Tamlin went down in the middle of the ruins, and the table pieces all fell on his head, covering him completely.
“Tammy!!” Ruslan screamed horrifically, and every eyes in the refectory almost popped out of their sockets as they stared at the ruins.
For one minute straight, it’s like everyone lost their senses cos no one moved, till Twilight gasped.
“Tamlin!” Imogen and Ruslan rushed to the ruins eventually, and they began taking the table pieces away.
Twilight wanted to join them, but Imogen blocked her.
“Do not come close to my brother!” She glared before returning to the exercise.
Posey, Ren, and some other students joined them to lift the woods.
Twilight turned to where Slade is standing, and she saw him collecting his ring from Uriel already.
He inserted the ring back into his finger, and right in front of everyone, his stab wounds closed up .
Without waiting again, he walked out of the refectory with Uriel, and Twilight immediately followed them.
And that was when students began getting their voices back.
“Ok…that was scary” Rihannon swallowed.
“He never ceases to amaze me, but Tamlin started it” Echo said.
“I don’t care what anyone says, but I like Slade.” Damien smiled, sitting back and taking from his croissants to eat.
Echo and Rihannon looked at him, then they returned their stares to each other.
It’s not new though. They both know Damien hates Tamlin so if anyone is the happiest about what just happened, then it’s Damien.
The students finally finished taking the wood pieces away, and Tamlin’s face finally came to view.
His head has so many wounds from the crash, even his arms, and they’re all bleeding.
“Geez, hope he doesn’t land in coma” Echo muttered, her eyes focused on Ruslan as he carried Tamlin on his back.
If anyone will get mostly affected by Tamlin’s current condition, then it’s Ruslan, so she’s inwardly praying for Tamlin’s quick recovery as he was taken out.
Slade and Uriel have barely walked for two minutes when Twilight obstructed their way suddenly, making them stop.
“Get away” Uriel glared and made to go closer to her, but Slade’s eye roll stopped him.
“I’ll wait in front of this building” Uriel said, glaring at Twilight again before leaving.
“Yes?” Slade spoke, slicing out the word sternly.
“Why would you do that? You know you’re stronger than him with or without the ring. You knew he was gonna get badly hurt, but you still did it” she said, and his eyes darkened.
“You crossed me to question my actions? And it’s not even about just anybody, it’s about that guy? He asked for rain, and I gifted him with rainstorm, aren’t I generous?” He smirked.
“You’re only generous when it comes to evilness and we both know it. What if he falls into coma?” She replied.
“That’d be much appreciated, for ten fuçking years” he replied.
“Killa!” She snapped.
“I made it clear at the estate, you do not snap at me. I’ll kill you” he replied, and she came closer, her chin lifted.
“You won’t. At least not now” she muttered confidently, and he smirked again.
“That will happen the next time you come to me like this to question my actions like this. I’d like to see how beautiful your head would look on a stake” he muttered, and her heart skipped beats, but despite her fear, she voiced out.
“I hate you, it’s not not funny. I hate you so fuçking much” she said.
“Say it again” he growled wildly, coming closer.
She backed off, taking three steps away from him.
“I hate you, it’s making me sick.” she muttered, turning around and walking away from him till she disappeared down the hall.
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