The closer they came to the next room, the louder the cries got, and when they finally got there, it’s exactly what she expected.

A female is getting punished, and only one person is in the room with her.

It’s a guy, and he’s sitting nonchalantly on a chair, facing the crying girl.

The girl has been stripped off her clothes, so she’s naked, and the guy is spraying her with water from a water gun.

“Why is she crying? Isn’t that just water?” Adeline said.

“Water? It’s concentrated pepper liquid, diluted with battery water” Nikolai replied.

“What!” Adeline sounded.

“Can’t you see her body changing color? Give her five more minutes and she’d drop dead” Loud added, and Adeline folded her fists.

“What’s her offense?” She asked, not taking her eyes off the room.

“She poisoned another female and killed her cos of a guy. It’s forbidden to kill a fellow mobster without a solid reason” Loud explained.

Adeline kept shut afterwards, watching silently.

She could imagine the slashing pains journeying through the female’s body right now, and despite the fact that she deserves it, she couldn’t help but pity her.

Her eyes slid to the guy punishing her, and though his back is on her, she feels like she has seen him before.

He suddenly stood, maybe because the female’s cries turned annoying or something else…

He dropped the water gun and got a real gun.

He shot her between the eyes, and her blood splashed on the wall as she fell dead, but that’s not all.

He opened a cage by the wall, and four giant black dogs came out.

They dragged her body into the cage, and he closed it back before finally turning to face them,.

His cross necklace caught Adeline’s attention first, the she looked up at his face, and her eyes widened slightly when she realized…

It’s the bastard who threw a blade at her!

“Do not make eye contact, he hates it” Nikolai told her, but she couldn’t even turn her face away.

She wants to wound him right now, so she glared, and she saw him smirk.

She started walking to him, but immediately she took one step…

“That’s the Madden we’ve been talking about, the top member of the Orlovs children.” Loud said, and Adeline froze.

Madden smirked evilly, giving her a frosty glance before leaving the room through the second door beside them.

Adeline couldn’t help but hear him mutter something…


She clearly heard him say that in a grave voice, and she wondered who it’s directed to.

Is it her?

She remained frozen till he went out of sight, then she looked up slowly.

Hope she’s not in his bad book already.


The ground is already full to the brim with mobsters, waiting to watch the newbies initiation.

The newbies are already in line too, they’re twenty in number, all looking tensed.

Adeline was repeatedly folding her fists on her spot.

She’s lining up beside Malik, and Malik won’t stop whispering threats into her ear.

“I’ll kill you, I promise”

“You’re dead, trust me”

“The moment we both pass, then you’re officially signing your death warrant”

Adeline chose not to give him any attention, her eyes are on Kimberly who’s somewhere among the crowd, watching her with hope.

Loud and Nikolai are part of the mob crowd too, and Loud won’t stop giving her hopeful smiles.

Nikolai stayed frank as usual.

Jinx and Poe are present, and Jinx wouldn’t stop biting her lip as she stared at Adeline…


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