The morning sun casts a bright sheen over the bustling school parking lot.

Cookie and Blue step out of their car, their footsteps crunching on the gravel.

Cookie’s eyes scan the lot as if looking for someone then finally her eyes, landed on Colllins and his friend standing by their vehicle.

Their gaze met and she held his gaze but surprisingly he looked away, deliberately avoiding her.

His friends didn’t fail to notice especially Richard who’s always by his side, a puzzled look on his face.

“Why didn’t you say anything to her?” Jackson asked

Collins doesn’t respond, his attention locked on something far off.

“Is it just me or is he and Richard just off today?” Johnson asked suspiciously.

Abraham shrugged.

“Didn’t notice,” He shrugs, clearly taken aback but too uncertain to press further.

Nearby, a sleek sports car rolls into view, drawing admiring glances.

The car comes to a smooth halt, and Ryan together with Regina step out, their eyes wide with curiosity.

They pause, taking in the open expanse of the school grounds with a mix of awe and excitement.

“This place is huge. I didn’t expect it to be so open,” she said to Ryan who nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, it’s a whole different vibe from what we’re used to,”

They share a look of anticipation, their enthusiasm palpable as they head towards the school entrance, their voices mingling with the ambient noise of the parking lot.


The classroom was a sea of stillness, broken only by the rhythmic scratch of the teacher’s marker against the whiteboard.

Student’s heads bobbed slightly as they tried to focus, their pens hovering over notebooks.

Veronica’s eyes darted towards the back of the room, narrowing with barely concealed hostility. Her fingers gripped her pen so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

Each time she stole a glance, her gaze hardened, the intensity almost palpable.

Regina, perched by the window, caught the flicker of Veronica’s gaze. She tilted her head slightly, a frown tugging at her lips as she followed the silent exchange.

Her own eyes widened in quiet realization, a small gasp escaping her as she noted the barely restrained tension.

It seemed she wasn’t the only one who harbored disdain for Cookie after all. The realization hit her, mingling with a sense of uneasy curiosity.

You got you a new friend.

Cookie remained seated, her gaze fixed on a point on the floor, as the teacher packed up his textbooks and shuffled out of the classroom.

As soon as the door closed, Collins was up, quick to trail after the teacher’s retreating figure.

“Be right back,” Cookie murmured to Blue, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Blue nodded, and she followed Collins out, her steps tentative, each one echoing her uncertain resolve.


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2 thoughts on “COOKIE : CHAPTERS 41 – 50”

  1. I think the new development is cool but how will the 300 get to you, speaking of those who do’nt have.
    If this is the admin i also want to become a writer like i want to post my stories here but i do’nt know how to start or do it i need guidelines i am looking forward on getting feedback thank you.

    • Thanks for your comment. The 300 weekly and how to make the payment shouldn’t and wouldn’t be issues. I will give you access to post your stories, just be getting them ready one by one.


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