He arrived at their cars after twenty minutes run through the forest, and he placed Adeline inside the black wagon, waiting for the others.
He only had to wait for a minute before Jinx and Poe arrived with their team.
They lost two mobsters, and they’re carrying their bodies on their shoulders.
They placed the bodies at the back of the truck, then Loud appeared with his team.
They lost just one person, and that one person is on Loud’s shoulder.
Jinx gasped immediately, but Madden kept his face straight despite the fact that he already knows who that body belongs to.
Loud has hot tears in his eyes as he dropped the body in the truck too.
It’s Nikolai!
He was shot on the chest, directly in the heart.
“Niko!!” Jinx cried out, covering her mouth.
That only made Loud’s tears go louder , and he sat on the ground, letting it all out.
Poe kept her face frozen, seeming uninterested in the ongoing sorrow.
Her eyes are on Madden’s shot arm, and she hates Micheal more for it.
How could he allow Madden to get hurt when he could have protected him?
She saw Adeline’s unconscious body in the car, and she scoffed, wishing he died instead of his unconscious state.
“Over” Madden finally spoke, entering the car.
The others started entering the other cars too, and Jinx had to pull Loud up.
She entered the truck with him, and they stayed with the dead bodies throughout the drive back to the clan.
Loud didn’t stop crying, and when they drove into the clan one hour later, the other mobsters were already waiting to hear the good news.
Trixie and Sin are waiting with them, but immediately Madden came out of the car, they knew things didn’t go well.
They could feel the dead energy around him, and when the others began coming out too, they lost hope completely.
The truck was opened, and the two bodies were dragged out together with Nikolai’s.
“What the fûck!” Trixie gasped.
“Shit” Sin muttered, his eyes wide.
Madden himself took Adeline’s body out of the car, and their eyes widened more.
“Michael too? No!!” Trixie cried.
Kimberly rushed into the crowd, and when she saw Adeline’s body in Madden’s arms, she went crazy.
She almost lost her senses and ran to take the body from him, but Sin’s words stopped her…
“I don’t think he’s dead” Sin said.
The nurses at the clinic appeared with stretchers, and they made to take Adeline from Madden…
“Will take care of him myself” he told them off, and they stepped back.
“Bury the bodies” he ordered the other mobsters before leaving the circle, heading for the manor.
Poe was dishing him malicious looks as he walked, folding her fists.
Kimberly wouldn’t stop staring too, praying with everything in her for her sister’s safety.
Loud sat beside Nikolai’s body, crying bitterly as he called his name repeatedly.
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