gaze unwavering, like a ship anchored against a storm.

Cookie relented, a grudging smile tugging at her lips.

“Fine,” she said, her voice tinged with bemusement.

They set off down the path, the park’s lights fading behind them as the evening stretched its long shadows across the grass.

Collins was in his element, spinning yarns like a master storyteller, his words painting pictures in the air.

Cookie couldn’t help but laugh as his tales grew increasingly absurd, her eyes sparkling with mirth.

“You’re mad,” she said, shaking her head as she shot him a sidelong glance.

Collins threw his head back and roared with laughter, his cheeks ruddy with joy.

Suddenly, it startes raining Collins and Cookie huddled under a tree, its leafy canopy providing a meager shelter from the downpour.

Their shoulders were pressed together, the tension between them palpable, like static electricity.

Collins stole a glance at Cookie, but she remained stoic, her gaze straight ahead.

However, when his attention was averted, he could swear he saw the corner of her mouth twitch.


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