“Care to make me your boyfriend also?” Collins asked them liked his lips.

Cookie was confused and silent, unsure of how to respond. Collins had just asked her out right after their first kiss.

Was she really considering making him her boyfriend? She’d never dated before and feared making mistakes.

She worried about what had happened with Blue and Ryan. What if Collins wanted her to cut ties with Blue? And what if he blamed her for things that weren’t her fault?

Dating him could be dangerous for the two of them.

Cookie was known as Cookie, but at night, she fought those who stood in the way of her clan’s orders.

She couldn’t go against their powerful leader, Big Daddy. How could she be nice to Collins or date him when her loyalty was to someone else?

She remembered a time back at the clan when she’d tried to be friendly with a guy.

That guy had been swiftly taken out, and Big Daddy said it was a lesson.

She had to be careful.

She pulled her hands away and forced a smile.

“We will talk later after business class,” she told him, still maintaining her cheerfully smile.

He groaned.

“Come on, we can make such a good couple, okay fine. Let’s keep it secret,” he said, not taking his gaze off her.

Both hands resting by his side. He wasn’t one to take rejection so it was gonna be a big blow to him.

“I can’t….”

“Why not?” He cut her off even before she could finish.

He wanted to know if she was his or if he needed to try harder.

She swallowed, opening her mouth to speak but that was exactly when Lucius arrived on the rooftop, his expression as cold as ever.

Collins smirked.

Remembering how he had taught Lucius to defend himself. When his father married Lucius Mom, had been bûllied, but Collins had always stood up for him.

Now, Lucius has become someone Collins barely recognized.

“Mind if we talk, Cookie?”Lucius said, trying to keep his voice low but one can sense the envy and jealousy behind his cool tone.

Of course he saw them kiss and he was pissed off as hell.

“Hey, we’re still busy,” Collins said, raising his eye brows.

“I wasn’t speaking to you, don’t even know why you’re still breathing,”Lucius snapped rudely.

Hissing, he turned to Cookie, his expression softening.

“We should talk,” he said again and she glanced back at Collins before staring at him again.

“And I said, we are just having a conversation,”Collins protested, stepping forward but Cookie step between them, ger hand resting on Collins chest.

Lucius scoffed, he just stood his ground without moving an inch, if only Collins knew that he wanted the bastard down.

“I will talk to him, I can defend myself so relax,” she said casually.

Collins didn’t want to listen, fûçk Collins. Does he think they won’t tell him of the attitude he displayed at his house?

Fûçk the fûçkidy fûçk!

Collins reluctantly slowed down, though he was unhappy about it.

Seeing that he was finally calm, Cookie turned her head to Lucius.

“You said we should talk,” she said, crossing both hands around hef chest.

Lucius who’s still staring at Collins blinked then looked at her

“Yeah but in a private place, not here “Lucius said, tugging both hands in hus trousers pocket.

Cookie glanced at Collins before following him out, Meanwhile Before leaving, Lucius gave Collins a look that promised revenge, a reminder of the conflict between them.

Collins clenched his fists but said nothing.


Richard and Blue sat in a bustling café, the lunch rush filling the room with chatter.

Richard set down a tray with two burgers and two cans of cocktails, the aroma of the food mixing with the café’s coffee scent.

Blue unwrapped her burger, her fingers moving with practiced ease. She glanced up at Richard, a smile playing on her lips.

Richard leaned forward, his voice soft but steady.

“So, why try to use me? I mean, why use me?” he corrected, rephrasing his first speech.


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2 thoughts on “COOKIE : CHAPTERS 41 – 50”

  1. I think the new development is cool but how will the 300 get to you, speaking of those who do’nt have.
    If this is the admin i also want to become a writer like i want to post my stories here but i do’nt know how to start or do it i need guidelines i am looking forward on getting feedback thank you.

    • Thanks for your comment. The 300 weekly and how to make the payment shouldn’t and wouldn’t be issues. I will give you access to post your stories, just be getting them ready one by one.


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