Andrei stood. “I don’t like anyone” he replied.

“Including Maya? Loud told me something very interesting” Adeline replied, and Andrei threw a punch her way.

Adeline went down, so the punch didn’t meet her, but then she swiftly swirled her leg, crapping Andrei’s legs from the ground with it.

Andrei fell on the bed but stood fast, same time with her.

They ran into each other with the intention of tearing each other apart, but then the fire alarm rang.

“To everyone in all the rooms, vacate the hotel right now! There’s a fire! There’s a fire at the fifth floor!” The announcement came loudly.

They’re at the fifth floor!

“Shit!” Andrei rushed out of the room, but the fire is not a joke.

It covered the second and third room already, and there are smokes everywhere. Choky smokes.

Andrei plugged his nose with his fingers, then he ran over to Igor’s room.

The smokes are more choky over there, and it’s worse cos the door is locked from the inside.

“Igor!! Igor!!!!” He yelled, hitting himself on the door.

“Get him out!!!” He yelled at no one in particular.

The hotel staffs appeared with protective masks and electric chainsaw machines.

The electric door was cut down, and Andrei ran inside to meet Igor almost unconscious on the floor, coughing out his guts.

The smokes has choked him so brutally, and his eyes are mad red with his whole face.

“Igor!” Andrei dragged him up as the staffs began pouring water into the room to calm the smokes.

“The laptop…get the laptop” Igor told Andrei with difficulty.

Andrei’s head snapped towards the bed, but the laptop is gone.

“There’s no laptop” he said, and Igor spranged up.

He almost turned the room upside down in search of it. It contains every information about tomorrow meeting with the target.

There’s really no laptop.

“Wait…where’s Michael?” Andrei suddenly remembered, and Igor’s eyes widened.

“I told you to keep an eye on him!”

“I did, trust me I did!”

Igor ran out of the room, and Andrei followed.

They raced to the second room where they saw the windows widely open.

A thick cabled rope is tied to the window sill, and they both rushed there only to see Adeline going down using the rope.

The laptop is tucked inside her trousers. She actually snuck unnoticed into Igor’s room when Andrei was busy reviving him earlier.

“You fuçking bastard!!” Igor yelled.

Andrei ran insanely out of that floor with the plan to get to the ground floor before Adeline.

Igor searched for what to cut the rope with without success, but then he remembered his lighter.

Since it’s a cabled rope, it’d burn.

He turned on the lighter and set fire on the rope, letting it burn.

“Told you not to effing mess with me” he muttered as he watched it burn.

Adeline has only gotten to the middle of the rope when the rope burned round, making it cut.

“Shit! Fûck!!” She shrieked with her heart in her mouth as she began falling.

The warm Alaska hair winded her hair all-over her face, and she’s sure she’d break her backbone immediately she lands on the ground… That’s a no-brainer.

She held the laptop tightly, making sure to secure it with her life as she shut her eyes, expecting to land on the ground and crack her head open.


Instead of the ground, she landed in safe, strong muscular arms, and before she could even open her eyes, he spoke…

“Good girl”





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