Collins’ eyes were feral now, his movements fluid and brûtal.

The first guard swung a massive fist, but Collins ducked under it, driving his elbow into the guard’s ribs. The guard stumbled, his breath hitching in pain.

Seizing the moment, Collins spun and kicked the guard’s feet out from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. The guard’s skull connected with the marble floor with a sickening thud.

Collins stood over him, his chest heaving. But there was no time to rest; the muffled click of approaching footsteps echoed down the hallway.

Collins’s eyes narrowed as he spun, his gaze fixed on the approaching threat.

It was his mother, flanked by two more guards.

“Son,” she said, her voice icy, “you disappoint me.”

Collins’ lips curled into a feral grin.

“Sorry to let you down, Mother,” he growled.

The guards advanced on him, their movements synchronized, weapons drawn.

Collins’ lips peeled back, revealing bared teeth.

“Bring it on,” he snarled, coiled like a viper.

The guards launched into action, their movements choreographed. One guard lunged, a flash of steel glinting in the dim light.

Collins parried, the blade skittering across the marble floor. The guard recovered, his eyes narrowing with fury.

The second guard charged from behind, his fist cocked back. Collins whirled, his knee connecting with the guard’s jaw. The guard’s head snapped back, a spray of blood arcing across the floor.

His mother watched, her expression impassive.

Collins, still breathing hard, turned his full attention to his mother, his body radiating a murderous energy.

“Let’s end this, Mother,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

His mother’s expression twisted, a terrifying snarl contorting her face.

“End it, then,” she hissed, her hand flashing into her pocket.

Collins’s eyes widened. It was too late.

His mother’s finger tightened on the trigger, the shot deafening in the silence of the room.

Collins’ body shuddered, the bullet tearing through his flesh. He crumpled to the ground, blood pooling beneath him.

His mother, expressionless, holstered her gun.

“A shame,” she said, her tone as cold as winter’s breath. “You could have had it all.”

The guards surrounded Collins’ body, their faces devoid of emotion.

But then, just as the guards were about to lift the body, Collins’ hand twitched, his fingers curling around the hilt of a concealed knife.

Collins’s eyes snapped open, filled with hatred.

With a ferocity that belied his injuries, he drove the knife upward into the nearest guard’s abdomen.

The guard’s eyes widened, a gurgled scream escaping his lips.

The second guard turned to attack, but Collins was already moving, the knife arcing through the air.

The guard staggered, a crimson gash blossoming across his throat.

Collins, his gaze fixed on his mother, pushed himself to his feet. He wobbled slightly, but his grip on the knife remained firm.

Collins staggered toward his mother, his movements unsteady, but his expression fierce.

“Mother,” he growled, “Father must hear of this, so this has been how you treat Lucius? Or is it just me?” He asked, staggering closer.

“I refuse to be your pawn, and I will end you if you keep trying to make me one,”

His mother’s lips thinned into a cruel smile.

“You don’t have the strength, Collins, you’rw just as weak as your father,” she said, her tone dripping with condescension.

Footsteps and Boots coming through the backdoor had him looking around.

Collins, sensing the danger, whirled around, his eyes catching the flash of movement in the dimly lit hallway.

He didn’t hesitate. With a final, blazing look of contempt for his mother, Collins bolted down the corridor, his feet pounding on the marble floor.

The sounds of pursuit were close behind, but Collins was fueled by adrenaline and desperation. He didn’t look back.

He had to escape. Had to survive.

Collins ducked behind a parked car, his breathing ragged, his senses overwhelmed. Fishing out his phone, he dialed the first line on his screen, LUCIUS, but the phone rang and rang until the voicemail picked up.

“Lucius,” Collins rasped, panic rising in his voice. “I need help. It’s… mother.”

He hung up, the sound of his pulse thumping in his ears. With shaking hands, he dialed another number. “Richard.”

“Collins?” Came Richard’s surprised voice.

Why the fûçk will Collins call when he can come home? Does he like stressing people?

“Richard,” Collins gasped. “I need your help. My Mother…she tried to kill me.” He breathed.

Richard’s breath caught in his throat, his mind racing. “Your mother? Are you serious?” he stammered.

Collins’ voice was grim, resolute.

“Yes. She doesn’t want me to spoil her plans.” He replied

Richard’s mind was whirring, his voice cracking with urgency.

“You need to get out of there, Collins. I’ll pick you up in front of the old warehouse, off Fourth Street. But you gotta hurry. They’ll be looking for you.” Richard said the sound of keys rustling in the background.


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