Jennifer sauntered into the station, her long legs eating up the distance between the door and the front desk.

She leaned on the counter, a sly smile curving her lips as the young officer gaped at her.

“Hi there,” she purred, her voice low and sultry.

“I’m looking for the results of my sister’s DNA test.” She added seductively.

The officer stammered, his cheeks flushing as he fumbled for a response.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but I can’t give that information out to just anyone. You’ll need proper clearance.” He said and focus back on what he was doing.

Jennifer leaned closer, her cleavage visible in the plunging neckline of her blouse. She could feel the officer’s eyes on her, his gaze skimming over her body.

“I see,” she said, tracing a delicate finger along the countertop.

“But surely there’s something we could work out. After all, a pretty woman like me shouldn’t have any trouble getting what she wants.” She winked at him, taking in her lower lips

The officer swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.

“Ma’am, I…I can’t just….”

Jennifer cut him off, her voice sweet as honey. “Why don’t you call me Jennifer, Officer…” She trailed off, her eyes flicking to his badge.

“Officer Jensen.”

Jensen’s eyes darted to the empty hall behind her, as if looking for a savior. But Jennifer’s gaze held him captive, her lips curling into a siren’s smile.

“I can see you’re not exactly comfortable with this, Officer Jensen,” she cooed, her voice soft and sédûctive.

“You know,” Jennifer continued, her voice a whisper,

“I’m sure we could find a more…private place to discuss this matter.” She said with a shrug.

Jensen’s eyes widened, his pupils dilating. He knew it was wrong, but her body was a siren’s call, pulling him under.

“Ma’am, I…I can’t. Not in the station,” he stammered, his face flushed with desire.

Jennifer chuckled, her hand slipping into his.

“I’m not talking about here, Officer Jensen. Why don’t you come home with me?” She said noticing how scared he was.

She did know why he was so scared, well, he won’t be? Hw could get fired if caught.

Jensen hesitated, his mind reeling. But as Jennifer led him out of the station, his feet seemed to move of their own accord.

They made their way to her car, the night air cool against their skin. Jensen’s heart pounded, the anticipation and fear mingling in his veins like a potent cocktail.

The dimly lit streets fell away as Jennifer’s car turned into a secluded alley, the darkness cocooning them in secrecy.

“Is this what you had in mind?” she whispered, her breath hot against his neck.

Jensen’s resolve crumbled, the last threads of his professionalism snapping in the heat of her touch.

He pulled her close, their lips meeting in a frenzy of desire. His hands found the zipper of her dress, tugging it down, exposing the soft curve of her brêâst.

As their lips danced in the flickering shadows, Jensen’s hands explored Jennifer’s curves, their heat rising like a slow burn.

“Oh, officer?!”Jennifer moaned, her hand slipping into his pants, grasping his throbbing member.

He groaned against her mouth, his teeth grazing her lower lip.

She tugged at his belt, her urgency spilling into her movements.

“I need you now,” she breathed.

Jensen’s restraint crumbled, his lips finding her neck as he thrust into her, their bodies becoming one in the cramped space of the car.

Jennifer arched her back, her nails digging into Jensen’s shoulders as he thrust into her, their hips meeting in a furious rhythm.

The windows fogged, their breath ragged, as their bodies moved in perfect sync, their pleasure mounting.

Jensen’s mouth found her ear, his teeth grazing her lobe.

“You want the results,” he murmured, his voice low and primal.

“Don’t you?”

Jennifer cried out, her body trembling on the edge of release, Jensen’s words pushing her over the precipice

As their bodies stilled, their breath ragged, Jennifer’s eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting Jensen’s.

“Tell me,” she panted, her words a soft murmur.

“Tell me the results.”

Jensen’s eyes were dark, his expression unreadable.

“Cookie…” he began, his voice a low rumble.

Jennifer’s heart pounded, her fingers digging into his arms.

“What about Cookie?”

Jensen’s eyes held hers, his voice filled with regret.

“Cookie is your sister,”


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