By Summer Gold R.

After Adriana left, Kaine looked down at Bluey who was still doing justice to his dick,a moan escaped his lips loudly,he was speechless,just when did she become so good in things like this?

He reached his climax and exploded into her mouth,then she helped him belt on back before getting up.

“That ” Kaine complimented and Bluey blushed,she sat down again on his laps.

“She’s in love with you,I’ve always known” She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“Really?” Kaine raised his brows.

“Of course,it’s obvious. The way she always tell me to stay away from you like she owns you”

“Who owns me then?” Kaine asked and their eyes locked.

“No one… don’t….have a girlfriend yet” Bluey mumbled in a skipped and low voice.

“What’s a girlfriend?” Kaine asked and she blinked.


“What are the things a boyfriend and a girlfriend do?” Kaine furthered his question and Bluey thought for a while before looking back at him.

“I’m quite hungry” Kaine said,ignoring how deep she was staring at him.

“I’m going to cook for…..”

“No,I want something from outside” Kaine said.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,I’ve never done that. What do you think we should get?” He asked and Bluey’s cheeks lightened.

“We?” She asked again.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Kaine asked nonchalantly,getting one of his phone already.

He doesn’t even know Bluey was blushing hard,at the mention of that we,,,that means she’s at least something to him right? He’s getting them something to eat,he doesn’t want her to cook.

“I’ve never tried pizza,,hamburgers too….” She paused when Kaine started staring at her.

“Chic…ken” she said in a cute voice and Kaine couldn’t help but to smile.

“Have you been waiting for me to ask something like this? Seems you have alot of things you want to eat” He said and Bluey nodded.

“I want fried chicken,,cookies and milk” She finished up.

“No Ice cream?” Kaine asked,now texting Fang.

“Ice cream…”

“I thought you love ice cream” he said and Bluey blinked.

“Wait…you sent Fang to give me the last one?” She asked curiously.

“Why? You don’t like it?”

“Why didn’t you tell me! I couldn’t thank you” She pouted.

“I ate it with Bian” Bluey muttered and Kaine raised his brows.

“Bian? What’s with you and him?” He asked,pretending to frown.

“It’s not what you’re thinking,He’s a good friend…..”

“Who said you’re allowed to have a male friend?” Kaine cut in and she bit her lip.

“He’s like a brother too,I like him. I’m sorry” She mumbled.

“You must really like him a lot to even eat with him,I see” Kaine scoffed and she chuckled.


“I told you I don’t get jealous,forget it. Happy friendship” Kaine said and Bluey laughed.

He texted everything to Fang and looked at Bluey.

“I’m done here” He said and she got down from his laps.

“I’ve never seen any debit alert since I gave you the card,is it a joke or something to stare at?” Kaine asked and took his ipad and phone.

Bluey took the ipad from him.

“I have nothing to buy,I don’t need anything” She said.

“You don’t need anything?” Kaine raised his brows.

“All I want is you” She said.

Kaine scoffed but smiled inwardly.

“I would love it if you can buy alot of things for yourself though,I don’t mind even if they are senseless” He said as they walked out of the office together,the guards bowed as they pass and tried following behind which Kaine immediately rejected.

“I have clothes I haven’t even wore in my closet,shoes also,,it’s not like I have anywhere to go. Maybe when I’m strong enough,I can go on a mission with you,what do you think?”

“You think it’s a joke?” Kaine asked without glancing at her.

“No,you won’t come back getting blood all over you every single time if it’s a joke,I’ve never taken anything here as a joke” Bluey said and Kaine looked down at her.

She smiled at him and looked away to continue walking in front of him,skipping once in a while like a kid.

Kaine smiled softly as he followed her,his two hands in his pockets. He suddenly caught a glimpse of Queen mother and her personal guard,somewhere distant,watching him.

“Old woman,haven’t you done enough?” He mumbled and looked away from them and just continue walking until they got to his suite.

“I guess they are back together again” the guard said to queen mother.

“Let them be,as long as he doesn’t do anything emotional. He’s still my iron man. Did I get any call from Bruno?” She asked.

“Yes queen,I told him you would call back”

Queen mother opened her palm and he immediately dialed the Don’s number,he answered the call right away.

📲 Bruno hey there.

📲 You told me Kaine and Adriana were cool.

📲 Are they not?

📲 I don’t think so,,she called me

Queen mother looked at the guard and he walked away,leaving her to continue her conversation.


Fang got into the car,he was about starting the engine when suddenly someone knocked on the window and he turned his head,frowning immediately he saw Puma.

“What is it?” He wind down the window glass and glared.

“Where are you off to?” Puma asked.

“And what’s your business with that?” Fang snapped.

Puma chuckled.

“You won’t calm down would you? Why are you always angry with me?” He asked.

“Because I don’t like you,does that answer your question? Now can you move or forget about your legs” Fang said.

“Gosh,you’re so cute” Puma laughed and Fang’s eyes widened.

“What?! Are you crazy? Cute?”

“You heard me,cute. Do you just threaten people anyhow or it’s just me?” He asked.

“I hate you” Fang said.

“Let me in,I need fresh air too,please” Puma said.

“Boss sent me to get him something,you think I will go with a dick like you?” Fang asked.

“Why not? My dick is quite big” Puma replied and Fang opened his mouth to talk but couldn’t find the right word.

“Fuck you” He muttered.

“I don’t mind either” Puma grinned.

“Are you insane?!” Fang yelled and Puma laughed.

“I love it when you’re angry,now can I go with you?” He asked.

“I won’t drive you…”

“I will drive” Puma said.

Fang rolled his eyes and opened the door,then came out,Puma grinned and entered instead.

Fang joined him in front and he drove off.

“If this is an assignment from your boss,know now that it won’t work” Fang said.

“Trust me it’s not,like I said I just want to get some fresh air” Puma assured and Fang rolled his eyes.

“You will look cuter when you smile,stop frowning” Puma said.

“Who said I want to look cute? Just shut up and drive” Fang snapped.

“Okay” Puma smiled.

‘Annoying’ Fang scoffed inwardly and rest well on the seat,staring out of the window.

Puma stole a glance at him and smiled before stepping on the speed.



Axe’s groan and Sunny’s moan mixed together as he shot his cum inside her before pulling out of her pussy,he fell beside her on the bed but Sunny climbed on him again and kissed him.

“You don’t ever get tired do you?” Axe looked at her after she broke the kiss.

“Never tired of you” She shook her head and Axe scoffed.

“Too bad,I’m already tired,can’t do a thing” He said.

Sunny pouted and rest her head on his chest.

“Can you give me some money?” She asked.

“For what this time around?”

“I just want to buy few things for myself” Sunny replied.

“They don’t have names? You really think I will allow you buy useless things with my money? Try harder” Axe said.

“Don’t be unfair,,you always do this every time. Maybe I should just have my own card then,at least I won’t have to ask you for money anymore” she said angrily and got down from him.

“And I’m hungry,,I’m tired of the maids food. Can’t we try out something else? Should we go out on a date?” She asked as she found her clothes on the floor.

“Date? You and I?” Axe looked at her.

“Can’t we?” She asked.

Axe chuckled.

“Should I remind you again? I won’t do it but mind what you say,go on a date with you so some niggas can see us together and start suspecting shits? You’re so dumb,heck”

Sunny rolled her eyes and climbed the bed again.

“I want cake,I feel like eating it” She said as she carress his cheek.

“So why are you telling me?” Axe groaned.

“So you will buy for me of course” She groaned.

Axe sighed.

“Can I have peace here please? Get a maid and ask for cake,you’re stressing me,they can bake for you,just stop talking” he said and turned his face to the other side.

Sunny bit her lip,she grabbed her shoes and walked out of the room angrily,with her shoes in her hand dangling.



The water made a splash sound as Knife dived in deeply,she stayed underneath for about two minutes before coming back up,panting loudly.

She suddenly heard someone clapping and she turned to see Bian,a soft smile appeared on her face.

“When did you get here?” She asked.

“As soon as You dived in” Bian replied and sat down.

She swam forward,over to him and placed her hands on his thighs.

“Why are you here?” She asked.

“You said we can still be friends” Bian said.

“I thought you would keep on ignoring me” She mumbled.

“No I won’t” Bian told her and she smiled.

“I hardly see you these days,what have you been up to?” She asked.

“Just living handsome as always” Bian replied and she laughed.

“Seriously” She said and he nodded.

Knife cleared her throat and there was silence in the air.

“Hey Bian!” Risky came in with Tyson.

Bian frowned and looked at Knife.

“Don’t worry about me,I’m fine” She said.

“Don’t tell me you followed me Risky” Bian said.

“You caught me” Risky winked.

“Pest” Bian scoffed and Tyson laughed.

“Should I stop being a pest? You won’t miss me?” Risky asked and dragged him from the back.

“That’s the problem,I’m going to miss your dickhead” Bian muttered.

“Oh Knife girl,you’re here,I didn’t see you” Tyson grinned.

“Liar” Knife scoffed.

“You two are talking again?” Risky asked Bian in a whisper and he nodded.

Risky shook his head and smack Bian’s head before running away.

“Hey!” Bian yelled and ran after him,leaving just Tyson and Knife alone.

Knife bit her lower lip.

“You need the towel? I see you don’t want to come out” Tyson teased.

“Who said I don’t want to come out?” Knife snapped.

“You might be shy because of me” Tyson grinned.

“Fuck you” Knife said and came out of the pool.

“You look hot,how come I’ve never noticed?” He asked.

“Coz you’re blind obviously” Knife scoffed.

“Well at least I’m not blind anymore” He muttered and Knife glared at him as he stared at her endlessly.

“Pervert,what happened to your bitches? Go to them” She said and wrapped her towel around herself.

“You said bitches,meaning they are not forever” Tyson said and Knife chuckled.

“I see” She said.

“You’re not secretly dating Bian right?” Tyson asked in a whisper.

“What are you talking about?”

“Maybe I’m interested now,who knows” He winked and Knife gasped.

“See you” He winked again before walking away.

“Whoa…..He’s going insane” Knife muttered.



(The clan Adriana told Kaine about)

Beside a pool,a man was on a seat,with a girl next to him,rubbing his chest while he smoke through his pipe. He’s the mob boss,Marco,working under Don Bruno.

Just then three men in black and sunglasses came and bowed in front of him.

“How was it?” He asked.

“Turns out he’s dead boss” one of the uttered.

“What?! Victor is dead?!” He asked in shock.

(Victor is the man Kaine killed at the bar)

“Yes boss,he was murdered in a bar”

“By who?! Who the fuck did it!”

“Boss we have no idea,we asked the bartenders in there but none of them recognized how he looks like,the CCTV was tampered with so we couldn’t get any update,but I heard he was young and handsome,that’s all they could tell us”

“Find any traces,,I don’t care how long it takes or how small…just look for any traces,hack the whole CCTV in that area and find that bastard for me,I will kill him myself” Marco said,folding his fists.

“Sure boss” They bowed and walked away immediately.



Kaine was sitting on the bed,his phone in his hand,he just got a message from his man.

UNKNOWN: Some men went to the bar this morning to ask about Victor,obviously they are from the top boss. Which means they would be searching for you now,If that’s true then our plan is going on perfectly.

Kaine thought for a while before replying back.

KAINE: Send someone to follow them next time,,to get their location.

UNKNOWN: Anything for you boss.

He heard Bluey coming and he immediately deleted the whole messages and switched off the phone before putting it inside the drawer.

“I’m back” Bluey announced and Kaine turned to her side.

She was wearing Kaine’s hoodie again.

“Sorry,I’m not planning to stop stealing them” She said and Kaine scoffed.

“Continue” He said.

Kaine’s phone rang and he answered Fang’s call,he hung up and stood up.

“Let’s go,Fang set our food already” He wrapped his hand around her waist and they walked out of the room together.

Bluey ran to the dinning room but it was empty,she turned back to Kaine.

“Nothing’s here”

“Impatient doll” Kaine said and she pouted.

“Come here” He grabbed her hand and they walked toward another angle of the house where she has never been to.

At the end of the passage,is another door.

Kaine pressed something on the door and it opened,then he went in but Bluey waited.

“What are you waiting for?” He asked.

Bluey stepped into the room with Kaine, and he clicked a remote. Suddenly, a bright blue light filled the space. Bluey gasped in amazement.

The room was huge, The first thing she saw was a massive TV on the wall, bigger than any she had ever seen. Then a super-comfy couch-like bed stretched out, inviting her to snuggle up. A snack bar with a mini-fridge hummed quietly, filled with treats and drinks.

On one side, a gaming station beckoned, with colorful controls and screens glowing. And near the corner, a set of sleek computers whirred softly, their screens flashing with codes and images.

Bluey’s eyes widened as she took it all in.

“Wow!” she breathed.

In front of the couch was where their food was set,Bluey’s mouth watered and she ran to sit down.

There’s a full bucket of fried chicken,four hamburgers,a big size of pepperoni pizza,her milk and then a bottle of red wine for Kaine.

“I want wine too” She pouted.

“You’re free to drink it” Kaine joined her on the couch and pressed a remote,the table shifted closer to them so they were able to rest their backs.

“Are we watching something?” Bluey asked.

“Yep…I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie or even come here,you’re a witch…little witch” Kaine said and Bluey smiled.

They searched through Netflix together and finally settled for one,,Thriller romance movie.

Kaine dimmed the light and they started eating,the AC was too much for Bluey so Kaine turned it off.

They ate together quietly until Bluey collected Kaine’s piece of Pizza from him.

“You have your own young lady” He looked at her.

“Why are you so focused on the movie? Look at me as well” She pouted.

“You wanted to watch a movie….”

“I’m not watching anymore” She said and climbed on his laps,she kissed him.

She took her milkshake and sipped through the straw,Kaine’s eyes on her.

“Cute” He muttered.

“I want you to call me sexy,not cute” She said.

“I prefer cute girls to sexy ones” Kaine said.

“Really? Why?” She asked,and took a bite from her pizza.

“So I can squeeze them anytime,,just like this…” He grabbed her and hugged her tightly,then started to tickle her.

Bluey laughed to his tickles,she was struggling with him as he continued,making her jump on his laps countlessly.

“I can just fuck you right here if we don’t stop right now” Kaine groaned after a while.

Bluey blushed and got down from his laps.

Kaine poured them both the wine and they drank up.

“I’ve never tasted alcohol” Bluey confessed.


Time went by and soon Bluey fell asleep on Kaine’s chest.

He turned off the TV and collected the chicken laps in her hand forcefully,he dropped it on the table and Bluey snuggled more into his body,he controlled the table far from them before covering their bodies with the covy duvet,soon,he also slept off.



Bluey was panting and sweating after the long training,but only her and Kaine were present.

He had woken her up as early as five and they’ve been here all through,now it’s almost ten,five straight hours of training.

“Did you feed me yesterday because of this? I’m dying” Bluey said.

“What I taught you are just some spy methods” Kaine said.

“Spy method? What do you mean?” She asked.

“Simple tactics,you can use to take down even a skilled fighter” Kaine said.

“Ohh…” Bluey mumbled and strached her hair a little,the ponytail already messy.

Just then,the door opened and the gangs started entering,they were so loud but the moment they saw Kaine,they all greeted and it became silent.

Only shocking and confused expressions from them as they stared at Bluey.

“Use them from now on,anything I teach you,put them to work so you won’t forget” Kaine said.

“I understand”

Just then,Adriana came in and walked straight to Kaine.

“K..we need to talk” she said.

“You can see I’m busy” Kaine said.

“Busy with who?”

“Me….he’s training me” Bluey said and Adriana scoffed when she looked at her.

“Sorry I didn’t even see you at first,training for what? You think you can ever be a match even with two years of training?” Adriana asked and Bluey frowned.

“That’s rude” She said and the gangs exchanged glances.

Kaine slides his hands into his pocket,getting interested in the drama.

“Rude? To you? So what are you going to do? Hit me? Just because you’ve learnt two ways of punch?” Adriana mocked.

“Two ways? You’re silly” Bluey scoffed.

“I see you want to fight me,do you wish for death!” Adriana yelled.

“I don’t wish for death,,but we can test if I learnt just two ways of punch like you said” Bluey smirked and everyone exchanged shocking glances.

Kaine bit back a smile.

‘Good one witch’ he said inwardly.

“I love challenges,come for me then” Adriana smiled.

🗣 What is she doing?

🗣 Adriana might wound her.

The gangs whispered to each other but Bluey didn’t give a fuck,she just wanted to use what Kaine taught her on someone,If she loose,so be it,but she want to win anyway,at least to shut Adriana up for a while.

They got into it,the first two minutes passed with Bluey just guarding her face from Adriana’s punch. .

Kaine bite his index finger,getting impatient as he watched them.

‘Now little witch,do it now’ he said inwardly.

And like that,the moment Adriana changed style and jumped to finish Bluey up,Bluey scrapped her last leg off the floor and as Adriana brought her head down,Bluey welcomed her with a strong uppercut on her jaw then a punch on her tummy,getting her with the three things Kaine taught her.

Adriana was thrown from her across the room,loud screams filled the room,Bian who was standing on the way immediately jumped on Risky and Adriana fell roughly,her face hit the floor.

Bluey looked at Kaine and he gave her a ‘I’m proud of you’ smile.

Adriana raised her head and everyone gasped loudly with wide eyes.

Her lips are bleeding!





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