Cookie stepped into her bathroom, the soft hum of the exhaust fan filling the air. She reached for the shampoo, her movements precise and deliberate.

Collins followed, his eyes searching hers with a hint of curiosity.

“What are you doing?” he asked, leaning against the doorway.

“Washing my hair,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder.

“I’ve got it covered.” Collins’s gaze lingered on her as he took a step closer.

“Let me help.”

Cookie raised an eyebrow. Was he mâd? She just employed him and now he wants to start washing her hair.

“It’s not part of your job description.” she said harshly.

Collins didn’t answer, he just moved past her into the bathroom. She shook her head with a resigned smile but didn’t stop him.

She wanted to stop him but somehow she did want to stop him.

Moments later, she sat on a sturdy wooden chair in the center of the bathroom. Collins was crouched beside her, a small bowl in his hands.

He dipped it into the basin and gently poured water over her head, the cool liquid cascading down her hair and mixing with the lather.

The sensation of his touch was soothing, a stark contrast to the rough, hurried motions she was used to.

Cookie closed her eyes, the rhythm of the water and Collins’s careful movements creating a serene, almost intimate cocoon.

She could feel his warmth and the gentle pressure of his hands as he rinsed the suds away.

Every so often, she caught a glimpse of his focused expression, his eyes intently watching her hair. It was a simple, tender gesture, but one that spoke volumes.

The small, quiet acts of care felt more personal and profound than any grand declarations ever could.

She found herself smiling when before she could stop herself, Collins glanced at her but she maintained a straight face again.

As Collins finished, he squeezed the last bit of water from her hair with a careful touch. Cookie opened her eyes, meeting his gaze in the mirror..

The soft smile on his lips mirrored the quiet contentment she felt. In that shared moment, she realized the depth of his commitmen… how much he was willing to be part of her life, not just as a protector but as someone who genuinely cared.

Cared? She has never been cared for aside from Blues love, did he really care? No, he just want her for his own personal reasons.

She shoved whatever thought coming to her mind aside, focusing on Herself.

Meanwhile, Regina and Ryan already made themselves comfortable or it was only Regina who made herself comfortable cos Ryan couldn’t stop staying at Blue.

As Cookie settled into the chair, Collins worked carefully, the gentle touch of his fingers through her wet hair contrasting with the roughness of her earlier emotions.

The bathroom was a cocoon of warmth and quiet, a refuge from the chaos outside.

The steady rhythm of water and Collins’s focused attention created a rare moment of tranquility.

Cookie’s sigh of contentment was barely audible, lost in the soft sounds of the bathroom.


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