The dinner is just getting over, and the maid called Twilight over to take her gown and bra.
It’s all dried, so she changed back into it before coming out again.
By the time she got out, everyone is gone from the dinning room.
_To the balcony. Take the right and go down the hall, then open the first door_ the voice in her head spoke to her.
She went that direction and opened the door, only to meet Slade there.
He’s leaning on the balcony, holding a plate of cake which he’s eating from with a fork.
The voice in her head is probably starting to get high cos why would it lead her to this man?
However, she entered the balcony and stood beside him.
He didn’t look at her at all, he just continued eating the black cake.
“You seem to like cake” she said.
“And you seem to like fish. You almost ate all the tuna fish at the dinning table. Fruit juice too” he replied blankly, still not looking her way.
She made faces, resting her arms on the rails.
“You’re oddly gentle tonight” she said.
“We’ve gotten to the point where you notice everything about me” he said.
“Don’t flatter yourself” she rolled eyes.
“So you prefer my wicked side? I can switch it up for you” he finally faced her.
“Don’t try it. I’ve seen enough” she rolled eyes again, and he took the cup beside himself, drinking from his dilution.
When he made to drop it, Twilight took it and drank too.
“It’s sweet. You like sweet things” she squeezed her face as she dropped the cup.
“It’s black coffee and tequila mixture, sprinkled with sugar.” He said.
“Black coffee and… tequila? You diluted the two? You’re sick, Killa” she said, and he secretly smiled.
He hasn’t really liked the name since his mother began calling him that, but maybe it’s not that bad.
“What do you mean by my descendants are betrayers?” She suddenly asked.
“Go ask your father” he replied.
“But you can tell me too! Why is everyone hiding!” She snapped.
“You do not snap at me! I’ll fuçking snap your neck!” He glared, pushing the glass cup and cake aside.
“Then tell me what!” She snapped again, and he instantly grabbed her by the throat, slamming her back on the rails.
“Fûck!” She gasped, concentrating on his eyes as it shone the dark-gold.
“Watch it, little one. I can decide to flip the switch anytime” he muttered.
“Time to leave, the car is ready” Uriel came into the balcony.
Slade released her neck, and she scoffed, rubbing her throat.
Slade left the balcony, and Uriel handed her the sweater the wore earlier.
“He doesn’t wear things that has been worn by others, so you can have it” he said.
“You both are the same, your personality sucks!” She rolled eyes, snatching the sweater from him.
They left the balcony together, saying bye to Grandpa Cedric before leaving for the park.
Grandpa Cedric watched as they got in the car which immediately drove out, and he sighed out .
“I wish there’s another way” he mumbled.
The little time Twilight spent here is enough to make anyone like her.
He likes her so much already, so watching that sweet girl die because of his grandson’s curse is sad.
He sighed sadly again before going back inside.
Twilight stormed out of the car immediately it stopped at the castle park, and she didn’t wait for Slade or Uriel before waltzing away.
She got a text from Echo while in the car that dinner is still going on, so she’d just go meet them at the refectory.
“Grandpa Cedric was only trying to console her earlier, you know there’s no other way unless you kill her” Uriel said as he came down from the car with Slade.
“I said I’ll bring your food to your room for you!” Ruslan’s voice suddenly said, and they both turned to see him rushing after Tamlin.
“I need to go see her at the refectory at least” Tamlin replied, walking faster towards the refectory.
Ruslan ran after him.
Slade started going towards the refectory too, and Uriel followed.
“By the way why is your hair down? It’s always slick-back” He said.
“I suddenly like it down” Slade replied, and Uriel went silent.
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