By Naomi Cindy B.

“Malik stop! Malik I’ll kill you! Malik, Malik!!!!!!!” She screamed as he dragged down her jeans, revealing her multicolored male boxers.

Adeline felt her blood evaporating over the top, and her breaths got lost somewhere in her throat as her eyes nearly popped.

“Now to the real deal” Malik grinned and made to take off the boxers too, but a kick suddenly came from the side, landing on his face.


Malik flew to a nearby oak tree, his back hitting the wood so hard that when he landed back on the ground, he was bleeding from the mouth.

The two holding Adeline quickly let go of her as they saw who it is.

It’s Jinx and Poe, and Jinx is the one who threw the kick.

Right now, Jinx’s eyes are brewing fire, ready to burn Malik to the ground.

Adeline quickly pulled back her jeans before standing, immediately getting the surprise of her life when she saw the girls.

“You two…” Poe said, walking to the other two guys.

“The second master ordered us” The first one said boldly, still stepping back though.

“Master Igor?” Poe replied.

“Yes! Don’t try to interfere at all” the second one added, and in the next minute, Poe threw a punch his way.

He avoided it by swaying aside, but Poe outsmarted him by using her leg this time, literally kicking him like a ball.

He landed beside Malik, and she did the same to the second guy.

That one landed far away from them.

Malik stood with bloody mouth, but before he could gather his breaths, Jinx was already with him.

She grabbed him by the neck, and he immediately knuckled her stomach..

That didn’t stop her though, cos she started strangling him, her home on his neck getting murderous.

“Jinx!” Poe quickly started trying to pull her back, but Jinx looks too mad to listen.

Meanwhile, Adeline has an interesting look on her face as she watched the beating.

Her eyes are on Jinx’s fingers, and she’s silently mastering the position of each finger on the guy’s neck, learning how to choke masterfully.

Earlier when Poe kicked them too, she made sure to pay attention to the manner at which she raised her leg, and she’d surely do it if need comes for it.

“Jinx!” Poe continued trying to tear her away from Malik who’s nearly dead right now, but Jinx stayed adamant, determined to waste him.

“Remember what happens if you kill a mobster unjustly? You’ll get killed! Jinx!” Poe pulled again, and this time, Jinx let go.

Malik fell on his butt with a reddish purple neck, and more blood is pouring out of his mouth right now.

He backed the tree, redness covering his shirt in the front.

“Killing him won’t be unjust, how dare he mess with Master’s boy?” Jinx breathed harshly.

“We both know you’re not like this only because he’s Master’s boy, but because of your blind crush on him” Poe said straight, and Jinx calmed more.

“Don’t fuçking judge me” she said.

“I’m not, I’m just telling you killing Malik would make the hate between Igor and Death stronger. Let that sink in and let’s go” Poe said.

Jinx released a calm breath afterwards, then she walked fast to Adeline who’s still fantasizing over her newly learnt skills


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