Tamlin rushed to one of the students, pulling her roughly by the hair.

“Tell me what’s going on.” He demanded.

“A post appeared on the university homepage by 8, and apparently, Twilight had many abortions for Professor Slade. She’s dating many lecturers too, and there’s an evidence…A video showing how she came out of Slade’s elevator and took her panty from him” the student explained.

“What!” Tamlin’s gasped, and Twilight quickly got her phone, visiting the school homepage.

Truly, she’s the new celebrity with numerous names.

Abortionee, Baby Killer, Pink Panther, Sèx Toy.

The names were much, and she couldn’t believe her eyes as every saliva in her mouth went dry.

Without waiting, she started running to her tower.

“Twilight!” Tamlin was about to follow her when Ruslan appeared.

“Imogen is not awake yet” He broke the news, and Tamlin’s eyes widened.

“Take me to Slade, I’ll apologize on her behalf.” Ruslan said.

Posey and Ren rushed over too, fear evident in her eyes.

“Twilight is currently getting disgraced and we’re supposed to be enjoying her disgrace with Imogen right now but she’s sleeping at the infirmary like a log. Take us to Slade and we’ll apologize on our knees” Posey said.

“One more degrading word about Twilight, I’ll kill you” Tamlin warned, and Posey went quiet.

“Take us to Slade at least” Ren said.

“Your parents aren’t even acting concerned. Lord Vann is busy with investigation, and Lady Lorraine is celebrating in her office” Ruslan said.

“There’s no Slade anymore, he’s dead” Tamlin replied, and the three couldn’t close their mouths as Tamlin left them.



Getting there opened another disgrace door for Twilight cos it’s like they’ve been waiting for her to show up.

Molly led all the gangs in that tower, and they’re all flashing her face with their phone torchlight, almost blinding her.

“How did Slade’s dîck feel inside you? That’s the only explanation I want” Molly grinned.

“Of course…who cares about the other lecturers you fuçked or the abortions you did, we just want a description of Slade’s dîck. Did you suck it?” Another girl questioned.

Twilight was gulping emptiness as her legs turned sticky with her heels, and as she witnessed their rants, torchligh, questions, mocking faces, screams and everything, she felt lightheaded.

She felt like throwing up, and at the same time, she felt like passing out.

She has read this in a book before, it’s called ‘bullying’, and whoever did this to her is probably enjoying right now.

She nearly started crying, hoping Tamlin could just come and take her, but it didn’t happen.

_Run_ the voice in her head spoke for the first time in a long time, and she didn’t wait anymore before running out of the tower.

The students went after her, throwing stones and screaming her name around the castle.

None of the stones met her anyways, till she was lucky to sneak into one of the gardens.

She was already crying when she arrived there, but her tears poured more when Echo, Rihannon and Damien sneaked in too.

“Twi!” Echo rushed to her, and Twilight willingly opened her arms for the hug.

Echo engulfed her in a tight hug while stroking her hair.

“I’m so sorry” she consoled as Twilight cried on her shoulders.

“Hey chill” Rihannon said, patting her back gently.

Damien just stood in place, watching them silently.

“Are you sure you didn’t really sleep with Slade? That night after we came back from the bar,…” He suddenly said.

“That was the night it happened” Twilight said truthfully, breaking the hug with Echo.

“What! It really happened? I thought the pink panty video was edited” Echo said.

“It’s true, but I swear I didn’t do abortions. I only just resumed this school two weeks ago how is that even possible. They’re lying” Twilight cried.

“The abortions and the sleeping around part is obviously a lie only a fool like Molly and her gang will believe, but the Slade part, why would you hook up with him?” Rihannon said.

“It’s…it’s complicated. I didn’t do it cos I’m obsessed with him or anything. Please believe me” Twilight shook her head.

“I believe you, trust me” Echo said.

“I believe you too” Damien said.

“But whatever the reason is, you better make sure it doesn’t happen again. As you can see, Slade is not someone you can get intimate with without getting hurt” Rihannon said.

“I promise to be more careful, thanks for not ostracizing me” Twilight sniffled, and Echo began wiping her tears.

“But they won’t let you off the hook easily, especially Molly. You’re even lucky that Imogen is currently unconscious, cos if she was available, she and her dogs would have been worse than Molly’s gang” Rihannon said.

“The school management won’t keep quiet too. You should get ready to be questioned by Lady Lorraine tomorrow” Damien added, and Twilight gulped.

Why is everything getting complicated even after his death?


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