“What the hell!!” Adeline shouted when she got to the forest separating the manor from the clan… The body fell from her shoulder actually.
“I can’t believe this! Is he doing this on purpose? Carry a body and give it to the dogs to eat? Damn it! Is he human?” She muttered.
She got her phone out of her pocket to check the time, but it was kicked away from her, and the phone flew to the other end.
She looked up with a glare and saw Malik with the two other newbies.
Obviously, they’re his cohorts.
“You again?” Adeline glared, and he came closer.
“Yeah, and this time, you’ll dance to my tunes, Micheal” he said.
“What the hell are you talking about? I don’t have the time for your I will kill you rap right now. As you can see, I have a body to dispose” she replied and made to lift the body to her shoulder…
“I see you’re running errands for Death already, congratulations, little man” Malik spoke again.
“What exactly do you want?” Adeline glared again, dangerously this time.
“Your screams” Malik replied and tried grabbing her throat, but Adeline was fast to step back, then she kicked him on the legs.
Shockingly, Malik’s feet left the ground, and he fell on his face to the ground with a thud.
“You fucker!” He groaned as his jaw nearly dislocated.
Before Adeline could balance herself, the other two grabbed her.
One held her by the arms and the other took her legs.
“What the fûck are you guys trying? Let go bastards! Let go!!” She struggled, but they’re a lot stronger, and her struggles amounted to nothing.
Malik stood from the ground, his jaw bruised from the fall.
“Shall we?” He smiled, coming closer.
“What the hell are you planning to do? Huh? Weasel tell your dogs to let go of me!” Adeline shouted.
“I’d like to check if your dîck is as useful as your mouth” Malik replied, and Adeline’s heart skipped beats.
“Don’t try it!”
The ones holding her held her tighter, and she cringed.
“Let’s check how small your cock is first. The smaller it is, the bigger your beatings would be” Malik replied, and her eyes widened as he touched the bands of her trousers.
“Malik stop! Malik I’ll kill you! Malik, Malik!!!!!!!” She screamed as he dragged down her jeans…
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