Adeline came to an halt immediately she heard the scream.

She’s still on her way to the room with Andrei, but the voice she just heard sounded like Kimberly’s.

“Walk” Andrei said behind her, and she resumed walking.

“Igor ruin me please!! Don’t fuçking stop!” The scream came again, and she stopped again.

She nearly went back to the living room, but then she shook off the thoughts.

That can never be Kimberly.

She entered the room she’ll be spending the night at, and Andrei snatched her phone from her immediately.

“The fûck are you doing!” She made to take it back…

“It’ll stay with me till we’re done with the mission tomorrow, and you better not pull any stunt with Death. If this plan goes awry because of you, then I won’t wait for Igor to kill you. I’ll waste you myself” he cruelly said, and Adeline smirked.

“Now that I’m in your team like Igor wanted, you’re still feeling insecure? Then return me to my real boss”

“Goodnight” Andrei scowled before exiting the room.

Adeline quickly locked the door, backing it.

“He’s just as annoying as Igor himself” she muttered, sighing out before falling on the bed.

She doesn’t like the smell here at all. It smells like camphor, and it’s upsetting.

Nothing beats her own purple scent or the smell of snow…

No… That’s going too far.

She shut her eyes, remembering Madden’s view-once message and hoping things will go well tomorrow.



The private jet took off three hours ago, and there are just three people inside.

Andrei, Igor and Adeline herself.

She couldn’t even take her bath in Igor’s suite for the fear of getting caught, so she had to go on board without bathing.

Thankfully, she had her bath at her bathroom last night, so that should still cover for her till they’ll arrive at America, and she’s hoping with all of her heart that they won’t go near Colorado at all.

Going back there will reopen memories, and she might space out again.

That can’t happen.

For the first time in her life, she entered a private jet, but it’s insane that there’s no phone with her to snap pictures and keep memories.

To hell with Andrei for that.

She felt sleepy throughout the flight, but she dare not sleep.

What if she does and Andrei finds out her gender while sleeping?

Andrei has been behaving annoying than Igor himself, and his eyes hasn’t left her since the start of the flight.

When the only attendant in the jet brought them snacks, she took walnut cake, and as she ate, it reminded her of little Angelika.

She was about to take the second bite when she saw Andrei’s eyes on herself again, and she sighed, dropping the cake.

“Can you stop staring at me before I choke? I’m not gonna jump off the jet and run away” she rolled eyes.

Igor retrieved his gun immediately, aiming for her.

“Killing you and throwing out your body for the birds is nothing, so watch how you talk, else you’ll become bird food” he threatened, and Adeline smiled daringly.

“You need me, isn’t that why you brought me along? Your brother trained me but you’re using me, you should be ashamed” Adeline boldly replied, and Igor shot the gun.

Adeline quickly ducked, and the bullet hit the backrest of her seat.

Andrei stood and walked to her, punching her hard across the face.

“Don’t speak” He glared.

Adeline spranged up and almost punched Andrei back when Igor attacked too, throwing her off.

She landed on the ground far from them, but she stood back swiftly, dusting her shirt.

She wants to rip Igor and Andrei apart right now, but that’d ruin plans, and she can’t risk it.

“You’re daring, and it’s making your days shorter” Igor smiled cruelly.

The announcement of their arrival came, and the jet landed in an airfield.

The three came out together, and they entered a ride that’s already waiting for them.

Luckily for her, they’re not in Colorado… It’s Alaska.

They’re in Alaska, North America.

An hour drive brought them to a Lodge 247 Hotel, and it seems Igor booked rooms for them already.

Igor got his personal room, but instead of two more rooms, there’s just one room for her and Andrei.

“And why are we sharing one room?” Adeline queried.

“You’re not to be trusted, yeah?” Andrei replied, sitting on the bed and taking off his shoes.

“Whatever, so when are we meeting with the target? Is he coming here to meet us or are we going meet him ourselves?” She asked, crossing her arms.

“I’m not sharing information with you. Don’t you get it? You’re only an addition to this team and your job is to follow orders whenever they come” he replied.

“I don’t like you” Adeline said, backing the wall.


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