By Cassie B.


A ROAD, 7PM***

Lauren came out of the store, holding a white nylon in her hand. She hummed a song as she walked around the busy streets.

She turned to a corner and started walking in a dark alley, still humming a song absentmindedly.

All of a sudden, she heard some shuffling sounds behind her and she froze on the spot immediately.

She turned her head sideways, looking at her back in fright but saw no one. She heaved a sigh before continuing her journey.

She was almost getting to her home when a hand suddenly grabbed her. A startled scream left her lips and her eyes grew wide in terror when she saw who held her.

It was a hefty guy, looking drunk. His eyes raked her body and he licked his lips which felt disgusting to her.

“What do you think you are doing?” She asked in a steady voice, trying to calm her racy heart.

Her eyes widened to the size of an orange when she saw other guys appearing just behind the drunk guy. That was when she realized that he wasn’t alone!

“Aaahhhhhh,” she screamed and jerked her hand from him. She turned and took to her heels immediately.

As she ran, she couldn’t stop looking at her back, watching in fright as the men chased after her.

Just when she got to the gate of her house, a hand pulled her to a hard thing… Was it a rock, she wasn’t sure.

Her face was pressed on the hard rock like she guessed and in some seconds, she started hearing groans of pain.

After a while, everything suddenly died down and slowly, her face was released and she moved her head away from the hard rock.

“Are you okay?” Kylie asked, which shocked her.

“I’m fine…” She stuttered.

“Are you sure? Did they hurt you?” Kylie asked again.

“No,” she breathed out, touching her chest which was still beating violently.

She turned her eyes and a gasp escaped her lips when she saw two of the guys on the floor, unconscious already.

“What did…” She turned to him.

Kylie only shrugged before inserting his hands into his hoodie.

“I just had to teach them a lesson. And, don’t walk alone at night, it’s pretty dangerous,” he muttered and walked past her.

“Erm… Kylie?” Lauren called.

Kylie turned to her.

“Do you stay around here?” She asked.

“Yea… I guess we’ll be seeing each other pretty often,” he flashed a smile at her before finally walking away.

Lauren quickly rushed inside the house for the fear of the men waking up again.



Axel squinted his eyes, heaving a soft sigh. His head was against something soft, very soft and it felt comfortable for him.

He smiled before opening his eyes and the first thing that beheld his eyes was the face of his girlfriend, sleeping soundly.

He was still on her chest and her arms were around his neck. She looked extra beautiful as she slept and he shifted higher to stare at her face.

He leaned closer and placed a short kss on her lips. Melanie moved a bit and licked her lips, he chuckled at that.

“Bae,” he called slowly.

“Hmm,” Melanie hummed sleepily.

“It’s night already,” his eyes went to the clock on the nightstand.

“Past eight,” he muttered.

Melanie’s eyes flew open instantly and she stood up, Axel falling to the bed in the process.

“8pm??” She yelled in fright.

She stood up from the bed and began pacing around the room, biting her lips nervously.

What’s her Mom going to say? And her Dad? Where would she tell them she was?

“Bae,” Axel called, getting down from the bed.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“My Mom is gonna freak out, it’s late and I’m not back home yet. She’s gonna be mad,” Melanie said.

“I’m sure my phone is gonna be full of her calls,” she rushed to her phone which was lying peacefully on the bed.

She picked it and unlocked it immediately. To her surprise, her Mom hasn’t called her.

“Has she called?” Axel asked, moving to her.

“No, that’s weird,” Melanie whispered.

(Search for groceryoclock. com on google to read very interesting Korea and supernatural stories).


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